The Clermont Town Board held its regular meeting on
Deputy Supervisor Harned called the meeting to order with
a salute to the flag. Supervisor Banks is recovering from recent surgery and is
coming along well. Deputy Supervisor
Harned noted a change in the minutes from May on page 2 that ‘transfers cannot
be made from the General fund to the Fire fund’. Councilwoman Lent made a motion to accept the
minutes with correction, seconded by Councilman Staats. All in favor. So carried.
NYS Real Property Tax Service- tentative
equalization rate is 80.18%
Town Clerks report - Check to the town in the
amount of $3,001. A motion was made by
Councilwoman Lent, seconded by Councilman Staats to accept the clerk’s
report. All in favor. So carried.
The monthly budget report, which was sent for
this month, was for the incorrect period, January
through April. The Supervisor will get
a corrected report for next month.
Received report from John Fieser, as requested
by Councilman Nolan, on the number of new dwellings for which building permits
were issued in 2005. Of the 52 building
permits, 14 were for new construction.
Councilman Nolan suggested getting a summarization from John every six
Councilman Nolan noted that the Red Hook School
Board will be meeting regarding the school expansion for anyone that is
interested in attending.
Councilwoman Lent reported that the work on the
roof at the
Marilyn Kaplan has inspected the ceiling in the
Community House and found that the type of ceiling boards would be very costly
to replace, as they would have to be handmade.
The Zoning review committee will meet on Monday
June 19th and the Keep Farming Grant committee will meet on
Thursday, June 15th.
Page 2 Town Board Meeting
Councilman Harned reported that the minutes will
be brought up to date on the website and there are no issues with Bram on the
changes that were made on the website regarding the April 3rd
steering committee meeting.
Councilwoman Lent has spoken with Greg Fingar
regarding coverage for public officers.
There is a $2500 deductible, one million-dollar limit in policy, three
million-dollar umbrella, currently provided for in our coverage. Councilwoman Lent introduced Resolution
#07-06, which confers the benefits of Section 18 of the Public Officers Law of
the State of
A motion was made by
Councilwoman Lent to accept the resolution.
Councilman Nolan would like additional clarification about wording in
the Public Officers Law regarding ‘willful act of an officer’, which was not
mentioned in our resolution. The
resolution was tabled.
Councilwoman Lent introduced Resolution #8-06
supporting the efforts of surrounding communities to reestablish air monitoring
programs to assess the current air quality and particulate matter generated
from the existing cement processing facilities west of the our
communities. A motion was made to accept
this resolution by Councilwoman Lent, seconded by Councilman Nolan. All in favor.
So carried.
Councilman Nolan suggested supporting the Town
Vouchers on this month’s abstract for Behan
Planning Associates will be paid out of the General fund and reimbursed by
grant money received from Hudson Valley Greenway. Should have the report by the July meeting.
The vouchers for C.T. Male for work on the
Hettling property will be paid from the General fund and reimbursed to the
General fund when funds are received from DEC.
Councilman Nolan asked if $15,000 was spent on the attorney for the
LaMunyan site. He is still trying to
determine the balance of the fund based on the figures provided by Supervisor
Banks and other info. He also provided a
copy of the Town of
Robert Desmond noted that the Board of
Assessment review has few changes to recommend to assessments so that the
tentative rate, which was reported tonight, should remain at 80.18. He also noted that there is an improvement at
the board meetings and much less negativity.
Judith Neary reported that a draft proposal from
the Red Hook Special Needs Committee will be submitted at the
Rebecca Sethi reported that she would be doing
the draft of the voucher to send for reimbursement to the Hudson Valley
Page 3 Town
Board Meeting
A motion was made by Councilwoman Lent, seconded by
Councilman Staats to approve General fund abstract #6, vouchers 133-169 in the
amount of $40,082.23. All
in favor. So
A motion was made by Councilman Harned, seconded by
Councilman Staats to approve Highway abstract #6, vouchers #44- 56 in the
amount of $2730.84. All
in favor. So
A motion was made by Councilwoman Lent, seconded by
Councilman Nolan to adjourn. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Town Clerk