Amandus Fuchs, Mary Jane Fuchs – Route 6                Jeanette Relyea – County Route 6

Thomas Francescott, Christine Van Ort – County Route 6



JULY 12, 2006


The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, July 12, 2006.  Those members present were Chairman Larry Saulpaugh, Dianne O’Neal, Mandy Fuchs, Clayton Andrus, Garret O'Connor and Robert Quierolo.  Aldo Dusman was absent.  Others present were Robert Desmond, Irving Minkowitz, Thomas Francescott, Mary Jane Fuchs, Jeanette Relyea, Judith Neary, Elizabeth Mahar and Jay Trapp for D.F. Wheeler Engineers.


Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh opened the meeting.  A motion was made to approve the June minutes by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  All in favor.  So carried.


A motion to close the regular meeting and open the public hearing for subdivision by Christine Van Ort and Thomas Francescott on County Route 6 of a 2.729 acre parcel from a parcel of approximately 25 + acres was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  Applicant presented maps showing approved septic site, house site, proposed well site.  Notices were sent out and there was no one present speaking for or against application.  The SEQRA review found that there was no negative impact on the affected area.  A motion was made by Dianne O'Neal, seconded by Garret O'Connor to declare a negative declaration.  All in favor.  So carried.  Motion to close the public hearing by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  All in favor.  So carried.


A motion was made to open the public hearing on the subdivision by Jeanette Relyea on County Route 6 to subdivide a parcel of 4.133 acres from a larger parcel of 17.58 acres.  Notices were sent out, no one was present to speak for or against.  Discussed the existing septic location for existing residence, which is located behind the residence.  After review of the SEQRA a motion was made to declare a negative declaration by Amandus Fuchs, seconded by Clayton Andrus.  All in favor.  So carried.  The survey maps have not been stamped by surveyor, so the applicant will need to have them stamped and get them to the chairman to be stamped for approval.  Motion to close the public hearing made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  All in favor.  So carried.


Amandus Fuchs removed himself from the board due to his application and public hearing for subdivision.


A motion was made by Dianne O'Neal, seconded by Garret O'Connor to open the public hearing of Amandus and Mary Jane Fuchs for subdivision and boundary line change on approximately 3.47 acres on County Route 6.  Lot 2 to be approximately 1.65 acres and the Lot 1 - 1.82 acres including flag lot.  The only adjacent property owner present was Irving Minkowitz.  A letter was received this date via fax from Leah & Lynn Zennario and Chris Keeny on South Road and County Route 6 requesting a postponement


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of the public hearing as they just picked up their notice this date and did not have a chance to respond.  The notices were sent out on June 28th by the applicant, which is a fifteen-day notice.  Because it was generally felt by the board,  that this is a legally advertised hearing and notices were sent out in a timely manner, it is determined to be a legal hearing.  The Zennarios were contacted by phone by Planning Board member Dianne O'Neal; however, there were no specific issues that they could bring up for not approving the subdivision.  Mandy and Mary Jane believe that they were notified in the proper manner, they did not attend or did not respond and hearing should not be postponed for this reason. 


Dianne O'Neal asked about the section of land between the Fuchs property and County Route 6 and South Road.  Mandy explained that this section belongs to the County, who had a copy of the survey before the permit was issued for the driveway.  A motion was made to accept the maps showing proposed well, septic and house sites by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Dianne O'Neal.  All in favor.  So carried.

After review of the SEQRA, a motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Garret O'Connor to declare a negative declaration.  All in favor.  So carried.  A motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Garret O'Connor to close the public hearing and return to the regular meeting.  All in favor.  So carried.


Amandus Fuchs came back onto the board.  A motion was made by Amandus Fuchs, seconded by Clayton Andrus to accept the subdivision of Christine Van Ort and Thomas Francescott.  All in favor.  So carried.


A motion was made to approve on a contingent basis until the subdivision maps are stamped by the surveyor, the application of Jeanette Relyea by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Clayton Andrus.  All in favor.  So carried.


Amandus Fuchs abstained from the following vote.  A motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Garret O'Connor to approve the subdivision application of Amandus and Mary Jane Fuchs.  All in favor.  So carried.


A letter was received from the ZBA regarding the application of William Phillips on County Route 6 who is reapplying for an area variance on the front lot line frontage of a parcel on County Route 6 in order to be able to subdivide for a third lot.


A motion was made to adjourn by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Garret O'Connor.  All in favor.  So carried.


Respectfully submitted,



Mary Helen Shannon, Secretary