JANUARY 3, 2005

The Clermont Town Board held its regular town board meeting on Monday, January 3, 2005 at 7:00 P.M. Those present were Supervisor William E. Banks, Councilman Staats, Councilwoman Lent, Councilman Harned and Councilman Tousey. Others present were Bram Moreinis, Barbara Jean Brisky, Diane O’Neal, Amandus Fuchs, Jr., Robert Desmond, James Potts, Jr., Charles Larsen, Albert Trezza, Town Attorney, George Davis and Laurence Saulpaugh.

Supervisor Banks welcome everyone to the first meeting of 2005. Interviews were held on December 29, 2004 for positions on the Board of Assessment Review, Planning Board and two seats on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Appointments from that meeting are as follows:

Board of Assessment Review – A motion made by Councilman Staats and seconded by Councilwoman Lent to reappoint John D. Halterman IV to the BAR for a term 10/01/04 to 9/30/09. All in favor. So carried.

Planning Board – A motion was made by Councilwoman Lent and seconded by Councilman Staats to reappoint Clayton Andrus for a seven year term 1/1/05 – 12/31/2011. All in favor. So carried.

Zoning Board of Appeals – To fill the unexpired term of Julie Ann Horrocks who has resigned a motion was made by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilwoman Lent to appoint Robert Desmond for a term to expire on 12/31/06. All in favor. So carried.

Zoning Board of Appeals – A motion was made by Councilwoman Lent, seconded by Councilman Staats to appoint Amandus Fuchs, Jr. to a five year term 1/1/05 to 12/31/09 to replace Michael Koukas whose term expired 12/31/04. All in favor. So carried.

Zoning Board of Appeals – A motion was made to appoint an alternate to the ZBA to fill in for a person who may have a conflict or illness. The board appointed James (Hank) Himelright on a motion made by Councilman Staats and seconded by Councilman Tousey for a term of one year. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilwoman Lent to suspend the regular monthly meeting in order to move into the organization meeting for 2005.

(See Organization Meeting Attached)

A motion was made to close the organizational meeting by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilman Harned.


A motion was made by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilman Harned to waive the reading of the minutes of December 6, 2004, Special Meeting of December 20, 2004 and Year End Meeting of December 29, 2004 as copies were provided. All in favor. So carried.



A special board meeting will be held at 7:45 P.M. after the public hearing. A copy of the proposed Code of Ethics was provided for the website.

72 Building Permits issued

42 Certificates of Occupancy

58 C.O. searches which predate letter

2 Remedy orders

6 Courtesy letters


A roll call vote was as follows:

Tousey – nay Lent - aye

Harned – aye Staats – nay

Banks – aye

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Councilwoman Lent, seconded by Councilman Harned to authorize Supervisor Banks to sign all necessary contracts to bring this to be.

All in favor. So carried.

Supervisor Banks will take under advisement, a suggestion that a committee be appointed to oversee the Town’s historic buildings.

Councilman Tousey commented on how nice the walkway to St. Lukes Church is and that the Christmas Party went very well.

Bram Moreinis announced that the Community House Computer Lab will be open on Thursdays from 5 – 7 PM with classes to start at 5:30 P.M. and run until 6:30 P.M.

Councilman Staats has found a leak in the roof at St. Lukes Church which should be repaired.

A motion was made by Councilman Tousey, seconded by Councilman Harned to appoint a steering committee to administer the Greenway Grant. A roll call vote was taken as follows:

Tousey – aye Harned – aye

Lent – nay Staats – nay

Banks – nay

Not Passed


A motion was made by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilman Harned to approve General Abstract #1 for payment – vouchers 1-6 in the amount of $1,962.34. All in favor. So carried.

There was no Highway abstract for January.

Charles Larsen asked if the Board would going to appoint a Chairman for the BBQ committee, as work should begin early. Gary DeLaurentis will be asked to chair the committee.

A motion was made by Councilman Harned, seconded by Councilwoman Lent to adjourn at 9:40 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Helen Shannon

Town Clerk