December 5, 2005

The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, December 5, 2005. Present were Supervisor Banks, Commissioner Staats, Commissioner Lent, Commissioner Harned and Commissioner Tousey. Chief Laurence Saulpaugh was also present.

Supervisor Banks opened the meeting. Commissioner Staats made a motion; seconded by Commissioner Harned to waive the reading of the minutes as copies were provided and to accept them. All in favor. So carried.

Chief Saulpaugh gave the following report for November. (Copy attached)
Calls for the month were:
1. Grass Fire – 11/19/05 on Nevis Road
2. AAPI – 11/23/05 - Cemetery Road and Route 9G
3. Backed up furnace – 11/27/05 - Clermont State Park maintenance garage.

The drill for the month was a discussion on chimney fires given by Captain Ron Seymour.

Discussed servicing of trucks and possibility of looking for another vendor.
If funds are still available in the budget, will order the new furnace for Station #1 and can get it installed at a later date. Current furnace should hold up for winter.

Commissioner Lent has spoken with Chris Nedwick of Congressman John Sweeney’s office and he would like to attend a Fire meeting to discuss needs of fire company. Set up for February 2006 meeting.

The Christmas party at Station #2 will be held on December 17th at 7:00 P.M.

The electric has been installed from Firehouse Road to the firehouse at Station #2 and a drain has been repaired that was troublesome.

Commissioner Harned would like to research a new investment company as the representative who has been working with the Fire District is no longer with UBS Investments.

The year-end meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, December 27, 2005 at 6:30 P.M.

A motion was made by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Lent to approve Fire abstract #12, vouchers #141-153 in the amount of $4,196.62. All in favor. So carried.

A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Staats at 6:55 P.M. All in favor. So carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary