JANUARY 5, 2004
regular meeting of the Clermont Town Board was held on Monday, January 5, 2004
at 7:00 P.M. In the absence of
Supervisor Broast, Deputy Supervisor Staats opened the meeting. Also present were Councilwoman Lent,
Councilman Harned and Councilman Tousey.
Others present were Richard Livellara, Robert Desmond, Charles Larsen,
Chris Nolan, Bram Moreinis, Vera Brembs, George Davis and Andy Austin, reporter
for the Freeman.
Deputy Supervisor Staats and
the Councilmembers continued with the organizational matters of the board –
copy of which is attached.
A motion was made by
Councilwoman Lent, seconded by Councilman Tousey to waive the reading of the
minutes as copies were provided, and approve them. All in favor. So carried.
Clerk’s report for December, 2003 – A check to the Town in the amount of
from the Register Star and the Independent requesting consideration to be
designated the official town newspaper.
The Register Star has been designated for 2004.
of Towns – Seminar for February 15 – l8 in NYC. Councilwoman Lent and Councilman Tousey have been approved to
Financial Services report for LOSAP investments for November, 2003 which is
Office of Public Security – advising of the Homeland Security department
raising the threat level to Orange (High) on 12/21/03. Also attached was form to submit for any
potential reimbursable expenses associated with this level of alert.
of Real Property Tax service notice of denial of annual aide based on the 2003
assessment roll. The deadline for
appeal is 1/15/04. A copy has been sent
to Assessor Ostrander. It is believed
this is the result of not getting 100% assessment.
of Tivoli – Notice of public hearing on 1/21/04 on proposed local law amending
the zoning map of the Village of Tivoli.
from Warren Replansky, our attorney for the Cell tower application, requesting
an escrow account be established by Cingular Wireless for expenses incurred by
the Town and Planning Board in reviewing the application, etc. Also, copy of
evaluation report by Radio Frequency expert Robert Flower.
of State Comptroller regarding average estimated cost thresholds for determining
necessary approval by State Comptroller to establish special districts.
received from the Columbia County Board of Supervisors as follows:
Resolution #391-2003 –
Adopting the Real Property Tax law exemption for Volunteer Firefighters and
volunteer ambulance workers by Columbia County
Resolution #394-2003 –
Ratifying and approving the settlement of claims for unpaid real property taxes
for the Karl and Catherine Hettling property located in Clermont.
Resolution #397-2003 – 2004
EMS Chargebacks for ambulance services in the county.
Resolution #398-2003 –
Authorizing the 2004 combined chargebacks for assessment and tax roll material,
reval update charges, erroneous assessments and small claims items.
Resolution #400-2003 –
Levying special district taxes for the conduct of special districts in certain
towns in Columbia County.
Resolution #401-2003 –
Levying taxes and assessments required for the purpose of the annual budgets of
the towns and villages of Columbia County.
and Revenue report for January through December, 2003 received from the
Livellara asked what a town constables duties consist of? The town constable would serve papers for
the town if needed.
of the officials books will be done on Saturday, January 10, 2004 at 8:30 –
9:30 for the Supervisor, Town Clerk, Justices and Tax Collector. Notification will be made by the Town Clerk.
will be held for positions on the Board of Assessment Review, Planning Board
and Zoning Board of Appeals on Saturday, January 10, 2004 from 9:45 at
15-minute intervals for 7 applicants.
The clerk will contact those interested.
joint meeting will be held on Friday, February 6, 2004 at 7:00 P.M. with the
Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals to discuss zoning issues.
resolution is being prepared to be submitted to the Columbia County Traffic
Safety Board at the request of Laurence Saulpaugh, representative of the town on the board, for a reduction in speed
and a no passing zone on Route 9 between County Route 8 and the Livingston Town
Line at the Blue Stores Bridge.
Superintendent Potts has a provision in the budget for a new backhoe and would
like to solicit for bids and specs. A
motion was made by Councilman Harned, seconded by Councilman Tousey that the
Highway Superintendent be allowed to solicit bids for and specs for a new
backhoe. All in favor. So carried.
Lent is working with our engineer, Dan Wheeler and Marilyn Kaplan from NYS
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation on putting out bids for the work to
be done on the Community House which is funded 50-50 by a grant. They are requesting certain deed
restrictions in connection to the funding, which Attorney Trezza believes would
be a declaration of restrictions, which would be filed in the County Clerk’s
office once approved by the State. He
asked if there was a time frame for declaring the restrictions or if a copy to
the State would suffice until approved.
Tousey will be holding a Community House meeting on Tuesday, January 6th
at 7:00 P.M.
chairman and committee will need to be appointed for the Town BBQ in August.
Lent would like have the official presentation and dedication of the Town being
designated on the Historic Register by the Office of Parks, Recreation and
Historic Preservation at the BBQ.
A motion was made to approve
the General Fund abstract #1, page l, Vouchers 1-5 in the amount of $15,149.50
by Councilman Harned, seconded by Councilwoman Lent. All in favor. So Carried.
A motion was made by
Councilwoman Lent, seconded by Councilman Harned to enter into executive
session on a matter of litigation at 8:05 P.M.
All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to come
out of executive session by Councilman Harned, seconded by Councilwoman Lent at
9:00 P.M. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by
Councilman Harned, seconded by Councilman Tousey to adjourn the Town Board
meeting at 9:00 P.M. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Town Clerk