The regular meeting of the Clermont Town Board was held on October 4, 2004 at 7:00 P.M. Deputy Supervisor Harned opened the meeting. Those board members present were Councilman Staats, Councilwoman Lent and Councilman Tousey. Others present were Marilyn Kaplan of Preservation Architecture, William Banks, Amandus Fuchs, Jr., William Munro, Walter Brembs, Christopher Nolan, Anne Poleschner, Katharine Hettling and George Davis.

Deputy Supervisor Harned read a letter of resignation from Supervisor Michael Pelletier. Mr. Pelletier resigned the office of Supervisor effective September 22, 2004 citing personal reasons. Councilman Staats made a motion to accept the resignation of Supervisor Pelletier, seconded by Councilwoman Lent. All in favor. So Carried.

Deputy Supervisor Harned introduced Marilyn Kaplan of Preservation Architecture. The Town has contracted with Ms. Kaplan to make recommendations for the exterior structural repairs for the Community House (Clermont Academy). The grant was received in 2003 from Athens Generating and is managed by the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Ms. Kaplan’s firm is coordinating with the Town and OPR&HP and the bidders. Three bids were received as follows:

Alternates as follows:

#1 – 3810.00

#2 – 2242.00

#3 – 6750.00

#4 – 6750.00

#5 – 5116.00 new, 5852.00 restored

Alternates as follows:

#1 – 6500.00

#2 – 3200.00

#3 – 9620.00

#4 – 9620.00

#5 – 1600.00

Alternates as follows:

#1 – 10,000.00

#2 - 5,000.00

#3 – 10,000.00

#4 – 10,000.00

#5 - 3,000.00

The alternate bids are for removing siding, painting restoration of the sunbursts, etc. The Town will accept the lowest qualified bid & alternate bids for additional work and Ms. Kaplan will review and check references and insurance and report back.

Deputy Supervisor opened the regular meeting. Councilman Staats made a motion; seconded by Councilman Tousey to accept the minutes from the previous meeting as provided. All in favor. So carried.


Accepted on a motion made by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilman Tousey.

Page 2 Town Board Meeting October 4, 2004


Tivoli Market - $7500.00

Gentile Landscaping of Yorktown for a unilock walk $5,500.00

The walkway is three feet wide and approximately 100 feet long.


A motion was made by Councilman Staats to approve Highway Abstract #10, vouchers #118 – 123 in the amount of $12,730.26, seconded by Councilwoman Lent. All in favor. So Carried.

A motion was made by Councilwoman Lent to approve General Abstract #10, vouches #286-310 in the amount of $3,788.53, seconded by Councilman Staats. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made by Councilman Staats to adjourn, seconded by Councilwoman Lent at 8:10 P.M. All in favor. So carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Helen Shannon

Town Clerk