Randy Bloom – Langridge Road Phil Gellert – Mill Road
Denise Braun – Cemetery Road Philip Seymour – Nevis Road
Marie and Ildefonso Acosta- East Kerley Corners Rd.
Prime Land Development – County Route 6 Fay Werner – County Route 6
Ralph Choinsky/Kevin Bathrick/ Kevin Factor – Commons Road
SEPTEMBER 14, 2005
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, September 14, 2005. Those members present were Chairman Larry Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Chris Nolan, Amandus Fuchs and Robert Quierolo, Aldo Dusman and Garret O'Connor. Others present were Lindsey Scholl from Dan Wheelers office, Albert Trezza, Town Attorney, Fay Werner, Edward Kahle, Denise Braun, Robin and Patricia Daley, Phil Gellert, Robert Desmond, Rebecca Sethi, Debra Cole, David Seymour, Ken Casamento, Neil Wilson, Rodney Morrison, engineer from LRC Group, Elizabeth Mahar, Judith Neary, Randy Bloom, Richard Sardo, Ralph Choinsky, Kevin Bathrick, Kevin Factor, Richard Jones, Paul Doherty, Margaret Innerhoffer, and Timothy Ross.
Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting. Minutes were distributed to the board members and a motion was made by Chris Nolan, seconded by Clayton Andrus to accept them as presented. All in favor. So carried.
Chris Nolan made a motion, seconded by Garret O'Connor to close the regular meeting and continue the public hearing of the Bloom subdivision of 5 lots on Langridge Road.
The following was submitted or added to the subdivision maps as requested:
The board requested a clearly defined centerline of the driveways on the maps. Mr. Trezza requested the description of the driveway be added to the maintenance agreement or refer to the survey map.
A motion was made to close the public hearing by Chris Nolan, seconded by Garret O'Connor and reopen the meeting.
A motion was made by Chris Nolan, seconded by Mandy Fuchs to accept for final approval subject to the legal description of shared easement being shown on the survey maps. All in favor. So carried. A motion was made by Chris Nolan, seconded by Mandy Fuchs to amend the final approval on the condition that the applicant will deed over to the Town of Clermont, the portion of Langridge Road as has been discussed.
A motion was made to close the regular meeting by Chris Nolan, seconded by Clayton Andrus and to reopen the public hearing of Phil Gellert on a ten-acre subdivision from approximately 45 acres on Mill Road. Rebecca Sethi, an adjoining landowner was present also. The board has requested a letter from the Columbia County Board of Health
that would verify the location of the test, which was done at this site. No building permit should be issued until approval is received by the Building Inspector. Phil would agree to noting on the survey that Parcel B – 35 acres is not an approved building site.
Bob Desmond asked if the driveway/farm road would be grandfathered in as used by Part B. The Highway Superintendent would, likely, not approve it if a building were to be built on the neighboring property because of site distance. The hearing was closed and the meeting reopened on a motion made by Chris Nolan, seconded by Clayton Andrus.
A motion was made by Chris Nolan, seconded by Robert Quierolo to approve the 10-acre parcel subdivision with the following conditions:
The Chairman was requested to sign the maps after determining that everything is in order.
Denise Braun brought in maps for a three lot subdivision on Cemetery Road, Parcel l – 3 acres more or less, Parcel 2 – 3.133 Acres, Parcel 3 – 3 acres more or less. A motion was made by Chris Nolan, seconded by Aldo Dusman to accept as sketch plan subject to applicant providing Board of Health approval, revised map and configuration, setbacks of utilities and driveways to Chairman. A public hearing will be scheduled for October 12, 2005 if submitted by September 26th.
Fay Werner, County Route 6 and Nevis Road has a parcel of 8-10 acres on the southwest side of County Route 6 which she would like to subdivide. She would have to have it surveyed but because it stands alone as a parcel, she would not have to go through subdivision. Bring the survey maps in for the Chairman to stamp so that they can be filed.
Edward Kale wants to make a boundary line change between two parcels on Route 9, the parcel with the apartments and vacant land. He also would like to subdivide a two-acre parcel from 13.8 acres on County Route 6 and Hogtrough Road. He would create a flag lot. Need driveway approval and Board of Health approval. Show existing septics, wells and buildings within 200 feet of the project.
David Seymour representing Philip Seymour for subdivision on Nevis Road of twenty-six acres being subdivided into thirteen lots of varying sizes from l.03 acres to 6.86 acres came before the board. The board asked if there was a response from his engineer to Dan Wheelers letter of 5/10/05 referencing easement and road maintenance agreement.
Specifically referencing in agreement the points of where the responsibility lies. Need drainage plan and drainage easement on the east side of Lot 8 west to east. There was
discussion on whose responsibility it becomes to maintain the drainage. Al Trezza suggested a Homeowners association for maintenance of drainage ditch. Will have Dan Wheeler check on drainage issues because of all changes to topography. Talk to Mr. Knapp about a maintenance easement for drainage ditch in front of his house (formerly Boice) The board requested boundaries of drainage maintenance easement with metes and bound description and show driveway and apron details on map.
A motion was made by Chris Nolan, seconded by Clayton Andrus to accept as a preliminary sketch plan and schedule a public hearing for next month on preliminary plan.
Rodney Morrison, engineer from LRC Group and Neil Wilson of Prime Land Development came before the board with a proposal for the McCune property on County Route 6, 65 acres, to be subdivided into 28 lots with three proposed cul-de-sacs for access. There is an existing house and barn on the property. The board did request a study on the traffic volume and the Chairman will show the Highway Superintendent the proposals for the cul-de-sacs. They also discussed the dumping of materials on the property in the past on the south side by the fruit packers. The applicants will be looking into that. They will present at the next meeting.
Richard Sardo, surveyor for Maria and Ildefonso Acosta on County Route 2 – East Kerley Corners Road came before the board for a proposal of subdivision of approximately 14.056 acres into two parcels, Parcel A- 8 acres more or less and Parcel B – 5.466 acres. The board requested a letter from Iroquois Pipeline, as there is an easement on the west boundary of the property. Wells and septics of adjacent property owners with 200 feet should be noted on the map. He will need Board of Health approval and a driveway permit from the County. There is an old easement for ingress and egress in the form of a farm road, but he does not believe it is used or will be used. He will also need a letter of representation from the Acosta’s. Mr. Sardo will be back next month with the maps.
Ralph Choinsky, Kevin Bathrick and Kevin Factor came before the board with a proposal for 100 plus acres on Commons Road, known as the Turek-Collins property. They are seeking to subdivide, mine gravel and possibly donate land to the town for a park or access to the Roeliff Jansen Kill. There are easements for power lines and Iroquois pipeline on the property. Also, a portion of the land lies on the Livingston side of the Roe Jan. They will approach the Town Board on the possibility of the land donation.
DEC sent a SEQRA application by Red Wing seeking a permit to dig to a deeper depth on a twenty five-acre portion at its facility in Clermont on County Route 2. No action was taken at this time.
A motion was made by Mandy Fuchs, seconded by Garret O'Connor to adjourn at 11:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
Mary Helen Shannon