Gary Beck – Cemetery Road Project Philip Seymour – Nevis Road Project
William Cole – Route 9G Project
MAY 11, 2005
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, May 11, 2005. Those members present were Chairman Larry Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Aldo Dusman, and Mandy Fuchs. Others present were Gary Beck – Z3 Consultants- Cemetery Road, Richard E. Barger, Engineer, David Seymour, William Cole, Doris Pease, Donna Boice Benware, Linda and Ronnie Clum, Chris Miller, Richard Popp, Billie Clark, Kevin Factor, Paul Doherty, Robert Desmond, Deran Mrizrakjian, Elizabeth Maher, Judith Neary, Denise Braun, Patricia Van Wagner, Peter Jennings, Donald Van Wagner, Artie Voetsch, Robert Carroll and Dan Wheeler, Town Engineer.
Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. A motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Aldo Dusman to approve the minutes with a correction to Page 3, changing five-inch slab to five-foot slab. All in favor. So carried.
Clayton Andrus made a motion; seconded by Aldo Dusman to close the meeting and open the hearing for the Cemetery Road Project of Z3 Builders represented by Gary Beck. Our engineer, Dan Wheeler read his recommendations in letter of 5/10/05 covering six points as follows:
- Well on Lot #12, not far enough away from proposed septic area.
- Symbols on map should match legend.
- Grading on Lot #9 poses runoff threat. Change configuration or add curtain drain for runoff.
- Grading on Lot #8 to redirect runoff
- Show proposed grades on post development drainage plan.
- Plans must be signed, sealed by surveyor before approval.
Discussed Storm water pollution prevention plan – SWEPP – if five acres or more are disturbed must have SWEPP plan.
- Several adjoining neighbors, Donald Van Wagner, Peter Cichetti have concerns about water backoff. Mr. Van Wagner lives across the road on the north side and Mr. Cichetti on the south side of the property. The water runs away from Mr. Van Wagner’s towards the proposed project but backs ups to his property. Mr. Van Wagner brought in pictures of the water on his property, but did not leave them with the Board. Dan Wheeler explained there are predevelopment and post development conditions. What engineers have to do is look to see if condition can be fixed, holding onto water for a longer time or what can be done to improve. Storm Water Management – hold onto water after a storm, let it trickle out.
- Bob Desmond asked if Planning Board could require it to be fixed. Applicant cannot be asked to improve another’s property.
The purpose of a hearing is for the public to say what their concerns are and Planning Board to address them.
- Peter Cichetti is concerned about additional traffic on Cemetery Road and Route 9G, particularly at the intersection with an additional 14-15 lots. The site distance is poor at the intersection. Others present were also concerned, including Mr. Mrizrakjian, Kevin Factor.
- SEQRA is an effort to force the Planning Board to look at environmental issues including transportation, effect on character of neighborhood, etc.
- Part of this proposal is in a three-acre zone and the remainder is one-acre zoning. The parcels are predominantly large parcels ranging from 4 acres to 10 acres.
- Denise Braun has concerns of water, ecoli and well water. Dan expressed that there is no guarantee that this proposal will develop into the proposed number of lots, it may less lots of larger size depending on the septic requirements.
- Chris Miller does not believe that Lot #4 could pass a perc test because it is borderline lake. It was explained that the Board of Health would determine and give the approval of system designs. Lot designs and layouts can be changed however.
- Questioned was asked about the proposed road, and if it will be a town road. At the time when it is completed to Town specifications, it will become a town road.
- Peter Cichetti noted that when he had a well drilled, the well driller said the ridge is all in the same aquifer, the more houses the more effect on the water.
- Mobile home on the property will be removed, was used for agricultural use.
A motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Aldo Dusman, to close the public hearing and open the regular meeting.
David Seymour representing Philip Seymour on the proposed Nevis Road subdivision came before the board. Dan Wheeler covered points in his letter to the Planning Board and copied to Mr. Seymour’s engineer.
- Discussed whether this should be considered as one subdivision or two since the property is on both sides of Nevis Road. Dan will check with Al Trezza.
- Development could be done as Phase I and Phase II, making everything consistent as to numbering of lots.
- Discussed combining driveways at end on Town Road, item #12 in letter.
- Several residents has concerns:
Donna Benware – wetlands – Applicants will have to show wetlands on maps
Linda Clum – traffic on Nevis Road and coming out onto Lasher Road.
- Ditches, which have been dug out, have created a linear storage and a way must be figured out to get rid of water.
- Columbia County Planning Board must review it if this project is within 500’ of Route 9
- It was determined that it is in an agricultural district.
Billy Cole is proposing a 30 x 120’ storage building on the former LaMunyan property on Route 9G, 300 feet off the road, south of the present building. He would like to use
the garage for storage of his equipment. The board would like an opinion from the Zoning Board as to whether this constitutes one use or two on three plus acres.
Paul Doherty has purchased property on Turkey Hill Road, formerly owned by Ricky Sharp. He is seeking to have a trail connecting to other properties he owns in Dutchess County, which would border the future subdivision. The trail would be used for horseback riding, snow mobiling, but four wheelers or dirt bikes would not be allowed.
A seminar will be held on May 24 th at 6:30 PM at Columbia Greene Community College on Planning and Zoning issues.
A breakfast will be held at Kozels in Ghent on Building Moratoriums on May 25 th at 8:00 AM.
A motion was made to adjourn at 10:00 PM by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Mandy Fuchs.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon