March 6, 2006


The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, March 6, 2006.  Present were Supervisor Banks, Commissioner Harned, Commissioner Lent, Commissioner Staats and Commissioner Nolan.  Chief Laurence Saulpaugh, Robert Desmond and Robert Corey were also present.


Supervisor Banks opened the meeting with a salute to the flag.  Commissioner Harned made a motion; seconded by Commissioner Staats to waive the reading of the minutes as copies were provided and to accept them.  All in favor.  So carried.


Chief Saulpaugh gave the report for February.

There were six calls as follows:

1.      Water problem – Route 9G on 2/1/06

2.      Chimney/Mantle fire on Fire House Road on 2/6/06

3.      Controlled burn on Route 9G on 2/10/06

4.      Fuel truck fire on Cemetery Road on 2/13/06

5.      AAPD on County Route 8 on 2/17/06

6.      Controlled burn on Route 9G on 2/21/06

A drill was held on 2/27/06 on blood born pathogens.


There was a barn fire on Pleasantvale Road which will be on the March report in which part of a storage barn was lost, however the main barn structure was saved.  There was no water on site, but mutual aid from Tivoli, Red Hook, Livingston and Germantown with their pumpers was called.  They brought water from the Clermont Airport.  One firefighter was checked out at the hospital and released.  The fan clutch on Truck #604 had to be repaired and a section of hose was lost and will be replaced.


Chief Saulpaugh has seen three vendors regarding the purchase of a new truck.  There is an expected increase on the cost of engines, and in order to avoid this increase, a truck must be ordered before June 1st.  The increase is expected to be as much as $15,000.  This truck will replace the 1967 truck.


A motion was made by Commissioner Staats, seconded by Commissioner Lent to approve Fire Abstract #3, vouchers #21-33, in the amount of $3,176.78.  Commissioner Nolan opposed.  All others approved.  Passed unanimously.  So carried.


A motion was made to adjourn at 7:00 P.M. on a motion made by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Lent.  All in favor.  So carried.


Respectfully submitted,


Mary Helen Shannon

Fire District Secretary