January 2, 2006


The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, January 2, 2006.  Present were Supervisor Banks, Commissioner Staats, Commissioner Lent, Commissioner Harned and Commissioner Nolan. Chief Laurence Saulpaugh was also present.


Supervisor Banks opened the meeting. Commissioner Staats made a motion; seconded by Commissioner Harned to waive the reading of the minutes as copies were provided and to accept them.  All in favor.  So carried.


Chief Saulpaugh gave the following report for December.  (Copy attached)

Calls for the month were:

1.      Alarm activation on Trout Creek Road on 12/8/05

2.      Mutual aid to Germantown for AAPI on 12/10/05

3.      Call for boat with three people in distress on Hudson River on 12/23/05

4.      AAPI on Route 9G on 12/31/05


There was no drill for the month.  The Officers meeting was held with new officers, old officers and fire police.


The trucks will be serviced at Ralph’s Automotive and a check of equipment shows everything is okay.  The Department will be forming a committee of officers to research buying a new fire truck.  Chief Saulpaugh believes a basic truck will fit their needs.  Need room for Jaws of Life equipment, and extra compartments for equipment to be housed at Station #2 on Route 9G.


A motion was made by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Lent to approve for payment Fire Abstract #1, voucher #1 in the amount of $10,348.11.  All in favor.  So carried.


A motion was made to adjourn at 6:55 P.M. by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Lent. 


Respectfully submitted,



Mary Helen Shannon

Fire District Secretary