OCTOBER 3, 2005
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, October 3, 2005. Present were Supervisor Banks, Commissioner Staats, Commissioner Lent, Commissioner Harned and Commissioner Tousey. Chief Laurence Saulpaugh, 1st Assistant Chief Mark Schiller, Peter Cichetti and Town Attorney Albert Trezza were also present.
Supervisor Banks opened the meeting. Commissioner Harned made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Lent to dispense with the reading of the minutes as copies were provided. All in favor. So carried.
Chief Saulpaugh gave the following report for September. Copy attached
- There were six calls for the month:
- Woods Road – alarm activation – CO detector malfunction
- Jug Road – Motorcycle accident
- Route 9G – Personal injury, assist Rescue Squad
- Route 9 – Backed up furnace, smoke conditions
- Nevis Road – alarm malfunction
- Route 9 – unattended/unauthorized controlled burn
The monthly drill entailed pumping from mini truck and new portable pump at the airport.
- Will be replacing the furnace at Station #1.
- Asked about insurance coverage and changing from Utica National Insurance. We are unable to change coverage at this time.
- Al Trezza spoke on the lease with the Fire Company for Station #2 to house the fire trucks. There is a question regarding a deed on May 2, 1960 from the Town to the Fire Company for a fifty-foot strip. There are two deeds from the Town to the Fire Company and then from the Town to the Fire District. A correction deed to correct the second deed from the Town to the Fire District to go to the Fire Company is needed to proceed with the lease. After discussion, that the intent was most likely to transfer the land, from the Town to the Fire District and then to the Fire Company, a motion was made by Commissioner Lent to move forward to correct the deed from the Town of Clermont, to the Fire District, and to the Fire Company. Commissioner Harned seconded the motion. Once the property is in the fire companies name, they can proceed with a survey and get started on the building.
A roll call vote was as follows on the motion:
Tousey – aye Harned – aye Lent – aye Staats – aye
A motion was made by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Lent authorizing the Supervisor to sign the deed transfer for the property at Station #2.
- Chief Saulpaugh reported that the OSHA inspection is complete and the Fire District is in compliance with NYS.
- The officer from DEC has come to check the equipment, which was purchased through the Volunteer Assistance Grant received this year. Commissioner Lent wrote the grant for the Fire Company.
- Submitted Fire District Budget for 2006 in the amount of $130,000.
- A motion was made by Commissioner Lent to issue the check for the $2000 lease to the fire company which is on this months abstract, but that the check be held until we have been notified by our Attorney that the deed has been filed. Commissioner Harned seconded. All in favor. So carried.
- A motion was made by Commissioner Lent to approve Fire Abstract #10 for payment, vouchers #116 - #126 in the amount of $2,946.67, seconded by Commissioner Harned. All in favor. So carried.
- Commissioner Lent has checked on the NYS website regarding the status of our grant request for a new fire truck, but there is no news to date.
A motion was made to adjourn at 7:20 P.M. by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Lent.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary