Kenneth Casamento, Prime Development – Co. Route 6 Richard Jones – Moore Road
Lee and Eileen Karcher – County Route 6 Virginia (Francescott) and Aldus Francescott – County Route 6 Philip Seymour – Nevis Road
Jason Morris – Huckleberry Crossing
September 13, 2006
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, September 13, 2006. Those members present were Chairman Larry Saulpaugh, Dianne O’Neal, Clayton Andrus, Garret O'Connor, Robert Quierolo, Aldo Dusman and Mandy Fuchs. Others present were Robert Desmond, Kenneth Casamento of Prime Development, Richard Jones, Jason Morris for Huckleberry Crossing, Lee and Eileen Karcher, Robert and Carmella Elliott, Virginia and Aldus Francescott, Philip Seymour and Dan Wheeler of D.F. Wheeler Engineers.
Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh opened the meeting. A motion was made to approve the August minutes by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Dianne O’Neal. All in favor. So carried.
The public hearing was opened for the Richard Jones’ subdivision on Moore Road of 4.8l acres into two parcels, Lot 1-2.59 acres and Lot 2 – 2.22 acres. Mr. Jones notified the board that he did not send his notices certified, return receipt requested. The hearing will have to be postponed until next month. Mr. Jones will also need the following for approval:
1. Health department approval stamped on surveyors map
2. Surveyors stamp on map
3. Return receipts from adjoining landowners
4. Driveway permit
5. Shared driveway agreement
6. Short Environmental assessment form
Returned to the regular meeting of the Planning Board.
Ken Casamento of Prime Development in regards to Mountain View Farms subdivision of Parcel A – 44.506 acres on north side of Route 6, Parcel B – 2.093 acres with residence and barns on north side of Route 6 and Parcel C – 20.440 acres on south side of Route 6 and transfer of .882 acres to Columbia County:
· Provide copy of deed regarding transfer of .882 acres to Columbia County.
· Locate well and septic of Sprague property on map
· Approval from County for future road which will enter from County Route 6.
· House sites shown are in exact location where lots will be at later time when major subdivision is done.
· Discussed proposed road frontage for proposed house site when major subdivision road is later put in and if they will have enough road frontage
Page 2 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES September 13, 2006
after deducting 50 foot for new road into subdivision of Parcel A - They currently have 150 feet on County Route 6 and when the new road is built they will have 150 feet on the new road. It was determined that they do not need 150 feet of frontage on both roads.
· Will need a restriction in place for when and if town road is approved that existing driveway from County Route 6 will be closed and new road is used.
· The proposed cul-de-sac will be temporary and approximately fifty feet or .8828 acres will be deeded to the Town for possible continuation of the road to the Minkowitz property to the north of Parcel A. Mr. Minkowitz does own an approximate 35-50 feet on the east of this subdivision.
· Note Dept of Health approval on survey maps, label as proposed or existing.
A motion was made to accept as a sketch plan by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Dianne O'Neal. All in favor. So carried. A public hearing and review of SEQRA will be scheduled for October 11th at 7:30 P.M.
Lee and Eileen Karcher would like to subdivide approximately 2.40 acres on County Route 6 and Cedar Hill Road into two parcels – Lot 1 – 1.39 acres and Lot 2- 1.00 acre.
They will need the following:
· Survey of property
· Driveway permit
· Septic approval by Health department
There was also discussion whether or not their acreage may include to the center of Cedar Hill Road and may not leave them the required one-acre for each parcel. They will have to check into this once surveyed.
A motion was made to move from the regular meeting to the public hearing on SEQRA for Philip Seymour’s subdivision – Seymour Estates on Nevis Road by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Dianne O'Neal. Dan Wheeler read the SEQRA application.
· Page 10 – applicant sign and date
· Part 2 – Project impacts and their magnitude
· Reviewed page 14 #6 on drainage flow patterns.
A motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Garret O'Connor to declare a negative declaration. All in favor. So carried.
Motion by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Clayton Andrus to close public hearing and re-open regular meeting.
Based on discussion Section 5 - Improvements such as check dams, drainage, culverts and swales can be built or bonded. A motion was made by Amandus Fuchs, seconded by Dianne O'Neal that final approval be granted, conditional on improvements to drainage being completed before any other lots can be built on, or building permits issued. Also, this condition is waived for Lot #13, it being the first lot developed. All in favor. So carried.
Jason Morris, representing Paul Doherty for Huckleberry Crossing subdivision has prepared the SEQRA application and will be sending it out to the affected agencies.
Virginia and Aldus Francescott would like to subdivide 2.50 acres from their parcel on the southwest side of the family house on County Route 6. They will need the following:
· Driveway permit from the County
· Survey
· Electric
· Proposed site for house, septic and well should be shown on map
· Show wells and septic of adjoining property owners
Bring to the next meeting and a public hearing could be set for November.
Aldus Francescott would like to subdivide six acres from the l00 acres on the north side of County Route 6. He would need the same as listed above in order to do so.
1. Letter from D. F. Wheeler Engineer regarding Clermont Inn and areas to be addressed.
2. Letter from Mary Harvey Freeman regarding proposed subdivision of Richard Bumpf on Hog Trough Road and County Route 8.
3. ZBA approval of William Phillips application for area variance on County Route 6.
4. Letter from Gregory Fingar on Mill Road to John Fieser regarding use of residential property for business use, ie: trucks for septic business in building and 3 port-o-lets on Mill Road.
Members discussed business permits and home occupation and ways to license them.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. on a motion made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Clayton Andrus.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon