April 3, 2006


The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, April 3, 2006.  Present were Supervisor Banks, Commissioner Harned, Commissioner Lent, Commissioner Staats and Commissioner Nolan.  Chief Laurence Saulpaugh and Robert Desmond were also present.


Supervisor Banks opened the meeting with a moment of silent prayer for Alfred Mastro, Past Clermont Fire Chief and the salute to the flag. Commissioner Harned made a motion; seconded by Commissioner Staats to waive the reading of the minutes as copies were provided and to accept them.  All in favor.  So carried.


Chief Laurence Saulpaugh gave the March report:


1.      3/1/06 – Barn Fire on Pleasantvale Road – Mutual aid from Tivoli, Red Hook, Germantown, Livingston and Elizaville.

2.      3/1/06 – Rekindle at Pleasantvale Road barn fire

3.      3/3/06 – AAPI on route 9G

4.      3/13/06 – Report of possible fire on Commons Road – unfounded

5.      3/17/06 – Shed fire on County Route 6

6.      3/21/06 – Brush fire on Cedar Hill Road

7.      3/28/06 – Good intent call, controlled burn on Route 9

8.      3/29/06 – Brush fire on Moore Road, controlled burn, out of control


Drill for the month on 3/27/06 at airport, pump operations.


After the Pleasantvale Road fire, one fireman was checked out at the emergency room and released.

Truck #604 had pump and transmission problems but has been serviced and all problems are resolved.  The other trucks have been serviced.

There is a meeting with Iroquois Pipeline at Kozels on 4/13/06 at 5:30 P.M. at Kozels Restaurant in Ghent which Supervisor Banks and Chief Saulpaugh will be attending.  Commissioner Lent said it might be necessary to update our Emergency Preparedness Plan, depending on the information from the meeting. 


Clermont Firemen attended the wake for Alfred Mastro and the family requested a truck in the procession.  Supervisor Banks stated that the flag be flown at half-staff until Thursday at the Town Hall and also at the Firehouse.


There was discussion on the purchase of a new fire truck.  A notice will be placed in the paper for bids to be returned on Monday, May 1, 2006 at 6:30 P.M.  A motion was made by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Lent for the Fire Company to put a bid out for a new fire truck to meet the specifications as required.   All in favor.  So carried.


Page 2                                      Town Board Meeting                            April 3, 2006


Received a letter from Al Trezza informing the Town that an executed lease from the Fire Company to the Town and Bargain and Sale Deed from the Clermont Fire District to the Clermont Fire Company #1 have been sent to Richard Koweek, Attorney for the Fire Company for filing with the Columbia County Clerk’s office.


The Fire Company will be closing this Thursday with construction to start shortly on the building to house fire trucks on Route 9G.


Commissioner Nolan inquired about financing by bond or whatever measure to secure funds prior to accepting the bid for the new fire truck. Will it require a referendum?  Will it be a lease or purchase?  The full cost of the truck will not be financed for the purchase of the truck, as there have been funds set aside each year for the last few years for capital projects.  Supervisor Banks will work on the funding through a BAN.


Commissioner Harned explained the point totals for 2005 for the Length of Service Awards Program.  The point’s list will be posted at the firehouse and the personnel will have thirty days to dispute any points.   If there is no dispute the list will be accepted.  A motion was made by Commissioner Nolan to approve the list for LOSAP 2005 points.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Staats.  Commissioner Harned abstained from voting.  The other Commissioners and Supervisor Banks were all ayes.  So carried.


A motion was made by Commissioner Nolan to accept Fire Abstract #4 for payment in the amount of $10,342.07, seconded by Commissioner Harned.  All in favor.  So carried.


A motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Staats, seconded by Commissioner Lent at 6:55 P.M.  All in favor.  So carried.


Respectfully submitted,



Mary Helen Shannon

Fire District Secretary