Michael Kokas – Pleasantvale Road Aldus & Jon Francescott – County Route 6
Clifford & Clare Yasutake – Cemetery Rd. Dianne O’Neal (Clermont Partners) Route 9
MAY 9, 2007
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, May 9, 2007 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those members present were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Dianne O'Neal, Clayton Andrus, Aldo Dusman, Mandy Fuchs, Robert Queirolo and Garret O'Connor.
Others present were: Jay Trapp of D.F. Wheeler Engineers, Irving Minkowitz, Michael Kokas, Paul Doherty, Aldus Francescott, Clifford and Clare Yasutake, Rob Blanchard, Architect for Clermont Partners, Jason Morris, Engineer for Paul Doherty and Elizabeth Mahar.
Garret O'Connor noted that in the April minutes, last paragraph on page 4, regarding letter, that it was written by him and read by Chairman Saulpaugh. A motion was made to approve the minutes by Aldo Dusman, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
Mandy Fuchs regarding the letter from Garret O'Connor read at last months meeting, asked if we will have to go to Town Board to change the process. According to our regulations, we have a ten-day provision by which information must be submitted. Jay Trapp, our engineer, says we may need a resolution to change some language, but engineers can make comments before the fact instead of after the fact. Consensus is it is the planning boards decision to make but should run it through the town board. The feeling by some applicants is that the process is good, and fees reasonable, but that each board member does have their own ideas of how things should be. As brought up at last months meeting, Dianne has been looking into redesigning the application forms. She has talked to Lorraine Wheeler and she can make a presentation next month. Also, she found that Red Hook has its own website and applications can be made online.
A motion was made by Garret O'Connor, seconded by Clayton to close the regular meeting and open the continued public hearing from last month on Michael Kokas and Jan Greer’s subdivision on Pleasantvale Road. The surveyor, Robert Zimmerman, corrected the error on the map regarding acreage calculations. The parcels being subdivided are Parcel #1 – 5.61 acres and Parcel #2 – 7.17 acres; the remaining acreage is 75 acres. Mr. Kokas will take the maps to get Ms. Greers signature on them and also on the common driveway agreement before the Chairman can stamp the maps, if approved.
A motion was made by Dianne O'Neal, seconded by Garret O'Connor to close the public hearing.
Aldus and Jon Francescott, County Route 6, are proposing subdividing a 28.9-acre parcel with existing residence and barns from a parcel of 121 acres. He has spoken with Phil Graziano of National Grid regarding easement and it can either be put on map or a letter attached to the contract. He must have the percolation tests before we can schedule a hearing. He should have eight copies of the map and we will keep three copies. SEQRA was discussed and notification of adjoining landowners by certified return receipt.
Paul Doherty and Jason Morris for Huckleberry crossing subdivision on Turkey Hill Road came before the board. The subdivision is 36 lots of varying acreage with a nature trail running around and through the subdivision. The paved area in the cul-de-sac has been increased by ten feet giving it a five-foot radius. There is about a ten foot right of way and snow easement on the cul-de-sac, six-foot wide heavy-duty gravel shoulder has been added. Width of road face is 22 feet paved. These improvements have been discussed with engineer and highway superintendent. Discussed tying together several of the driveways on certain lots. Send a complete set of maps to Dan Wheelers office. The applicant was asked if any streetlights were proposed and at this time, none are proposed. The utilities will be buried and roads dedicated to the town. Driveways have not been graded out but once they get into the engineering there will be road profiles. Everything will be turned into Dan’s office.
Jay Trapp recommended getting hard engineering, SWEPP to the office and then they could look for preliminary approval.
Clifford and Clare Yasutake – Cemetery Road – Proposed subdivision - Lot #1 – 1.022 acres, Lot #2 – 1.005 and Lot #3 – 1.706. Acreage includes to center of road, owned by applicant. It is a user road. Jay – it has happened where the road acreage was used for purposes of reaching the requirements. Health Dept was on site and gave verbal approval of design of septics. Contractor will design septic systems to specs. Aldo questioned offset pins not being shown on map from the road with footage. Show wells and septics on north and west of property. Have surveyor adjust lot lines for Lots 1 and 2 and maintain one acre for Lot #3. Any structures, wells and septics of adjoining landowners within 200 feet must be shown on the map.
Aldo Dusman asked if this subdivision is considered a major subdivision because this parcel was previously subdivided into three lots and is now being subdivided again. Jay Trapp does not know of anything, which would preclude the applicant from subdividing his lot. No public hearing will be scheduled at this time.
Dianne O'Neal has a proposal to come before the board and therefore recused herself. Bob Blanchard an architect was present also. She is considering a boundary line change between her property with her house on Route 9, which is .85 acres and the Johnson house just north of her house, which is also a small lot. Would like to add acreage to Mr. Johnson’s in order for him to have more in the rear yard. Suggested also that he might
try to purchase acreage from Poleschner on the north side. Garret O'Connor will take a look at property to see what she might be able to do.
Dianne O'Neal is also proposing six one-bedroom apartments and a commercial use for the former Hettling farm stand building on Route 9. The septic would have to be engineered because of a different design standard for mixed use building. Contact State DOT in Hudson on required curbing and entrance standards for proposed use.
Dianne O'Neal is back on the board.
A motion was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Dianne O’Neal to adjourn at 9:30 P.M. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon