JULY 2, 2007
The Clermont Town Board held its monthly meeting on Monday, July 2, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Deputy Supervisor Harned, Councilwoman Lent, Councilman Staats and Councilman Nolan. Others present were Beatrice Banks, Diane and Edward Moore and sons John and Brian Moore, Ron and Carol Banks, Audrey Osterloh, Helen Kukon, Robert Desmond, Gregory Fingar, Peter Fingar, Charles Larsen, Ray Tousey, Judith Neary, Carol Livellara, Elizabeth Mahar, George Davis, Billy Cole, Paul Doherty, Assemblyman Peter Lopez and Richard Roth of the Independent.
Deputy Supervisor Harned opened the meeting with a salute to the flag. Deputy Harned introduced Gregory Fingar who read resolutions from Senator Stephen Saland of the NYS Senate and Assemblyman Peter Lopez of the NYS Assembly. The resolutions mourned the passing of Supervisor William E. Banks who passed way on June 20, 2007 and spoke of his many years of service to the Town and Community as Town Justice, Supervisor and member of Clermont Fire Company. He also presented a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol in Washington from Representative Kirsten Gillibrand to Mrs. Beatrice Banks. Deputy Harned spoke about the many accomplishments of Supervisor Banks. Many family members were in attendance.
The minutes were reviewed and a motion made by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilman Staats to approve the minutes. All in favor. So carried. Deputy Supervisor Harned asked, in order to save time, if the minutes could be emailed to board members prior to the meeting. Minutes will be emailed from this time forward. Deputy Harned will also prepare an agenda for the meetings. There will be a period for public communication on items on the agenda and at the end of business, a period for public communications on other subject matters. Copies of agendas will be available before the meetings.
- Town Clerks Report: Checks for in the amount of $2146.39 for the General fund and $679.50 for Trust and Agency were submitted. A motion was made to accept the Clerk’s report by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilman Nolan. All in favor. So carried.
- Deputy Harned has requested bi-weekly status reports from C.T. Male on the former Hettling site. The current status of the project is that it is being reviewed by NYSDEC and NYSDOH and a report should be received within two to three weeks. Upcoming projects tasks: Address the NYSDEC/NYSDOH comments of the remediation report and schedule a meeting with town and DEC and DOH to discuss remediation alternatives. Copies are being made by Dan Wheeler of draft report sent to DEC by C.T. Male and will be available for review at the Town Hall during the Clerks regular hours.
- The Association of Towns, NY Planning Federation and Conference of Mayors are holding a Planning and Zoning school at the FDR Library at Hyde Park on July 12th.
Charles Larsen hopes to attend.
- Read a letter from resident Dianne O’Neal to the Town of Germantown regarding the land purchased through a grant by Iroquois Gas Transmission System in 1992. This land adjoins Germantown town land on Palatine Park Road and now Germantown is seeking to erect a 911 Memorial on that parcel. The land purchase was funded partly with monies received by the Town of Clermont from this grant. The letter suggests that there were criteria and contingencies established and that these have not been met. Ms.O’Neal suggests that the Town of Germantown have the parcel appraised and reimburse the Town of Clermont at the current market value. Deputy Harned spoke to Supervisor Brown of Germantown and their attorney is researching it for Germantown and Deputy Harned will receive a report to see how it affects us, if it does.
- Well -The new well has been drilled for the Community House, Town Hall and Garage. Superintendent Potts is digging the trenches. Wiring and piping has to be done. It is somewhere over 400 foot, but there is no exact measurement at this time. The bids were all put in at 400 feet. Councilman Nolan asked if we should trench over to St. Luke’s Church at this time. There is no water in the church at this time and he inquired if sprinklers are required. Dan Nichols is coming to look at Community House and Councilwoman Lent could ask him. Councilwoman Lent told those present that the original surveyor, Alvin Huehnel was unable to do the survey, so Dan Wheelers office did a preliminary survey. The area for the well was staked; however, someone took out all the stakes over the weekend. Therefore, drilling started late this morning.
- Highway Garage: Deputy Harned would like to have a meeting with the Highway Superintendent and Jay Trapp of D.F.Wheeler Engineers to hear their thoughts on a new garage and where it should be located. There have been ideas entertained, such as a resident giving land or swapping land with the town. We will hold a workshop on August 20th at 7:00 P.M. to discuss the highway garage.Councilman Nolan will get information from NYCERDA on grants for solar installation. He will also contact Pat Courtney from Kingston who can make a presentation on the program. The benefits of solar are reduced operating costs and electricity savings. He will ask her to attend the August 6th meeting.
- Councilman Nolan reported that the Germantown meeting on aquifers was related to mapping. They had a study done with a grant by a water resource group. The results are on the Germantown website. Councilwoman Lent suggested that Soil and Water might have other resources that can help.
- Deputy Harned had a request from Larry Saulpaugh, Planning Board Chairman to have the town attorney present at the Planning Board meetings starting this month. Councilman Nolan supports this request. There is money set aside in the budget and some of the expense may be covered by applicants escrows.
Banking and Accounting – Bank accounts have been changed so that Deputy Harned is able to sign checks, etc. It has also been set up so that Councilwoman Lent can sign checks in the event that Deputy Harned is not able to. The Highway department was asked if they would like direct deposit for their checks but they were not in favor of it. The accountant will be making the transfers between the Trust and Agency, Highway and General fund accounts for the payroll. The money market accounts are set up in other banks and will be moved so that we know where they are. Electronic transfers will be set up.
- Resolution #8-07 to correct an account on the Highway Fund abstract from June was approved on a motion made by Deputy Harned, seconded by Councilman Nolan. All in favor. So carried.
- Deputy Harned proposed allowing the filming of the Town Board meetings, which had been brought up at a previous meeting. We would have to look into the purchase of a camera. May need a podium and microphone for the public to speak from. We need to also look into nameplates for the board members.
- Councilwoman Lent has a video from the Easter Egg Hunt.
- Academy windows – If John Fieser does not have time to work on the windows at the Community House, Councilwoman Lent would like approval for Billy Cole, who does historical restorations to do the work at the same price of $200.00 per window. The estimate includes checking all stops, opening up windows to remove paint buildup to further assess damage, check for what windows need repair. Replacing sashes was not included in price.
We have received the application for a $4000 grant from Assemblyman Peter Lopez’ office, which will be signed at sent back and a request was made to Senator Salands office for available funds.
Councilman Nolan would like to walk over while it is still light and check the windows.
The board does not have an issue with another contractor at the same price.
Ray Tousey said the top of the windows were not meant to open and if they are painted shut, leave them painted shut unless they need to be replaced. All windows have to be checked.
Councilwoman Lent would like repairs made to the windows we have and then get storm windows to prevent any damage from the weather. It was agreed that if John Fieser is unavailable, Billy Cole could start on the windows.
- Chris Nolan – Needs contacts at National Grid about the streetlighting on Route 9G. At last months meeting, several people wanted to know who wanted the lights because several people who live at that end of town have stated that they do not see the need.
- Charlie Larsen reminded everyone that August 11th is BBQ day. He also pointed out that since last September or October there has been a ladder set up behind the Community House. That will be removed tonight and returned to the owner.
- Robert Desmond – There was an aquifer study in Town Topics this month. Talked about soils and what acreage is recommended and three acres is recommended.
- Keep Farming – Judith Neary reported that the committee is hoping to set a date for a social pot-luck dinner using local foods to present to farmers the findings that the four teams have done. Columbia Soil and Water has made a wonderful map for the committee. Assemblyman Lopez pointed out that there are different avenues, which can be pursued for mapping.
Assemblyman Lopez apologized for not being here for the presentation to the family of Supervisor Banks but thanked Greg Fingar for presenting the resolutions to the family. He was in attendance at the funeral services and it was an honor.
He made a few suggestions from listening to the topics of tonight’s meeting, such as having a professional planner attend local planning board meetings, which is done is some towns. If the town does want to tape the town board meetings, they might look into sharing equipment with another town, if the meetings are on different nights. Assemblyman Lopez’ office is sponsoring a tour of three wind farms in the region on July 17th. The information will be sent out to towns in the next few days and seats on the bus will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Assemblyman Lopez spoke about a proposed resolution on property tax reductions – stopping unfunded and underfunded mandates, controlling taxes.
Councilman Nolan would like to put the resolution on agenda for next month.
George Davis asked if agenda could be on website prior to the meeting? Harry will work on it for the week before the meeting.
Deputy Harned explained that the Supervisor position will be on ballot in November to fill the unexpired term of William Banks. Also, the board could appoint a Supervisor if they wish.
A motion was made by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilwoman Lent to approve Trust and Agency abstract #6 in the amount of $1,718.30. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilman Nolan to approve Highway abstract #7 in the amount of $4956.92. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Staats, seconded by Councilwoman Lent to approve General abstract #7 in the amount of $3389.15. All in favor. So carried.
In memory of Supervisor William E. Banks there will a page left blank in the minutes. There was a moment of silence in memory of William E. Banks.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
October 15, 1938 – June 20, 2007