June 7, 2004

The regular meeting of the Clermont Town Board was held on Monday, June 7, 2004 at 7:00 P.M. Supervisor Pelletier opened the meeting. Also present were Councilman Staats, Councilwoman Lent, Councilman Harned and Councilman Tousey. Others present were Laurence Saulpaugh, Robert Desmond, Chris Nolan, Chris Pinho, Charles Larsen, O.T. Normand, Albert Trezza, and Richard Roth of the Independent.

Supervisor Pelletier asked for a moment of silence to remember the passing of President Ronald W. Reagan on June 5, 2004.

A motion was made by Councilman Harned, seconded by Councilman Staats to accept the minutes of the May regular meeting and the special meeting as copies were provided. All in favor. So carried.



Page 2 Town Board Meeting June 7, 2004

A motion was made by Councilwoman Lent, seconded by Councilman Staats to move into executive session to discuss personnel matters at 7:30 P.M.

A motion was made to come out of executive session by Councilman Harned, seconded by Councilman Staats at 8:40 P.M.

A motion was made by Councilman Harned, seconded by Councilman Staats to come back into the regular meeting.

Mr. Bram Moreinis, a Town resident, has offered to design a website for the Town during his summer vacation. He explained the two different types of design, as static, which stays the same and dynamic, which changes. Over the next month, members will review the menu of possible content, which Mr. Moreinis brought with him.

The Town Board and Clermont residents would like to recognize Charlotte ‘Hap’ Golden who passed away for her service to the community and set aside of page in Honor of Charlotte ‘Hap” Golden. A resolution will be presented to the family at her services.


They will need frames.


Motion made by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilwoman Lent to approve. All in Favor. So carried.
Page 3 Town Board Meeting June 7, 2004

A motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilwoman Lent at 9:20 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Helen Shannon
Town Clerk