The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, October 4, 2004 at 6:30 P.M. Deputy Supervisor Harned opened the meeting. Present were Commissioner Staats, Commissioner Lent and Commissioner Tousey. Also present were Chief Laurence Saulpaugh and William Banks.
A motion was made to waive the reading of the minutes, as copies were provided and to approve them by Commissioner Staats, seconded by Commissioner Lent. All in favor. So carried.
There was no written report this month. Chief Saulpaugh gave a verbal report. There were a number of calls, including a mutual aid call for a structure fire in Germantown.
The Fire Department took part in a Homeland Security drill on the Railroad tracks and the Hudson River, simulating a train car having been blown up with other cars in the river. The drill went very well.
Truck #604 has had hoses repaired and rods and gauges replaced. There are some additional repairs to be made to the gauges.
The Chief will be ordering ten sets of lightweight coveralls and order five additional sets at a later date. The cost is approximately $200 per set.
The Commissioners have amended the original budget submitted by the Chief increasing insurance from $12000 to $13000, decreasing equipment from $15400 to $12000 and added $10000 for the lease of Station #2.
Commissioner Lent, Chief Saulpaugh will set up a meeting with Greg Fingar to review the fire company insurance policies on Friday, October 8 th at 8:00 P.M.
A motion was made by Commissioner Lent, seconded by Commissioner Staats to approve Fire Abstract #10, vouchers #102- #110 in the amount of $1,949.69. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Lent, seconded Commissioner Staats at 6:55 P.M. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary