JANUARY 17, 2005

The Clermont Town Board held a public hearing on Monday, January 17, 2005 at 7:30 P.M. The purpose of the hearing is to adopt Local Law #1 – 2005 Code of Ethics for the Town of Clermont. Those present were Supervisor Banks, Councilman Staats and Councilwoman Lent. Councilman Harned and Councilman Tousey were absent. Others present were Robert Desmond, Amandus Fuchs, Jr., Chris Nolan, Andrew Zahn, Taconic Hills student, David Zahn and William Kimball of the Kingston Freeman.

Supervisor Banks opened the public hearing. The Town Clerk read the public notice. Mandy Fuchs submitted written comments on the proposed Local Law, as will Chris Nolan on the questions he raised.

Most of the discussion centered on the following:

Page 3 – C & D– Clarification is needed on whether or not this paragraph would allow an officer, employee, etc. to perform any service for compensation before any board/agency.

Page 4 – E – Disclosure – discussion on whether the officer, employee must disclose interests only once during the year or at any time during the year that there is an interest to disclose and if the interest relates to money, cash, barter or in-kind service.

Page 4 – H – Prohibiting an ex-employee from participating in relation to any case in which they participated during employment or service. It was suggested that matters involving litigation be an exception and an officer of the town be allowed to assist the Town itself.

Other questions involved fines, penalties and appointments to the Board of Ethics.

The public hearing was closed at 7:55 P.M. on a motion made by Supervisor Banks and seconded by Councilwoman Lent.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Helen Shannon

Town Clerk