April 5, 2004


The regular meeting of the Clermont Town Board was held on Monday, April 5, 2004 at 7:15 P.M.   Supervisor Pelletier opened the meeting.  Also present were Councilman Staats, Councilwoman Lent, Councilman Harned and Councilman Tousey.  Others present were Richard Livellara, Charles Larsen, Donald Van Wagner, Laurence Saulpaugh, Walter Brembs, Mandy Fuchs, Jr. and Richard Roth of the Independent.


Councilman Staats made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Lent; to waive the reading of the minutes as copies were provided to each member and to accept the minutes of the March 1, 2004 meeting.  All in favor.  So carried.




1.        Letter from the Highway Superintendent notifying the board that he will be attending Highway Superintendent school at Cornell June 7,8 and 9th.

2.        Information from the Office of Technology regarding Wireless Network which is in the process of SEQRA review as lead agency.

3.        Letters were written to Senator Joseph Bruno and Senator Saland regarding support on the Collateral Source bill last month and responses have been received.

4.        Environmental Management Council- a representative is needed from the Town to represent the Town on this advisory board to the County.  Any town resident interested in serving on the board would be recommended to the County Government committee for appointment.

5.        The Columbia County Planning Board has been holding training sessions for the Planning Boards, ZBA’s and Code enforcement.  We have received certificates for several members of our boards who have attended as many as three of the sessions.  The board was very pleased with the attendance and dedication of our representatives.

6.        Northern Dutchess Paramedics is to purchase Southern Columbia County Ambulance Squad.  They are in the process of getting necessary approval by the NYS Department of Health.

7.        Received Supervisor’s budget and revenue report for January through March 2004.

8.        Length of Service awards program financial report for February 2004 – Value of account is $43,449.35.




1.        Richard Livellara reported on activity at the LaMunyan site on Route 9G recently.  Supervisor Pelletier reported that there are legal matters between owner and potential buyers, and he has contacted DEC. 

2.        Donald Van Wagner asked at last month’s meeting about possible hazards on property on Cemetery Road. Supervisor Pelletier has written to owners about concerns of safety by neighbors and seeking their intentions about cleaning up property.

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·         Charles Larsen reported that he and Bruce Unson of the Zoning Board of Appeals met with people of the Center for Municipal Solutions who aid municipalities with the siting of cell towers.  They will be meeting with them further on our zoning regulations as they relate to cell towers.




·         As was discussed at the Fire District meeting, it has been determined that the Fire Company owns the land and building at Station #2, Route 9G which houses the trucks owned by the District.  The company is discussing a new building and the advantages, disadvantages of constructing  same and leasing the building to the District.  A committee of the fire company has been formed to look into the possibilities.

·         The building committee and Supervisor Pelletier have been reviewing the insurance values on the town buildings.  Although the Community House has been wired for smoke detectors, the Town Hall and St. Lukes Church have not.  It has been suggested that this should be done.  They will ask for RFP’s from alarm companies.  There is usually an activation service fee to maintain the alarms. 

·         Councilwoman Lent has submitted the FEMA Grant for 2004 requesting up to $195,000.00 for a new fire truck.  The federal amount would be 90% of the cost, l0% to the Town.

·         Community House Grant – Supervisor Pelletier, Councilwoman Lent and Councilman Tousey have met with Marilyn Kaplan of Preservation Architecture on the scope of work to be done to the Community House beginning this fall and going into next spring.

·         Easter Egg Hunt will be held Saturday, April 10th 12 – 2 PM on the grounds.  Town has set aside $1500 in budget and have received donations from businesses.  The Fire Department, Southern Columbia Ambulance and the Sheriffs department will be on hand to help out.

·         Councilman Tousey reported on the twenty-acre land grant from the Hettling Estate and the County.  The property has been surveyed, mowed and he is looking for a place to take railroad ties, which have been found on the property.  Anyone with information about disposal of ties is asked to contact him.

·         Resolution #2-04 – Correction to General fund abstract and minutes for March l, 2004

Motion to approve made by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilman Harned.  All in favor.  So carried.

·         Resolution #3-04 – Support for the Elimination of the Sunset Provision of the Local Government Record Management Improvement Fund. Motion to approve by Councilwoman Lent, seconded by Councilman Staats.  All  in favor. So carried




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·         Resolution #4-2004 – Authorizing Karen Christensen to apply for Federal, State and other grants for 2004 relating to the Clermont Justice Court.  Motion made by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilman Harned.  All in favor.  So carried.

·         Resolution #5 – 2004 – Correcting Fire Abstract and amending Highway Abstract for March l, 2004 in the amount of $56.90.  Motion made by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilman Harned.  All in favor.  So carried.

·         Resolution #6-2004 – Lease agreement with the Canaan Fellowship to use the Community House for 2004. Notification should be made to the group that there will be work done on the Community House beginning in the Fall and going into the Spring of 2005.   Motion made by Councilman Tousey, seconded by Councilman Staats.  All in favor.  So carried.

·         Resolution #7-2004 – Hudson River Valley Greenway requesting grant to fund technical assistance for development of the Hamlet and Civic Campus.  Motion made by Councilwoman Lent, seconded by Councilman Harned.  All in favor.  So carried.

·         Town Clerks report for March, 2004 in the amount of $7,079.80.

·         Supervisor Pelletier has requested pictures or catalogues for proposed signs for Civic District.


A motion was made by Councilman Staats to approve General Fund abstract #4 for payment, vouchers #79-123 in the amount of $11,429.80.  Motion seconded by Councilman Harned.  All in favor.  So carried.


A motion was made by Councilman Staats to approve Highway Fund abstract #4 for payment, vouchers #29-41 in the amount of $3,608.15.  Motion seconded by Councilman Tousey.  All in favor.  So carried.


A committee must be formed for the August 14th BBQ.  Board members will meet on Saturday April 24th at 9:00 AM to discuss plans.


A motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Harned, seconded by Councilman Staats.


Respectfully submitted,



Mary Helen Shannon

Town Clerk