Beck –
& Katie Levine –
Land Resource Consultant
Group – Route 6,
William Gregory & Nora
Connell –
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on
Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting. A motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Aldo Dusman to approve the minutes with a correction on page 2, 2nd paragraph, line 9, changing Route 9 to Route 9G and add condition #8, page 3, letter from partners that a fence will be installed if requested by landowners. All in favor. So carried.
The public hearing on the
Gary Beck, Z3 consultants and George Siegrist were present. The developers have the following:
1. Maintenance agreement for homeowners on stormwater runoff and retention which is in the hands of Al Trezza.
2. Health department approval on all lots listed on map and stamped by BOH pending deep hole tests.
3. Letter from NYS DOT regarding clearing on Route 9G. It was noted that the letter states on the northwesterly side but should be northeasterly side of Route 9G.
Approval letter from James Potts, Highway
superintendent regarding road change regarding no entry from
5. Changed Lots #3 & #5 as to reserved strip
Name of the subdivision is
Removed the house on
The board did request a signed letter from our engineer regarding the signs on the road. Lindsey Scholl said that Dan has reviewed and does approve, and will get a letter. The issue of bonding the road or building the road will be brought up later in the meeting when Dan Wheeler arrives. Hearing continued until then.
Page 2 Planning Board
Dale and Nancy Sperry, County
Route 6, requesting a boundary line change for property on the south side of
Route 6 between
William Gregory and Nora
Mark and Katie Levine,
Amy Unson and Ken Bendix,
Jeanette Relyea, County Route 6
has been approved for a two-lot subdivision.
She is now going to build on second parcel. She has board of health approval on
Ken Casamento and Rodney Morrison of LRC Group for Prime Developers came before the board with revised plan for Mountain View Farm subdivision on County Route 6. The cul-de-sacs have been redesigned per the highway superintendent’s specifications. Plowing and snow storage was a concern and has been addressed with an easement all around the cul-de-sac. The number of lots previously planned has been reduced from 31 units to 22 units, reserving open space; the lots are all well over one acre in size. Planning board member Dianne O’Neal would still like to see more space left for agricultural purposes. The applicants have obtained the soil maps and their deep test lab results, but are waiting on the Health department approval. The dumping that had taken place over the years on the south piece of property was determined to be old fruit waste. On lot #6 they show a 100-foot buffer for wetlands, which are determined to be Army Corp wetlands, which require no buffer. They will get DEC to sign off on these wetlands.
Page 3 Planning Board
The smallest parcel on the north side of County Route 6 is Lot #16, 1.16 acres and on the south side, Lot #8, 1 acre. The cul-de-sac on the north side, as is proposed, is 1450 feet and on this cul-de-sac there are fourteen lots proposed. They must seek a variance for the number of lots as twelve is the maximum allowed on a dead end street, and a waiver for the length of the road as the ordinance limits the length to 500 feet. A letter will be written to the ZBA for the purpose of applicant going for a variance for the number of lots on the temporary dead end road, which exceeds the amount allowed in subdivision regulations.
Dianne O'Neal feels that this plan does not fit the description of the Residential/Agriculture zone. Neil Wilson does not see a problem placing covenants on the lots, such as no further subdivision.
Drainage from Route 6 to the south by Lots 9 & 10, 7 & 8 may have to be cleaned out, swaled, etc.
The applicants requested the board to consider the sketch plan approval conceptually in order for them to proceed with the next stage. They will have a preliminary traffic report next month. They have provided for a possible extension on the north side of the road from the temporary cul-de-sac to the adjoining property. The board requests this, whenever possible, as it is their obligation to plan for future roads. A motion was made to accept these plans as a sketch plan by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Mandy Fuchs. A roll call vote was held as follows:
A. Dusman – aye, A. Fuchs, aye, G. O’Connor, D. O’Neal, nay, L. Saulpaugh, aye. Two members were absent. Dianne O'Neal stated that, as she is seeing this plan for the first time, she is not comfortable approving it. Motion carried.
Dan Wheeler of D. F. Wheeler Engineers and Gary Beck for the Madison Hills Development on Cemetery discussed with the board whether or not the proposed road in the subdivision should be bonded or built outright. A performance bond will cover the town until the finish coat is applied. A maintenance bond is issued after the road is finished to base. The applicant can build the road and no building permits are issued until the road is built to base. If acceptable to the board, the applicant could apply for only one building permit and sell one parcel. The applicant will build the road to specs. A motion was made by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Dianne O'Neal to approve the preliminary plan, contingent upon improvements being in place. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was entertained by Chairman Saulpaugh to declare a negative declaration for the Madison Hills subdivision on Cemetery Road based on the findings of the long form EAF and also based on the traffic study provided by the applicant from Collins. Motion made by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Dianne O'Neal. All in favor. So carried.
Page 4 Planning Board March 8, 2006
Amandus Fuchs, Sr., removing himself from the board is requesting a boundary line change and subdivision on County Route 6. The boundary line change will decrease the size of a two-acre parcel to approx. 1.5 acres and be annexed to a parcel of approx. 1.5 acres. This will also involve a small tract, which lies in the Town of Germantown and will be added to the newly created parcel with flag lot. A letter will be written to the Town of Germantown Planning Board requesting that our board be able to proceed on this subdivision without any further review by their board.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon