Gary Beck – Z3 Consultants- Cemetery Road Randy Bloom
Alfred Jantzen, represented by Garret O'Connor Amandus Fuchs
Amandus Fuchs Thomas Vondell Philip Seymour
William Cole
APRIL 13, 2005
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, April 13, 2005. Those members present were Chairman Larry Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Aldo Dusman, Garret O'Connor, Mandy Fuchs, Robert Quierolo and Chris Nolan. Others present were Elizabeth Maher, Judith Neary, Gary Beck, Jr. Z3 Consultants for Cemetery Road project, Randy Bloom and Richard Jones, engineer for Ms. Bloom, Robert Corey, Robert Desmond, Philip Seymour, Thomas Vondell and Al Trezza, Town Attorney.
Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. A motion was made by Mandy Fuchs, seconded by Clayton Andrus to approve the minutes. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Mandy Fuchs, seconded by Clayton Andrus to close the regular meeting and open the public hearing on the subdivision and boundary line change of Alfred Jantzen of 13.119 acres on Pleasantvale Road. Garret O'Connor, member of the Planning Board, stepped down to represent Mr.Jantzen in this subdivision. Mr. Jantzen is subdividing a parcel of 13.119 acres on the north side of Pleasantvale Road and annexing it to Mr. O’Connors 4.886-acre parcel. Notification to adjoining landowners was done, deeds for both parcels were submitted. Robert Corey, a neighbor was present for the hearing. He asked if the pipeline runs through this property, but it does not.
As their was no other discussion, a motion was made to close the hearing and go back into regular session by Mandy Fuchs, seconded by Clayton Andrus.
The Environmental Assessment form was reviewed and declared a negative declaration on a motion made by Mandy Fuchs, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried. A motion was made to approve the subdivision/boundary line change by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Chris Nolan. All in favor. So carried.
Thomas Vondell approached the board on subdividing a 5.88 acre parcel into two lots on the east side of Route 9, south of Pinho’s. The lots would be 1.6 acres and 4.2 acres.
He will need two driveway approvals from the State Highway Superintendent. The driveways should be shown on the survey map and the superintendent’s signature affixed to that map. The property has mapped wetlands. As of yet, does not have health department approval. Phil Massaro is the surveyor for this project.
Randy Bloom, developer and Dick Jones, engineer approached the board for the 5 lot subdivision Mr. Bloom is proposing on Langridge Road off of Pleasantvale Road. The discussion started on whether or not Langridge Road is a user road or Town road. Dan Wheeler, our engineer, believes that if a user road is maintained and taken care of for ten years by the Town, it becomes a town road, but others dissagree. There are state regulations whereby a user road maintained by the Town for ten years becomes a town road, but the town does not own fee to road, it is used by the public but is not a dedicated road, remains a user road. An agreement has been reached by Ms. Bloom and Jim Potts, Highway Superintendent, whereby: the turnaround and area to push snow will be enlarged and trees will be removed on the curve for better site distance. Ms. Bloom is willing to turn road over to the Town from the start at her property line to the turnaround with a 15-20’ easement for pushing off the snow. The length of the cul-de-sac will exceed the maximum length that the zoning allows, but this is a pre-existing user (Town) road.
Applicant needs the following:
Gary Beck of Z3 Builders, developer for the former Goodnow property on Cemetery Road, proposing 15 lots on the south side of Cemetery Road came before the board.
Discussion was as follows:
Area is built, subject to approval of engineer and Town highway Superintendent. Receive a fee simple to road, easements to swales and ditches. Usually the management area is on a lot and a drainage easement goes with the property it is on, in this case Lot 6. Once installed it is the towns responsibility. Should check with Jim Potts on his requirements for maintenance easement.
Larry will check with Dan Wheeler to see if there is anything else. A preliminary public hearing will be scheduled for next month. Aldo Dusman did ask for info on impact to schools. A motion was made by Chris Nolan, seconded by Clayton Andrus to schedule the public hearing and SEQRA review for May 11 th at 7:30 P.M.
Phil Seymour is proposing a 13 lot subdivision of 25.93 acres on the former Boice property on both sides of Nevis Road. Preliminary deep test were done last fall, however, Board of Health has not been to the site yet. Out engineer must review the maps.
William Cole is proposing a storage buildings 30 x 150 facing east/west and possibly a 30 x 40 storage warehouse in the future in the former garage on three acres on Route 9G on what was the former LaMunyan property. He is also proposing putting the storage units on a 5 inch thick slab so as not to disturb the ground. He has been in contact with Dick Forge of DEC and there was no restriction to use of the land. The board feels he should try to get something in writing from DEC. This proposed use requires a site plan review as it is a commercial use on commercial property.
A motion was made to adjourn by Chris Nolan, seconded by Clayton Andrus.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon