Dale & Nancy Sperry – Route 6;          William Phillips – Route 6;       

William Gregory & Nora Connell –Trout Creek Road; Michael Kokas – Pleasantvale Rd.

Irish Hills, LLC – Turkey Hill Road; Robert Zimmerman for Bruce and James Potts, Sr.- County Route 33;  Amy Unson – Pleasantvale Road; Amandus Fuchs, Sr. – Route 6



JUNE 14, 2006


The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, June 14, 2006.  Those members present were Chairman Larry Saulpaugh, Dianne O’Neal, Aldo Dusman, Mandy Fuchs and Clayton Andrus. Garret O'Connor and Robert Quierolo were absent.  Others present were William Gregory, Dale and Nancy Sperry, Bruce Unson, Amy Unson, Ken Bendix, Paul Doherty, Jason Morris, Engineer for Irish Hills, William Phillips, Sandra Wagner, Robert Desmond, Irving Minkowitz, John Coffey- Attorney for Mr. Minkowitz, Michael Kokas, Robert Zimmerman for Bruce Potts and James Potts, Sr., Russell Sharp, Albert Chmura, Thomas Francescott, Sondra Wagner and Jay Trapp for D.F. Wheeler Engineers.


Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting. A motion was made by Dianne O'Neal, seconded by Clayton Andrus to accept the minutes of the May meeting.  All in favor.  So carried.  There are seven public hearings scheduled for tonight and a motion was made to close the regular meeting by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Clayton Andrus and open the public hearings.


Amy and Audrey Unson are proposing a subdivision of a 9-acre parcel on Pleasantvale Road into two parcels, Parcel A – 7.50 acres and Parcel B – 1.50 acres.  All paperwork was presented, notices and maps including all information.  There was no one present to speak for or against this action.  After review, a motion was made by Amandus Fuchs, seconded by Aldo Dusman to close the public hearing.  All in favor.  So Carried.


Dale and Nancy Sperry are proposing lot line changes between two parcels on County Route 6.  Parcel of 1.94 acres to be reduced by .702 acres and added to a parcel of approximately 3.52 acres.  Lot #1 and #2 share a well, but a new well will be drilled when transaction is completed. There was no one present to speak for or against this action.  After review of all paperwork, which was in order, a motion was made to close the public hearing by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Clayton Andrus.  All in favor.  So carried.


Robert Zimmerman representing Bruce, Kathleen, Faye and James Potts, Sr. who are seeking two boundary line adjustments to increase two existing parcels.  The parcel of Kathleen and Bruce Potts will increase from 1 acre to 3.22 acres and that of Faye and James Potts, Sr. increases from .375 acres to 2.69 acres on County Route 33. Mr. Zimmerman noted that utility lines are noted on the maps, description of parcels.  There was no one present for or against this action.  A motion was made to close the public hearing by Dianne O'Neal, seconded by Clayton Andrus.  All in favor.  So carried.



Page 2                                      PLANNING BOARD MEETING                   June 14, 2006


William Gregory and Lenora Connell have requested to subdivide a 3.87 acre parcel on Trout Creek Road into two lots, parcel A-2 acres with existing residence and parcel B –

1.87 acres vacant.  All information was submittted, notices as required and there was no one present to speak for or against this subdivision.  A motion was made to close the public hearing by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  All in favor.  So carried.


Robert Zimmerman, representing Michael Kokas and Jan Greer who are subdividing a parcel of 94.3 acres into two parcels on Pleasantvale Road, Lot 1 – 6.67 acres vacant and Lot 2 – 87.64 acres with existing residence.  Map shows proposed septic field, proposed well and proposed house site.  There was no one present to speak for or against this action.  A motion was made to close the public hearing by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  All in favor.  So carried.


The public hearing on the boundary line changes for the following was opened.

            Robert Mabie – .030 acres; Eleanor Lydon - .061 acres, in total approximately a fifteen foot strip from each parcel consisting of the old railroad trestle, to be merged to property of Irish Hills, LLC on Turkey Hill Road.

In exchange for the following from Irish Hills, LLC to be merged to the following:

Eleanor Lydon - .554 acres; Richard Mabie - .111 acres; Edward Coons - .256 acres; Robert Mabie - .279 acres consisting of the existing railroad bed.  The board received all paperwork.  There was no one present for or against this action.  A motion was made by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Dianne O'Neal to close the public hearing.  All in favor.  So carried.


The public hearing for the subdivision of Jeanette Relyea, County Route 6, was postponed until the July meeting, as the applicant was not ready.


William Phillips, County Route 6, is seeking a subdivision of a third lot of approximately 5.50 acres by creating a flag lot.  He has applied to the Zoning Board of Appeals for an area variance to create a flag lot with less than the required footage.  At this time, he is attempting to find out how the two existing parcels were merged into one parcel.  He has a stamped subdivision map, which was filed; however, it appears they were joined as one parcel at some point.  Suggested that he check with the County Clerk’s office to find out how they were merged.


Christine Francescott Van Ort and Thomas Francescott are seeking a subdivision of 2.7 acres from a parcel of 36 acres for residential use on the west-side of County Route 6.  Mr. Francescott submitted descriptions, application and SEQRA form.  The septic and wells and proposed house location must be sited on the survey map for parcel #2 (new parcel).  A public hearing will be scheduled for July 12, 2006 at 7:30 P.M.




Page 3                                      PLANNING BOARD MEETING                   June 14, 2006


Irving Minkowitz and his attorney, John Coffey were present for the proposed Prime Development major subdivision on County Route 6, however the applicants were not at the meeting.


Paul Doherty, Irish Hills, LLC and Jason Morris, Engineer, M.A. Day Engineering presented a subdivision application for the Huckleberry Crossing Subdivision on Turkey Hill Road.  The proposal involves development of approximately 106 acres into 33 lots for residential use.  There is an existing farmhouse, which will remain with 18 acres for agricultural use.  The Town of Milan has ten-acre zoning and five of the lots are in the Town of Milan. The proposal calls for a cul-de-sac road, which is 1439 feet in length, which will require a variance because it exceeds the 500-foot designated length for cul-de-sacs in subdivision.  Mandy Fuchs asked if the cul-de-sac can be eliminated but because of the steep grade on the site, it cannot.  The applicant is also proposing using the railroad overpass abutments to enter the subdivision.  By raising the height of Turkey Hill Road by two feet, it would allow entry at road level for thirty feet before getting to vertical grade.  Rick Sharp raised concern about lights from traffic exiting the subdivision having an effect on the house he is contemplating building opposite the proposed entrance if the road is raised. 


Mr. Doherty is currently in contract to purchase a 250 foot wide strip of land that is currently owned by Central Hudson Gas and Electric Company.  No closing date has yet been set. Discussed the differences between State (DEC) classified wetlands, 12.4 acres, 100 foot buffer must be delineated and Federal Wetlands, no buffer. Also, Unclassified SEQRA Action – town can declare itself lead agency and Type I Action – Lead agency must be determined.


Amandus Fuchs is proposing a one lot subdivision and boundary line change on property on County Route 6, by reducing a two acre parcel to one and one half acres and creating a flag lot, 50 feet wide, to access a new parcel of approximately one and one half acres. He is also annexing additional acreage to the new parcel from a parcel, which is situated in the Town of Germantown.  He has submitted an application; Agricultural Data Statement, BOH approval and driveway permit from the County.  His map needs to show the wells, septics of adjoining properties and proposed sites.  Also, needs deed descriptions.  A motion was made to accept the sketch plan and application by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  All in favor.  So carried.  A public hearing will be scheduled for July 12, 2006 at 7:30 P.M.


The following are the decisions on the previously held public hearings:

·        Amy and Audrey Unson – Pleasantvale Road

A motion to declare a negative impact in the SEQRA review by Amandus Fuchs, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  All in favor.  So carried.  A motion to approve the subdivision as presented by Amandus Fuchs, seconded by Clayton Andrus.  All in favor.  So carried.

Page 4                                      PLANNING BOARD MEETING                    June 14, 2006


·        Bruce and Kathleen Potts, Faye and James Potts, Sr. – County Route 33

A motion to declare a negative impact on the SEQRA review made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  All in favor. So carried.

A motion to approve the boundary line changes made by Amandus Fuchs, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  All in favor.  So carried.


·        Michael Kokas and Jan Greer – Pleasantvale Road

A motion to declare a negative impact on the SEQRA review made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Aldo Dusman.  All in favor.  So carried.

A motion to approve the subdivision made by Amandus Fuchs, seconded by Aldo Dusman.  All in favor.  So carried.


·        Irish Hills, LLC – Turkey Hill Road

A motion to declare a negative impact on the SEQRA review made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Amandus Fuchs.  All in favor.  So carried.

A motion to approve the boundary line changes as presented made by Dianne O'Neal, seconded by Clayton Andrus.  All in favor.  So carried.


·        Dale and Nancy Sperry – County Route 6

A motion to declare a negative impact on the SEQRA review made by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  All in favor.  So carried.

A motion to approve the boundary line change made by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  All in favor.  So carried.


·        William Gregory and Lenora Connell – Trout Creek Road

A motion to declare a negative impact on the SEQRA review made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  All in favor.  So carried.

A motion to approve the subdivision made by Dianne O'Neal, seconded by Amandus Fuchs.  All in favor.  So carried.


Read a letter from Sondra Wagner, County Route 6 in regards to proposed development by Prime Development on County Route 6.


Read letter from Zoning Board of Appeals regarding application to ZBA for an area variance to allow access for three additional residential units to a cul-de-sac on their proposed development on County Route 6.


Received letter from ZBA regarding applications from Edward and Susan Mead and William Phillips to the ZBA.


A motion was made to adjourn by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  All in favor.  So carried.


Respectfully submitted,