May 2, 2005
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 6:00 P.M. Supervisor William Banks opened the meeting. Present were Commissioner Staats, Commissioner Lent, Commissioner Harned and Commissioner Tousey. Also present were Chief Laurence Saulpaugh, 1 st Assistant Chief Jim Potts, Bruce Potts, Donald Van Wagner and Peter Cichetti, Fred Lang, Otis Barringer, John Myers, Amandus Fuchs, Ronald Seymour, Tim Moon and Teddy Blank.
A motion was made to waive the reading of the minutes, as copies were provided and to approve them by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Tousey. All in favor. So carried.
This meeting was called for an earlier start to discuss the proposed building for Station #2 on Route 9G to house the Fire Districts trucks. Bruce Potts and Peter Cichetti discussed with the Board the cost of the new building, which is estimated at $175,000. Included in this estimate is the demolition of the present cement block building, $4,000; Drainage, $3,000; Attorney fees, $2,000; Electric, $5,000 - $7,000; Architect, $10,000; Concrete & forms, $13,000; Bank fees, $1500; 50 x48 Building with 8 foot breezeway, $120,000; Miscellaneous, excavation and debris removal, $4,500. They would take a 20 year mortgage at an estimated $1367 per month for the first ten years. The estimated cost per month for insurance, heat, electric and mortgage is $2,000 per month/ $24,000 per year with the terms being renegotiated every five years. For informational purposes, the Town of Livingston is paying its fire company $33,500 per year for lease of the building. Their new building cost $350,000 to build. Commissioner Harned suggested possibly renegotiating first year, second year, and then every five years.
Commissioner Tousey has contacted the Association of Towns and read a statement from Attorney Kevin Crawford’s office that the Town cannot take a mortgage for the Fire Company. As was pointed out, the Town is not taking the mortgage, it is the Fire Company’s mortgage, and the Fire District is leasing the space for the trucks. Commissioner Harned read from State Law where as the Fire Commissioner could lease from the Fire Company. Commissioner Lent stated that the alternative of not supporting our fire company, is to go to a paid system of firefighters which is more costly than leasing a building to house our trucks. She has spoken to Senator Schumers office in regards to this and he agrees with the idea. Supervisor Banks has spoken to our attorney,
Al Trezza and he sees no problem.
A motion was made by Commissioner Lent to approve $2,000 per month for the lease of the fire company building with a one year and two year review and then incrementally at 5 years. Commissioner Harned seconded the motion.
A roll call vote was as follows:
Staats – aye
Lent – aye
Harned – aye
Tousey – Abstain to seek further legal advice from Town’s attorney.
Banks – aye
Motion carried.
Chief Laurence Saulpaugh gave the April report:
A motion was made by Commissioner Staats, seconded by Commissioner Harned to approve Fire abstract #5, vouchers 51 – 65 in the amount of $3,007.09. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Staats at 6:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary