OCTOBER 8, 2014
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at
7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Thomas Jantzen, Clayton Andrus, Jennifer Phillips, Mary Howard and Robert Queirolo.
Aldo Dusman was absent. Others present were Andy Howard, Town Attorney, George Schmitt, Town Engineer, Dianne O’Neal, Thomas Mueller, Ray Tousey, Bob Desmond, Fred Cartier, George Davis, Douglas Gilbert, Nanette Leonard and Lyle and Deborah Wasylchak.
Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting.
A motion was made to approve the minutes by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to close the regular meeting and open the public hearing by Tom Jantzen, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
PUBLIC HEARING: DIANNE O’NEAL – 85 Buckwheat Bridge Road – Tax Map ID#181-1-32.111 and 181-1-19.120. A public hearing was scheduled for a boundary line change to two parcels of land on Buckwheat Bridge Road. Survey maps, deed descriptions and return receipts have been submitted. The boundary line change will decrease parcel 181-1-19.120 from 27.678 acres to 9.636 acres and increase parcel 181-1-32.111 to 91.115 acres. Both parcels have existing driveways and residences.
A motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Tom Jantzen to close the public hearing.
SEQRA: Chairman Saulpaugh reviewed the SEQR and a motion to declare a negative declaration was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to approve the boundary line change by Tom Jantzen, seconded by Mary Howard. All in favor. So carried.
THOMAS MUELLER: 86 Commons Road – Tax Map ID#192-1-92 and 192-1-7.111 for a boundary line change. There are existing lots of two acres with a residence and a vacant five-acre lot, which he proposes to reduce and add to the two-acre lot. This will increase the road frontage on the smaller lot and extend the existing ten foot utility easement on the north side to the larger lot. A public hearing will be set for November 12, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Mueller will need deed descriptions for both parcels and the certified mailing responses. A motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Clayton Andrus to set the public hearing. All in favor. So carried.
RAY TOUSEY – 1783 Route 9 – Tax Map ID#181.3-1-6.110
A motion was made by Clayton Andrus to reopen the public hearing for Ray Tousey, seconded by Mary Howard. All in favor. So carried.
A letter was read from the adjoining neighbors by the secretary, regarding Mr. Tousey’s proposal. They expressed concerns about the lack of clarity of the plan, permit enforcement, costs and liabilities, occupancy allowance, noise, lighting, water, electric and parking. They asked if there were any other plans submitted.
Our engineer, George Schmitt, has not received any new plans for the Mr. Tousey’s Tin Barn. The Columbia County Health Department sent a letter of 9/18/14 approving the site for on-site wastewater disposal. Department of Transportation is still waiting for plans for the entrance to the site.
Mr. Gilbert has asked for a fence that would not obstruct the view or the sun on the north side of his property and is comfortable with the stockade fence that would run the distance. He asked what hours would be the normal. The board is still looking at that. Jennifer Phillips said that Ray may not always own this property and this will stay with the land, so we want to make it work. Jennifer explained that it could be potentially several nights a week. Robert Queirolo thinks that the plan is vague and when a permit is given and you say well I won’t be doing that, but once we give the permit you can do these things. He asked Ray to be clearer with the plan so that the board can make a decision on what his intentions are. They would like him to submit plans that separate such things as the septic system, well, electric. Show the driveway and parking area, with number of spaces, handicapped spaces, parking for employees, etc. on a separate plan. Other details of the plan can be shown on another plan, etc. Mary Howard said that the site plan should explain exactly how it would be laid out. Clayton Andrus showed how it could be shown in a much larger version on a map so that it is much clearer. Mr. Tousey was also given a copy from the zoning ordinance on the submission of site plans.
Bob Desmond read the regulation on noise from the zoning ordinance. (Page 37)
Jennifer Phillips asked what the normal decibels are. George Schmitt responded that by certain standards it might be 3 decibels but in this case it is a quite zone and it may be lower.
Jennifer Phillips asked if the second story is included in the occupancy figures. George said that it is 15 square feet per person. The building is 150 square feet for both floors. She also asked if an engineer certifies that the upstairs is safe. George said that comes from the building inspector, as well as, fire escape, fire, etc. Andy Howard said if there is an outdoor assembly in the plan then it needs to be shown on the plan.
At the site plan review the board looked at the location of the proposed fire escape and discussed whether or not they can make certain requests as to the location. The board told Mr. Tousey that it is key that we know how many people maximum are going to be using the building. They also need the months, days, hours of operation. In regard to electricity, an engineer should say that this would meet the code.
Nan Leonard would like to know if work can be going on at the site. Mr. Tousey is putting in the septic system now, bringing in gravel to the site, etc. It is the opinion of George Schmitt and Andy Howard that without site plan approval there should be no improvements to the site.
Mr. Tousey should submit the new plan to George a few weeks before the next meeting for his comments.
Fred Cartier who does the videotaping of the town meetings spoke about Mr. Tousey’s barn. The barn is unique and there is no tin faced barn that he could find on Google. The barn is made of chestnut, which is a long lasting wood. Mr. Cartier is hopeful that they will come to a favorable decision.
Mr. Gilbert is in the spirit that Ray be able to use it in the proper way in keeping with the spirit of the Hamlet. He agrees that the board should get it to where it is reasonable and all are satisfied.
The public hearing will be reconvened next month on a motion made by Tom Jantzen, seconded by Jennifer Phillips. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to close the meeting by Mary Howard, seconded by TomJantzen. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon