Kenneth Casamento for Prime Development, Co. Route 6
Mark Levine – Nevis Road Eileen Karcher – Cedar Hill Road
Paul Doherty – Huckleberry Crossing Thomas Ruff – Commons Road
Lewis Ackerman – Route 9 Alfred & Thomas Jantzen – Commons Road
Michael Kokas – Pleasantvale Rd. Dennis Lore – Commons Road (Turek/Collins)
November 8, 2006
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, November 8, 2006. Those members present were Chairman Larry Saulpaugh, Dianne O’Neal, Clayton Andrus, Garret O'Connor, Aldo Dusman and Mandy Fuchs. Robert Queirolo was absent. Others present were Robert Desmond, Kenneth Casamento, LRC Group for Prime Development, Mark Levine, Eileen Karcher, Thomas Ruff, Dennis Lore, Russell Sharp, Lewis Ackerman, Robert Zimmerman, Thomas Jantzen, Alfred Jantzen, Marie Welch, Surveyor, John Moran, Michael Kokas, Irving Minkowitz, Paul Doherty, Bruce Unson, Charles Larsen, Neal Wilson of LRC Group and Dan Wheeler of D.F. Wheeler Engineers.
Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh opened the meeting. A motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Dianne O'Neal to accept the minutes of October. All in favor. So carried.
The public hearing was opened for the three-lot subdivision of 67.923 acres, Parcel A- 44.506 acres, Parcel B-2.093 acres, Parcel C-20.440 acres and a dedication of .882 acres to Columbia County by Prime Development on County Route 6, known as Mountain View Farm. Prime Development is represented by Ken Casamento and Neil Wilson of LRC Group. The maps were presented with wells shown, as requested. Agriculture Data statements were sent out. Mr. Wilson has spoken with Assistant County Attorney Tal Rappleyea about how to convey the parcel to the County for the section of County Route 6. The process is for the Board of Supervisors to accept and a deed of conveyance and title report will be sent for approval. A letter was read from our attorney, Andrew Howard regarding Mr. Minkowitz claim of a right-of-way across the property. It would appear that this right-of-way has been granted by permission and could be revoked at any time by the owners. Mr. Minkowitz possesses fee title to land that would provide him with legal access to his remaining land. It was also his opinion that this application does not have adverse impact on agriculture caused by the right-of-way being modified or terminated.
The applicants did receive the well and septic locations from the Spragues that they had requested. County Highway has accepted the 50’ right of way for the conveyance of the road.
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Mandy Fuchs will either recuse himself or not vote on this application; whichever the applicant would like him to do. Mr. Wilson has no problem with his participation and did not make the request. Mandy will abstain from voting.
As our subdivision regulations requires a 60-foot minimum right of way for a road, a waiver should be requested by the applicant to allow for the 50-foot minimum right of way, as per the agreement with Columbia County on County Route 6.
Asked if there was anyone to speak for or against this application, there was no one. Mr.
Minkowitz asked if there were plans for the remainder of the property, and there will be eventually was the reply.
The hearing was closed and the meeting re-opened on a motion made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Dianne O'Neal. A motion was made to grant the waiver discussed for the minimum right of way on the road and to accept the three-lot subdivision of Mountain View Farm by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Clayton Andrus. A roll call vote was as follows: Andrus – aye, Dusman – aye, O’Connor, aye, O’Neil – aye, Saulpaugh – aye. Amandus Fuchs abstained from the vote. Passed.
Eileen Karcher, County Route 6 and Cedar Hill Road would like to subdivide 2.39 acres into two parcels, Parcel A – 1 acre and Parcel 2 – 1.39 acres. There is a question as to whether or not Cedar Hill Road makes up any of the estimated acreage since the property does go to the center of the road or is it excluded from the estimate. Suggested that she have the surveyor take out the portion of the road, which would create a naturally subdivided parcel by the road. If she wanted to consider deeding over the road to the Town, would need a description of the road. Have the surveyor coordinate with James Potts and the town attorney. Needs a driveway permit for the existing house.
Mark Levine – Nevis Road proposing a three-lot subdivision. Has two driveway permits for new lots. Presented drainage plan and septic fields, which need to be reviewed by our town engineer. Approval could be granted contingent on Health department approvals. Will have a covenant on the property for maintenance of shared driveway. Lot B would own the right of way, Lot A cold have its own driveway, but intent is to limit driveways, utilities.
Asked the applicant to have his attorney draft the shared driveway agreement and submit it to our town attorney. The drainage culvert calculations must be reviewed and approved by Dan Wheeler, our engineer. Show access to lots for power, underground from road, site where transformer is located with easement for it. Contingent on review and approval of shared driveway agreement, health department approval and engineers approval on drainage culverts, a motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Clayton Andrus to accept as sketch plan. All in favor. So carried.
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Mandy Fuchs suggested the town look into private roads, which are being used by other towns, such as Germantown and Milan.
Dennis Lore brought in a sketch plan for subdivision of the Collins-Turek property on Commons Road, proposing 48 lots on 121 acres. His proposal was insufficient. There were no setbacks shown for the pipeline, which runs through the property and a road was shown running right across the pipeline. He will have to return with a more adequate sketch plan for the board * and a letter of authorization before any action can be taken.
Paul Doherty, Huckleberry Crossing proposal on Turkey Hill Road has circulated the Environmental Assessment form to interested agencies, but the Town of Milan believes the circulation was inadequate because they did not receive their notification. Pine Plains school has responded and would like interested agency status. Approximately fifteen acres of the project is in the Town of Milan, with the remainder in Clermont. Eighty five percent of the building units are proposed in Clermont. Clermont can declare lead agency and Milan could appeal the decision with the Commissioner. Mandy asked if Milan could be lead agency on their property. Dan said that would be an uncoordinated review but usually the predominance of land determines who is lead agency. This board cannot declare lead agency until the EAF is recirculated, making sure that all agencies are notified.
Lewis Ackerman and Robert Zimmerman would like to come to the next Town Board meeting and request acceptance of Sharon Drive in his subdivision on Route 9. Larry has spoken to Ray Jurkowski, our engineer on the project, and the inverts, culverts and monuments have been improved. The board requested that Mr. Ackerman get a deed description to our attorney and approvals from our engineer and our town highway superintendent. A letter will be written to the town board, that contingent on our superintendent and our engineer’s approval, that Mr. Ackerman has satisfied our requirements.
Garret O'Connor recused himself for the next application, since Alfred Jantzen is his father in law and Thomas Jantzen is his brother in law are the applicants. Marie Welch is the surveyor for the project, which is to subdivide five lots from a one hundred-acre parcel on Commons Road. The parcels comprise approximately twenty-nine acres. There are wetlands on the property, which fall into the Federal guidelines, and up to a tenth of an acre can be filled more with permission.
· The deep hole and percolation tests are done. The are proposing a shared driveway between lots l and 2.
· Will need driveway approvals.
· Show utilities on map and where electric will be brought in.
· EAF long form
The Jantzens are also proposing a boundary line change on Commons Road on another parcel. They would like to annex 52.566 acres to a parcel of Thomas Jantzen’s 5.22
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acres. Agricultural data statements will be sent out to Raymond Tousey and the Collins Turek property. A motion was made to accept the application and map for the boundary line change by Dianne O'Neal, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
A public hearing will be scheduled for December 13th at 7:30 P.M.
Garret O'Connor returned to the board.
Michael Kokas is proposing a two-lot subdivision on Pleasantvale Road. The property is in the Roe Jan Corridor. The lot sizes are 5.5 acres and 5.4 acres. Contact James Potts about driveway for Lot 1. Show intersection of Commons Road on map and power lines.
A motion was made to adjourn at 11:10 P.M by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Dianne O'Neal. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon