June 5, 2006


The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, June 5, 2006.  Present were Commissioner Harned, Commissioner Lent, Commissioner Staats and Commissioner Nolan.  Supervisor Banks was absent.  Chief Laurence Saulpaugh, Bruce Unson, Charles Larsen and Richard Roth of the Independent were also present.


In Supervisor Banks absence, Commissioner Harned opened the meeting with a salute to the flag. A motion was made by Commissioner Nolan, seconded by Commissioner Staats to accept the May 1 minutes and May 9 Special Meeting minutes.  All in favor.  So carried.


The Chief gave the following report for May 2006:


·         Brush fire – Moore Road

·         Fire alarm activation – Buckwheat Bridge Road

·         Lift assist for Northern Dutchess Paramedics – County Route 6

·         Wire down, traffic control – Woods Road

·         Structure Fire – County Route 6

·         Automobile accident/personal injury – Route 9


Drill was held on 5/22/06 at the firehouse on Route 9 in preparation for AVEC course.


Larry has checked on purchase of furnace for Station #1 at N & S Supply.  A certified dealer must purchase hot air furnaces.  Would have to ask John Halterman to make the purchase.  Discussed service contracts and whether there are any for oil burners in town buildings and procurement policy for purchases.


Commissioner Harned thanked Judith Neary, Robert Desmond and Mary Helen Shannon for their help with the referendum held on May 25th for the new fire truck.  He reported that Supervisor Banks has been checking with lending institutions on the borrowing of $100,000 for the truck, probably in December or January.  The Commissioners signed Resolution #6 for the year regarding the purchase and allocation of funds for the purchase of the fire truck.


Commissioner Nolan questioned the payment of utilities on the fire abstract, specifically electric and fuel oil, as the recently signed lease signed between the Town and the Fire Company states that the Fire Company will be responsible for the utilities, as the Fire District is now paying $2000 per month for leasing the building for the fire trucks.   The payment of fuel oil and electric will be turned over to the Fire Company.


The old truck bays at Station #2 is expected to be down by July 4 and the trucks will be relocated to the town garage on County Route 33 and Station #1.


June 5, 2006                            Fire Commissioners Meeting                             Page 2


A motion was made by Commissioner Lent, seconded by Commissioner Staats to approve Fire Abstract #6, vouchers 66-79 in the amount of $5,189.23, including two

National Grid invoices and one invoice for Long Heating and Cooling, which will be reimbursed.  All in favor.  So carried.


A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Staats, seconded by Commissioner Lent.  All in favor.  So carried.


Respectfully submitted,



Mary Helen Shannon

Fire District Secretary