October 2, 2006


The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, October 2, 2006.  Present were Supervisor Banks, Commissioner Harned, Commissioner Lent, Commissioner Staats and Commissioner Nolan. Chief Laurence Saulpaugh and Robert Desmond were also present.


Supervisor Banks opened the meeting with a salute to the flag. Supervisor Banks asked for a motion on the September minutes. Commissioner Nolan noted corrections to be made to the September minutes:

·        Page 1 – 5th paragraph – Change ‘In the late twenties’ to ‘In 1929’

·        Page 1 – 5th paragraph – ‘The Town Board (Delete: appointed themselves as Fire Commissioners) (Add: established a Fire District) prior to the Fire Company being formed in (Correction: 1930)

·        Page 1 – 5th paragraph – ‘In the 1950’s (Correction: Add – the State encouraged the Towns to hold an election), (* Delete- this could have been changed by holding an election) etc.

At this point, the Town Clerk objected to a rewrite of the minutes.  Commissioner Lent motioned to accept the minutes as submitted.  There was no second to this motion.

Commissioner Nolan continued with corrections:

·        Page 1 – last paragraph –  ‘ possible conflict of interest (Correction: Add – because they are officers of the fire company)

A motion was made to accept the September minutes with corrections by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Staats.  All in favor.  So carried.


The Chief’s report was as follows:

1.      9/15/06 – Pole fire on Langridge Road

2.      9/17/06 – Auto accident with personal injury on Pleasantvale Road.

3.      9/17/06 – Personal injury on Buckwheat Bridge Road set up for landing zone.

4.      9/28/06 – Auto accident personal injury – Buckwheat Bridge Road – 2 car, no injuries

5.      9/29/06 – Overturned boat in Hudson River – unfounded


A drill was held on 9/25/06 on equipment organization and repairs with twelve members present.


A new Jaws of Life was purchased and $5000 was saved on purchase.  A new battery was purchased for Truck #602.


A call has been made to John Haltermans on new furnace, which will be installed at Station #1.  The work on Station #2 is moving along, with the floor being done, roof almost complete and windows and doors to be installed next. 


The annual banquet will be held on Saturday, October 21 starting at 6:00 P.M., dinner at 7:00 at Station #2.  Chief Saulpaugh invited members of the board and a guest to attend.

Page 2                                      FIRE MINUTES                                  October 2, 2006


Supervisor Banks gave the Town Clerk a check in the amount of $1,368.51 from the Fire Company to reimburse the Town for electric and fuel oil bills which were paid by the Town for Station #1 and #2.  It will be sent to the bookkeeper for deposit.


Commissioner Harned spoke about budgeting for the Length of Service awards for 2007.  In the past we have budgeted $46,500.  The difference between what is due and what we pay will shorten up the payments in the end.  Is it the feeling of the board that we should proceed the same as in previous years?  A motion was made by Commissioner Staats, seconded by Commissioner Nolan to budget $46,500 for 2007.  All in favor.  So carried.


On the election of Fire Commissioners Commissioner Harned is asking the attorneys to find out what the procedure is for interested parties to get themselves on the ballot. There will be no absentee ballots.


A motion was made by Commissioner Nolan, seconded by Commissioner Staats to approve the Fire abstract #10, vouchers #116-124 in the amount of $2,200.19.  All in favor.  So carried.


The meeting was adjourned on a motion made by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Lent at 7:10 P.M.


Respectfully submitted,



Mary Helen Shannon

Fire District Secretary