March 1, 2004

The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, March 1, 2004 at 6:30 P.M. Supervisor Pelletier opened the meeting. Present were Commissioner Staats, Commissioner Lent, Commissioner Harned and Commissioner Tousey. Also present was Chief Laurence Saulpaugh.

Others present were Ronnie Clum, Charles Larsen, Donald Van Wagner, Richard Livellara, Bruce Unson, Robert Desmond and Richard Roth of the Independent.

A motion was made to waive the reading of the minutes, as copies were provided and to approve them by Commissioner Lent, seconded by Commissioner Staats.

Chief Laurence Saulpaugh gave the February report. (Copy attached)

The Chief discussed acquiring a new pumper, 750 gallons a minute, l000 gallons water with high side compartments for equipment and gear if there are any grants this year. Commissioner Lent has checked the Federal Emergency Management site online and the grant information will be available in March. She will submit a preliminary application to Charles Schumer’s office to be critiqued prior to submitting the final application. Because we are a small town with less population, she feels we have not been selected previously and there may be some guidance that they can offer, to assure we receive a grant.

Chief Saulpaugh also requested meeting with our town engineer, Dan Wheeler, about the Route 9G firehouse expansion and repairs, and see if he can develop some plans. A committee consisting of Commissioner Harned, Commissioner Staats, Supervisor Pelletier, two Directors of the Fire Company and two Officers will meet on Monday, March 23 at 7:00 PM at the firehouse to discuss plans.

Utica National Insurance Company will be doing an inspection of the firehouses, buildings, trucks, etc.

We have received a check for the fire grant for gear and equipment in the amount of $10,125.

The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 10th and the firemen will be assisting with parking, etc.


Several members of the department are attending a fire school for fire police in Hillsdale.
The fund drive has brought in about $4000 to date.

A motion was made by Commissioner Harned to approve the Fire Abstract #3, page 1 & 2, Vouchers #13 –35 in the amount of $3,943.11 for payment, seconded by Commissioner Staats. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Staats to adjourn at 6:55 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary