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Denise Braun – Cemetery Road            Philip Seymour – Nevis Road     
Marie and Ildefonso Acosta- East Kerley Corners Rd.      
Prime Land Development – County Route 6                        Julienne Voll – Cedar Hill Road
Russell Sharp – Turkey Hill Road    Edward Kahle – County Route 6
Peter Hubbell for Matthew Guerrera – Woods Road

CLERMONT PLANNING BOARD                       
OCTOBER 12, 2005

The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, October 12, 2005.  Those members present were Chairman Larry Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Chris Nolan, Amandus Fuchs, Robert Quierolo, Aldo Dusman and Garret O'Connor.  Others present were Dan Wheeler, Engineer for the Town, Albert Trezza, Town Attorney, Edward Kahle, Denise Braun, Robert Desmond, Debra Cole, Neil Wilson, Rodney Morrison, engineer from LRC Group, Elizabeth Mahar, Judith Neary, Richard Sardo, Paul Doherty, Irving Minkowitz, Russell Sharp, Andrea Nussinow, Julienne Voll, Gary Beck, Joanne and Charles Thulen, Mary Louise Kalin, Peter Hubbell, Ronnie and Linda Clum, C. Minkowitz, David and Philip Seymour, Timothy Ross, Engineer for Seymour, Yvonne Pierce, Jake and Katherine Dunn, Diane O’Neal.

Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting.  Minutes were distributed to the board members and a motion was made by Amandus Fuchs, seconded by Clayton Andrus to approve the minutes with one correction.  Eliminate Hog Trough Road in the location of the Kahle property.  All in favor.  So carried.

A motion was made to close the regular meeting and open the public hearing for the subdivision of Denise Braun on Cemetery Road.  Ms. Braun is subdividing a parcel of 9.868 acres into two parcels, Lot l – 6.735 acres and Lot 2 – 3.133 acres.  There were no neighbors present for or against. Ms. Braun submitted the certified mail receipts.  It was hoped that Ms. Braun’s surveyor and the health department would have completed their work on a third parcel so our attorney was asked if, because we advertised for a three lot subdivision, if this was a valid hearing.  The notice was read, the intent was same even though the health department and surveyor did not get out on the third parcel.   The health department approval and driveway permit have been obtained for Parcel 2.  All fees are paid.  Diane O’Neal asked where this parcel is located in relation to 16-lot subdivision proposed on Cemetery Road.  This parcel is across the street.  A motion was made by
Clayton Andrus, seconded by Garret O'Connor to close the public hearing and open the regular meeting.

The board reviewed the SEQRA application for the aforementioned subdivision.  A motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Clayton Andrus to declare a negative declaration on SEQRA.  All in favor.  So carried.  A motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Aldo Dusman to approve the subdivision of Denise Braun as submitted.  All in favor.  So carried.

A motion was made by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Garret O'Connor to close the regular meeting and open the public hearing of Philip Seymour subdivision of 13 lots on Nevis Road.   Mr. Seymour is seeking preliminary approval of the project.  Mr. Seymour and Timothy Ross made a presentation to those present.  The property lies in the Nevis Hamlet and the R.A. zones, which are all one acre zoned.   The sizes of the parcels range from 1.3 acres to 2.87 acres on the east side of Nevis Road.  There will be seven curbcuts on the west side of Nevis Road, with four parcels sharing two curbcuts and two curbcuts on the east side with shared driveways for four parcels.  One lot is a flag lot with one acre plus the flag pole area.  His company will do all construction on the sites, with the exception of his daughters, which will be built by them.  There were questions regarding the drainage ditches and water flow.  Stone check dams have been or will be installed to control the natural flow of drainage water.  Two test wells have been dug.  It was explained that no person can interfere with or divert water except on their own property.  This is reparian rights.  The soil types are silty loams, clay loams and some shale.

The questions from those present were mostly regarding drainage water, traffic, affects on wells, and density.

Dan Wheeler explained that the applicant is required to address these issues with a grading plan, soil study, storm water study and health department approvals for septics.  SEQRA will address the fabric of the neighborhood.  

A motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Aldo Dusman to continue the public hearing until next month.  All in favor. So carried.

Prime Development, contract vendee, represented by Neil Wilson and Rodney Morrison is proposing a subdivision of 65 acres on the north and south side of County Route 6 into thirty-one parcels.  They have shown a map with a new configuration on the road and cul-de-sacs in the subdivision.  The north side shows a horseshoe type road with a temporary cul-de-sac, so that at some later time if the property to the north is developed, the cul-de-sac can be abandoned and a road continued through.  The south side shows a road to a cul-de-sac.

The board requested snow easements on the cul-de-sacs.  Test samples have been taken of the site on the south side where there was some dumping of materials, and sent to an environmental partner.  Soil tests will be done to support layout of parcels.  Chris Nolan pointed out that they should check the lot frontage on the cul-de-sac of Lot #7.  It was also pointed out that Lot #15 & 16 share a common driveway. Copies of the plan have been given to the Highway Superintendent.  A traffic study was also discussed.

Russell Sharp would like to make a boundary line change and convey two parcels to Red Wing Properties.  They are Parcels C – 1.816 acres and Parcel B-1.487 acres, which are situated on the west side of the National Grid power line easement.  The remainder of his property is 51.278 acres.  A motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Aldo to waive notification of neighbors with the exception of Central Hudson.National Grid and the DellaVecchia’s and to hold the public hearing on November 9, 2005 for the boundary line change.  All in favor.  So carried.

Edward Kahle is seeking a boundary line change to an existing 2.33-acre parcel with apartment house on U.S. Route 9 of approx. .25 acres to be annexed to the parcel south to increase that lot size and create the necessary 50’ wide entrance.  A public hearing will be scheduled for November.

Mr. Kahle would also like to subdivide a two-acre parcel from 13.8 acres on County Route 6.  He has County highway approval for a driveway and Health department approval for a 1000-gallon septic system.  He does not have the survey as of yet, so a hearing cannot be scheduled at this time. 

Julienne and John Voll are proposing two lots from a parcel of 15.14 acres on Cedar Hill Road.  The lots to be lot 1 – 5.14 acres with existing house and Lot 2 – 12.00 acres.  A driveway permit, septic approval and DEC wetlands permit must be submitted.  They are proposing underground electric as shown on the survey map.  It was suggested that they should get an easement for Lot 2’s electric from main box to the new residence.  Also an easement for Lot 1 for any possible work to be done that would involve crossing over Lot 2’s driveway.  The new driveway must be ten feet from the property line.  An ag data statement must be completed.  A public hearing will be scheduled for November 9th.

Gary Beck submitted a traffic study for the Cemetery Road project.  The board would like the AM/PM peak defined.  The study was performed on a weekday.  The board would like to see more detailed sampling.  It was recommended that left turns into the easterly access drive to the subdivision be prohibited due to site distance limitations and improvements are needed on State Route 9G north of Cemetery Road as far as vegetation.  That is an issue, which must be addressed with the State.  A review was made of our engineer’s comments and board of health approval must be obtained.

Richard Sardo, representing Maria and Ildefonso Acosta on County Route 2 are proposing a subdivision of 14 acres into two parcels, 5.466 acres and 8.590 acres.  A letter of representation was presented, application, driveway permit from the county highway, health department approval for a 1250-gallon septic tank and SEQRA were also submitted.  The board requested that Mr. Sardo locate septic, well and driveway on existing parcel.  They discussed the pipeline easement on the property and Mr. Sardo will field search for the pins, but he believes they encumber 60 feet with no restrictions.
A public hearing will be scheduled for November 9th.

Peter Hubbell, representing Matthew Guerrera on Woods Road, as part of an appraisal process for a conservation easement, requested a letter supporting a sketch plan of a proposed subdivision of 72.6 acres into six parcels ranging in size from 6 acres to 15 acres.  He is requesting a letter that if the property were to be subdivided that the plan, as it was presented, would meet the requirements of the Subdivision ordinance for the Town of Clermont.  The secretary will write a letter.

A motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Clayton Andrus to adjourn at 11:30 P.M.  All were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Helen Shannon