Randy Bloom – Langridge Road Thomas Vondell – Route 9
Denise Braun – Cemetery Road Phil Gellert – Mill Road
Gary Beck – Cemetery Road Philip Seymour – Nevis Road
Sean Miller – Nevis Road Jerry Swartz – Route 9G Manual Pinho
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, July 13, 2005. Those members present were Chairman Larry Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Aldo Dusman, Chris Nolan and Garret O'Connor. Others present were Don Van Wagner, Artie Voetsch, Robert Desmond, Denise Braun, Tom Vondell, Manual Pinho, Dick Russo, Phil Gellert, Robert Ihlenburg, Richard Barger, Stephen Burns, Gary Beck, Jr., Phil Seymour, Bruce Unson, Judith Neary, Elizabeth Maher, Elaine Tate, Helen Unson, Deran Mizrakjian, Richard Jones, Randy Bloom, Sean Miller, Billy Cole, Margaret Mondello and Terese Mondello.
Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting. A motion was made by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Clayton Andrus to approve the minutes of the June meeting. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Aldo Dusman to close the regular meeting and move into the public hearing of the Randy Bloom subdivision of 136 acres more or less into 6 parcels on Langridge Road.
Ms. Bloom and her engineer, Richard Jones came before the board. The parcels are Lot 1 – 2.42 acres, Lot 2 – 3.11 acres, Lot 3 – 4.35 acres, Lot 4- 5.67 acres, Lot 5 – 7.68 acres and the remaining acreage to stay in Ms. Blooms possession. The applicant filed with the board, septic designs for Lots 1-5 as approved by the Columbia County Board of Health.
Receipts for certified mailings sent to adjoining landowners and driveway permits for five parcels from the Clermont Highway Superintendent.
Interested parties, which came forward, were Robert Desmond, Bruce Unson and Elaine Tate. The board reviewed our engineer, Daniel Wheelers comments in a May 10, 2005 letter to the new maps submitted. The following were noted and discussed:
The board reviewed the SEQRA form and made the recommendations for changes:
B1 I – Remove barn size on page 5
B 1 j – Linear feed of public thoroughfare
B 2 – Material to be removed
B 4 – Acres of vegetation to be removed (disturbed earth)
B 1 b – Public acreage to be developed initially, ultimately
A 18 – Agricultural district
If the applicant desires to go to shared driveways, since they are now allowed in our zoning, then a maintenance agreement must be submitted. Attorney Trezza has a copy of a maintenance agreement used in most cases. Robert Desmond was in favor of this idea, as it creates fewer curb cuts coming out onto Langridge Road.
Ms. Tate asked for clarification on Langridge Road from Pleasantvale to the beginning of the Bloom property. Attorney Trezza stated that Langridge Road is a user road, maintained by the Town, and the Town is obligated to maintain the road as in the past. He believes that this road would be on file on the Town’s map of roads with the County Highway Department as a user road, not a dedicated road. He would think that the town would want to take deed to the road. The applicant is providing a 50 foot wide section of road, along with a snow easement at the end of the road. Taking a deed to Ms. Bloom’s section of Langridge Road has no effect on the ownership of the Unson’s section of Langridge Road. The secretary will check with the Highway Superintendent about the roster of roads with the County and will check with the position of the Town and the Highway Superintendent on taking deed to Langridge Road.
A motion was made by Chris Nolan, seconded by Garret O'Connor to leave the public hearing open until next month.
The regular meeting was reopened.
Denise Braun came before the board to discuss a proposed subdivision on Cemetery Road of 9.44 acres into two parcels, possibly three parcels of three acres a piece. She is seeking sketch plan approval for one three acre subdivision at this time. The Board told her she will need Board of Health approval on the new lot, a driveway permit from the Town Highway Superintendent, show well and septic site on the new lot, as well as, existing lots. Bring back a survey map and all documents to the August meeting and a public hearing may be scheduled for September. A motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Aldo Dusman to accept the sketch plan. All in favor. So carried.
Thomas Vondell is seeking subdivision of a 5.878 acre lot on the east side of Route 9 into two lots, Lot 1 – 1.683 acres and Lot 2 – 4.187 acres. There is State approval for one entrance, with the ability to do two if needed. They have septic design approval for a two lot subdivision from the Board of Health pending final inspection by a Health department representative. The board asked that the topography lines on Lot 1 & 2 be clarified. A motion was made by Chris Nolan, seconded by Garret O'Connor to accept the sketch plan for this subdivision.
Philip Gellert is subdividing ten acres from a parcel of 45 acres more or less on the east side of Mill Road. He has a survey map, driveway approval at several sites, however, there is a question about the existing farm road being used as a driveway, if a building were to be built on the site of the burned out barn. Mr. Gellert has approval from the Board of Health for a 1000 gal septic for a three bedroom residence on the east-side of Mill Road. A public hearing will be scheduled for August 10 th at 7:30 P.M.
Robert Ihlenburg, surveyor, came before the board to discuss a possible subdivision by Jerry Swartz of 6.7 acres more or less on Route 9G on the west side south of Jug Road into two parcels, Lot A – 3.549 acres and Lot B – 3.153 acres. Mr. Ihlenburg should get a letter of authorization from Mr. Swartz to represent him. The following are issues which were raised:
A motion was made to accept the sketch plan by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Chris Nolan. Bring revised map to August meeting and it may be possible to hold the public hearing in September.
Manual Pinho has questions about approval for his apartment building on Route 9, Nevis area. It was discovered by searching the minutes of Zoning Board minutes that approval for a special permit was never received. Mr. Pinho never completed the process for approval. It was suggested that his attorney talk to Charles Larsen, the ZBA chairman or call Albert Trezza and he will discuss this with him.
Phil Seymour is subdividing 26 acres more or less into 13 lots on both sides of Nevis Road. He has yet to get board of Health approval, driveway approvals. Profiles and drainage are not yet done. He is considering combining driveways for Lots 3 & 4 and Lots 5 & 6. He is asking if one house could be built on the east-side of Nevis Road for his daughter, if he gets Board of Health and driveway approval. The Board agreed that one building permit could be issued.
Gary Beck, developer for Cemetery Road project, Richard Barger and Stephen Burns, engineers came before the board to review their proposal. They discussed the traffic situation, which this ten-lot subdivision may create on Cemetery Road. Road entrance is at crown of hill, and the board wanted an evaluation the traffice pattern from the new development at peak hours of the day, morning and evening when people are coming and going to work/school.
Sean Miller, Nevis Road has 21.81 acres and was interested in knowing if it could be subdivided. He has access to Nevis Road and Moore Road through the back of his property. He would have to have a fifty foot wide access to Moore Road to be able to use as a driveway. He should check the width of the access and whether he has ownership of the access, which he believes he does.
A motion was made by Clayton Andrus to adjourn at 11:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon