April 4, 2005
The Clermont Town Board held its regular town board meeting on Monday, April 4, 2005 at 7:10 P.M. Those present were Supervisor William E. Banks, Councilman Harned and Councilman Tousey. Councilman Staats and Councilwoman Lent were absent. Others present were Albert Trezza, Town Attorney, Charles Larsen, Chris Nolan, John Moran, Nora Moran, Paul Doherty, Neal Hegaman, Larry Saulpaugh, Gary Beck, George Davis, Bram Moreinis, Judith Neary, Edward Murray, Rick Sharp, Bill Munro, Don Van Wagner, Bob Desmond, Joan DeLaurentis, Sherry Gildersleeve, John Myers and Richard Roth of the Independent.
Supervisor Banks opened the Town Board meeting. A motion was made by Councilman Harned, seconded by Councilman Tousey to waive the reading of the March minutes and accept them as presented. All in favor. So carried.
- Edward Murray, President and CEO of Northern Dutchess Paramedics has come before the board and the community to answer any questions that they may have concerning since taking over the five town district previously served by Southern Columbia Ambulance. Staffing levels will remain the same, with a minimum of two duty crews on during the day and weekends. There is currently sixteen permanent staff. They will no longer use the fly car system or any former volunteers from Southern Columbia. This was a concern of some residents as they felt the fly car system was very important to the residents. Northern Dutchess has been in existence for 12 years in the Northern Dutchess area serving south to Poughkeepsie, providing Advanced Life Support to Copake Rescue and Litchfield Connecticut.
- Supervisor Banks thanked John and Nora Moran for donating the $1800 to purchase the red clay for the Clermont Ball field that was discussed at last nights board meeting.
- Councilwoman Lent put a lot of time and effort into the Easter Egg Hunt for the children and it was a success with approximately 700-800 people attending this year event which was held on March 26 th. Due to the rain of the week before, it was necessary to move the parking to Alan Saulpaugh’s parking lot off Commons Road and the board thanked Mr. Saulpaugh for the use of the lot.
- The zoning update has been sent to the Columbia County Planning Board for comments. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 19 th. They have thirty days to respond. A public hearing will be scheduled at the May meeting.
- The contract for the cable franchise with Valstar must be reviewed for renewal. The town receives $5.00 per hookup and there are 403 households connected. A check was received in the amount of $2,015 for 2004. Supervisor Banks and Councilman Staats will meet with Bruce and Joel Bohnsack and come back to the Town Board with the information.
- Notification was received from In Flight, Inc. of their intent to develop a home for people with development disabilities at 104 Mill Road at last months meeting. The Town has forty days to approve the site, suggest a more suitable site or disapprove. A motion was made by Councilman Tousey, seconded by Councilman Harned to approve of the group home to be located at 104 Mill Road. All in favor. So Carried.
- The Town Clerk submitted her report for March and a check for $805.35.
- Supervisor Banks presented a resolution to balance accounts for 2004. A motion was made to approve Resolution #4-05 which authorizes the Supervisor to make the necessary transfers to balance 2004 accounts as per the attached list. Councilman Harned made the motion and it was seconded by Councilman Tousey. All in favor. So carried.
- There was discussion about the audit, which was done in February and March by the NYS Comptrollers Office. New escrow accounts will be set up as Trust & Agency accounts for developer’s monies. Transfers will be made from and to accounts as needed by resolution so that accounts do not become overdrawn.
- Letters were read from the Planning Board concerning Stormwater Management on the Cemetery Road project by Z3 Builders and Randy Bloom’s proposed subdivision of 5-6 lots on Langridge Road, which is a user road. Copies have been sent to our engineer and attorney for review.
- The USDA will hold an open house at Greenport Town Hall.
- A letter was received from the Columbia County Retired Sr. Volunteer Program thanking the Town for participating in the adopt a driver program.
- A letter was received from Scenic Hudson informing the Town that we are not receiving the grant, which was requested from the Land Trust Alliance for work on the Hamlet Overlay Zone. George Davis requested a copy of the letter of support, which was sent by the Town. He will submit a FOIL request.
- A letter from Chris Nolan was read concerning the proposal of Red Wing Gravel for a variance or text amendment to permit a narrower minimum lot dimension for a trail way on property owned by Red Wing on Turkey Hill Road. The Town does an annual review of the zoning ordinance and is just completing a review. Councilman Tousey reported that at the Association of Towns conference there was a seminar on trails. According to Mr. Doherty, who was present, this would remain in his ownership, and no motorized vehicles, other than snowmobiles would be allowed. Limiting the width of the trail helps in this regard. The trail would be open to the general public for its use. Mr. Nolan’s letter suggested an inter municipal agreement with Red Hook, Milan and the Village of Tivoli.
- Supervisor Banks thanked the Highway Superintendent and his men for keeping the roads in town clear this winter, particularly in January and February, when there were several snow and ice storms. In recent weeks, there was a lot of rain and the Fire Department was called out for several pump outs as a result.
- Residents of Commons Road, Sherry Gildersleeve and Joan DeLaurentis, requested a reduced speed zone on Commons Road from the present 40 miles per hour to 35 miles per hour. There are many speeding vehicles going over the road. A request would have to be made from the Town to the County to lower the speed limit. For now, the Supervisor can request that our resident deputy patrol the area more frequently and this may help.
- Attorney Al Trezza reported on a correction deed for the 20.57-acre parcel given to the Town by Katherine Hettling. The original deed did not contain the restrictions as requested. Councilman Tousey has a copy of the original filed deed and there was no exhibit A filed with that deed which is a map of the property and it did not contain the stipulations.
- The judgement by the Town against Carl LaMunyan for property on Route 9G was approaching the ten-year expiration so a new agreement was entered into for a judgement of $15,000. Five thousand of the judgement goes to the County and $10,000 comes to the Town. Mr. Trezza brought a check in that amount from William Cole who is purchasing the property.
- George Davis spoke to those present about the importance of a Health Care Proxy and a Living Will.
A motion was made by Councilman Harned, seconded by Councilman Tousey to approve General abstract #4, pages 1,2,3 vouchers #74-98 in the amount of $7,380.15 for payment. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Harned, seconded by Councilman Tousey to approve Highway abstract #4, page l, vouchers #32-40 in the amount of $2,540.94 for payment. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Tousey, seconded by Councilman Harned. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,