Aldus & Jon Francescott – Co. Rte 6 Clare and Clifford Yasutake – Cemetery Road

Richard Bump – Hog Trough Road Kenneth Casamento – Co. Route 6

John and Nora Moran – Commons Road


JULY 11, 2007

The Clermont Planning Board held public hearings and its regular meeting on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at the Town Hall. Those members of the Planning Board present were Clayton Andrus, Robert Queirolo, Aldo Dusman, Garret O'Connor and Amandus Fuchs. Chairman Saulpaugh and Dianne O’Neil were absent.

Others present were Aldus Francescott, Clifford and Clare Yasutake, Richard Bump,

Stephen Jaeger, Kenneth Casamento of LRC Group, John and Nora Moran, Robert Desmond, Jay Trapp of D.F. Wheeler Engineer and Irving Minkowitz.

With the absence of Chairman Saulpaugh, Deputy Chairman Clayton Andrus opened the meeting with a salute to the flag.

Mandy Fuchs noted that on Page 2 of the minutes for June, William Phillips may have been misdirected by the board saying to apply for a variance citing a hardship due to the house fire, which occurred shortly after he was in front of this board. Mr. Phillips is citing that the house fire caused a delay in going on with the application according to Bob Desmond of the ZBA. Garret O'Connor made a motion, seconded by Mandy Fuchs to accept the minutes with the correction ‘that the house fire is a hardship but not under the terms of a variance for zoning’. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Mandy Fuchs to close the regular meeting and open the public hearing of Clare and Clifford Yasutake to subdivide a five acre parcel into three parcels on Cemetery Road. The Yasutakes presented deed descriptions of the three lots, as requested, eight copies of the survey map, certified receipts for the mailing to adjoining landowners. Driveway permits are on file. Clayton Andrus asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against this subdivision. There was no response. There were no questions by the board members. A motion was made by Mandy Fuchs, seconded by Aldo Dusman to close the public hearing. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made by Mandy Fuchs to open the public hearing for Aldus and Jon Francescott to subdivide a 28 acre plus parcel with residence and barns from 123 acres more or less on County Route 6. Aldus Francescott presented certified receipts of the mailing to adjoining landowners, seven copies of the survey map and septic system approval for the larger vacant parcel. A driveway permit is on file. A letter was received from Phil Gellert stating that he had no objection to this subdivision. There was no one present to speak for or against this subdivision. The agricultural data statements were


mailed. Clayton went through the SEQRA form and a motion was made by Mandy Fuchs to declare a negative impact, seconded by Aldo Dusman. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Robert Queirolo to close the public hearing and open the regular meeting.

A motion was made by Mandy Fuchs, seconded by Robert Queirolo to re-open the hearing for Yasutake and the SEQRA was reviewed. The proposed action is to subdivide two lots from an existing five-acre property. A motion was made by Mandy Fuchs, seconded by Garret O'Connor to declare a negative impact. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made to close the SEQRA hearing by Mandy Fuchs, seconded by Garret O'Connor. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made to open the regular meeting by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Robert Queirolo. A motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Aldo Dusman to approve the subdivision of Clifford and Clare Yasutake. All in favor. So carried. The maps will be available during the Town Clerks regular hours.

A motion was made by Mandy Fuchs, seconded by Aldo Dusman to approve the Francescott subdivision. All in favor. So carried.

Richard Bump is submitting an application to subdivide eight acres on Hog Trough Road into three parcels: Lot l – 2 acres, Lot 2 – 2.322 acres and Lot 3 – 4 acres with house and barn. Our engineer has reviewed the maps and a letter was just written yesterday with recommendations. Mr. Bump is just receiving a copy tonight. Mr. Bump has received approval from the County Health department on the septic design. The board asked Mr. Bump for the following:

    1. Survey map should reference septic disposal plan.
    2. There should be a second sheet to the disposal plan.
    3. Discuss with Dan Wheeler regarding his recommendations.

The adjoining landowners are noted on the sketch plan, which is sufficient. A motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Robert Queirolo to accept the sketch plan for minor subdivision dated 6/27/07. All in favor. So carried.

John and Nora Moran – Commons Road. Mr. Moran was in several months ago and would like to subdivide a parcel of approximately 4 acres into two parcels. Lot 5 – 1.864 acres with existing house and Lot 6 – 2.06 acres. Mr. Moran has a driveway permit on the new lot and deed descriptions on both lots. There was discussion on the old roadbed, which to the boards knowledge, is in ownership of Alfred Jantzen. When the town wanted to straighten the road, Mr. Jantzen gave the town the property to do so. However, it is not believed that the town retained ownership of the land in between the old road and new road. All the property owners use the old town road as access to their property. There must be a resolution to the ownership to that property before this board can act on


this. Mr. Moran did try to contact Robert Zimmerman, the surveyor and the board suggested he discuss this with Mr. Jantzens surveyor, Marie Welch. Suggested also that he might want to purchase the old roadbed from Mr. Jantzen.

Kenneth Casamento – LRC Group on Route 6 Mountain View Farm property. Mr. Casasmento brought in new maps, environmental testing reports, and new maps showing a stormwater collection system emptying out into the wetlands. The roadside swales were designed with four-foot shoulders. Other drainage is through manholes into pipe. Catch basins are only on cul-de-sac. DEC will see the plans on drainage because they have been working with them on other aspects of the property. Roads will be in and built before house are built and allowed to sit for a time. The environmental report shows where test sites were done and explains what was found in different test sites. For example, low levels of DDE and DDD (page 5) were detected.

They have not received health department approvals as of yet. On the north side, revisions to septic system plans for the health department for visual purposes were made.

Mandy asked about the road agreement with the County, if it has been taken over by County. Ken has not seen any paperwork yet.

Robert Queirolo asked how far down did the test go, what is the depth that would be checked for an area that is going to have wells. Ken responded that typically you do down 16 inches, but for a filled area you test at different levels. Applicant will submit engineering plans to Dan Wheelers office for review.


Mandy found out that the Chairman has the authority to sign maps once they have been approved contingent on something being completed and engineer approved.

Meeting adjourned on a motion made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Robert Queirolo at 9:30 P.M. All in favor. So carried.



Mary Helen Shannon
