The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, September 13, 2004 at 6:30 P.M. Supervisor Pelletier opened the meeting. Present were Commissioner Staats, Commissioner Harned and Commissioner Tousey. Commissioner Lent was absent. Also present were Chief Laurence Saulpaugh and 2 nd Assistant Chief Mark Schiller.

A motion was made to waive the reading of the minutes, as copies were provided and to approve them by Commissioner Staats, seconded by Commissioner Harned. All in favor. So carried.

Chief Saulpaugh gave the report for August: (copy attached)

There were six calls for the month:

The drill for the month was on pump operations at the airport pond. Other activities included parking for the Clermont Town Barbecue on August 14 th.

Truck #604 is having hose and rods in pumper replaced and gauges are to be replaced. The rods are $1000. Each.

The DEC grant deadline is September 30 and the application was received too late to apply.

Commissioner Harned reported on the Length of Service Awards Program. We budgeted $46,500 for payment this year. Of that amount $2500 is for administrative fees and the amount due for the payment is $$39,576. We are putting in an additional $4424 towards lowering our total amount payable.

A motion was made by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Staats to approve the September abstract for payment, vouchers #89-101 in the amount of $49465.9l. All in favor. So carried.

Commissioner Harned recommended that when budgeting for next years fire budget we consider budgeting for the proposed building at the Station #2 firehouse on Firehouse Road.

A motion was entertained for adjournment by Supervisor Pelletier, seconded by Commissioner Staats at 6: 55 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Helen Shannon