Jeanette Relyea – Constance and John Halterman James Himelright III
Gary Beck – Z3 Consultants- Cemetery Road
JANUARY 12, 2005
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, January 12, 2005. Those members present were Chairman Larry Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Aldo Dusman, Garret O'Connor, Mandy Fuchs and Robert Quierolo. Others present were Jeanette Relyea, Constance and John Halterman, Sr., Carise and Hank Himelright, Judith Neary, Elizabeth Maher, Vera Brembs, Robert Desmond, Richard G. Barger, Engineer and Gary Beck, Jr. Z3 Consultants for Cemetery Road project.
A motion was made by Mandy Fuchs, seconded by Aldo Dusman to approve the minutes of the December minutes as written.
A public hearing is scheduled for James and Carise Himelright’s subdivision and a motion was made to close the regular meeting and open the public hearing by Mandy Fuchs, seconded by Aldo Dusman.
Mr. Himelright brought survey maps of the proposed subdivision of 2.15 acres from a larger parcel of 26 acres on Apple Valley Lane, off County Route 6. The wells and septics of adjoining property owners were located on the maps. An electric easement is established. Mr. Himelright will maintain control of the ditchway thereby eliminating the need for further easements. During discussion, it was realized that Mr. Himelright had not sent out the necessary certified return receipt letters so that this public hearing will be rescheduled for next month. A motion was made to close the public hearing by Garret O'Connor and seconded by Clayton Andrus.
The regular meeting was opened. Mr. Himelright must send out certified return receipt letters to all adjoining landowners within 200 feet of the entire property and show the receipts of such. Locate Zeliphs well and septic on the sketch plan, which is being accepted tonight. Will complete the application and SEQRA form before the next hearing. A motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Clayton to accept the sketch plan submitted by Mr. Himelright.
Constance and John Halterman are asking for a boundary line change of .584 acres from their parcel to be annexed to the property of Jeanette Relyea on County Route 6. Chairman Saulpaugh asked if there was any documentation on the removal of oil tanks on the Haltermans property but there is none. It would be up to the buyer to have soil tests on the property. The Haltermans submitted their application, two deed descriptions, and SEQRA form. Certified letters will be sent out for next month’s public hearing. Ms. Relyea will need a driveway permit from the County, as this added piece will serve as the driveway entrance to the property.
Page 2 Clermont Planning Board January 12, 2005
Gary Beck, Z3 Consultants and Richard Barger, surveyor/engineer for a proposed 16-lot subdivision on the former Goodnow property on Cemetery Road brought a sketch plan before the board. They are proposing a road of 1800 feet in and out of the property and discussed leaving a 50-foot right of way to the Cichetti property for future development. The sketch plan shows lots l and 12 as fronting on Cemetery Road. An application was submitted. The board suggested that the applicants go to the Town Board to see if the Town would accept the concept of the proposed road in the Town. The $300 minimum escrow fee was paid for possible engineering costs by the town relating to this project.
A site review was made of the proposed Pinho auto repair shop on Route 9, Nevis.
A motion was made by Mandy Fuchs, seconded by Clayton Andrus to approve the site plan with the following stipulations:
The board would like these stipulations completed before a building permit is granted for the auto repair shop. All in favor. So Carried.
A letter will be written to the applicant, John Fieser, Building Inspector and Charles Larsen, ZBA chairman.
The board discussed having our engineer, Dan Wheeler, give a presentation on wastewater at one of our meetings.
A motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Aldo Dusman to adjourn at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon