FEBRUARY 16, 2015
The Commissioners of the Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Monday, February 16, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairwoman Susan Rifenburgh, Commissioner Raymond Bauer, Commissioner Laurence Saulpaugh and Commissioner Ronald Rifenburgh.
Also present were Mark Fingar of Fingar Insurance, Treasurer Denise Fiore, Secretary Mary Helen Shannon, Chief Fred Gooderham and Robert Desmond.
Chairwoman Rifenburgh called the meeting to order with a salute to the flag.
Mark Fingar of Fingar Insurance reviewed the policy for renewal for the District and Fire Department. He will verify the coverage on the buildings to make sure they are correct. Commissioner R. Rifenburgh asked if, in a mutual aide situation, there was an equipment breakdown on the mutual aid company truck, it would be covered. Mr. Fingar will check on this. There is less than a $200 increase from last year, $11,364 is the total for this year. The Fire Department will be billed for their share.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Commissioner Saulpaugh to accept the minutes of the Organizational meeting as reported, seconded by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Saulpaugh to accept the minutes of the January regular meeting as reported, seconded by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh. All in favor. So carried.
Total Amount of January invoices paid $ 4,637.72
Proposed February 2015 invoices $ 6,327.57
Paid February 2015 invoices $ 1,548.50
Total $ 7,876.07
Reconciliation of Accounts:
The Bank of Greene County Balances to Date
Money Market Checking Balance $ 95,069.47
Plus Deposit 2/15/15 $155,915.00
(not included in MM & Checking Account total below)
Checking Balance $ 1,534.94
Plus Deposit (2/6/15) $ 1,000.00
Less Outstanding Checks $ 1,685.50
Checking Balance to Date $ 849.44
Money Market & Checking Account Total $ 95,918.91
Capital Reserve Fund $ 33,536.28
Reserve Fund Balance $ 29,609.34
A motion was made by Commissioner R. Rifenburgh, seconded by Commissioner Saulpaugh to accept the Treasurer’s report. All in favor. So carried.
- Mary Howard, a resident of Clermont, forwarded a link to the Lt. Joseph DiBernardo Memorial Foundation Grant, which awards grants for bail out systems.
- Law & Management Conference to be held at Turningstone Resort, 3/26/15 – 3/29/15.
- RBC Wealth Management January Account Statement - $307,190.93.
- RBC Certificate of Investment Power paperwork to be signed.
- RBC – LOSAP Investment Policy Statement paperwork to be signed.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioners Bauer and Saulpaugh
INSURANCE: Commissioners S. Rifenburgh and R. Rifenburgh
Commissioner R. Rifenburgh asked how the insurance is divided up for the Fire Company. The insurance company bills the Treasurer and gives her the breakdown. A motion was made to accept the insurance for this coming year by Commissioner Saulpaugh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioners Bauer and Saulpaugh
LOSAP: Commissioners S. Rifenburgh and R. Rifenburgh
The total points for all members have been completed and submitted to the Secretary. There were only two who did not meet the requirements of 50 points for the year. The list has been posted at Station #2 on 2/13/15 and will remain for thirty days.
LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners
LEGAL: All Commissioners
- JR. FIREFIGHTERS: There are four interested people but no applications have been submitted. Chairwoman Rifenburgh will contact Lynn at G-tel about posting the flyer on their website.
- Commissioner Bauer reported that the light on the flagpole has not been hooked up yet.
- LIGHT TOWER: The Chief reported that there has been no word on a delivery yet.
- MILAN FIRE DEPARTMENT: Chairwoman Rifenburgh received an email from Carl Sardaro of Milan Fire Department. Their proposal for 2015 was $2,750, the same as we budgeted for. She has asked for them to come in September and make their proposal for 2016.
- AIR COMPRESSOR TEST: Chairwoman Rifenburgh has spoken to someone from OSHA and they do not mandate that the air compressor must be tested at regular intervals. NFPA recommends following the manufacturer’s guidelines. She spoke to an attorney and he said that OSHA is law and NFPA is regulations. Some companies recommend four times per year, some two times per year. Some recommend servicing the compressor and then testing one more time in the year. Chief Gooderham got a price from another company, which uses Haight. They charge $500.00 for yearly service, test four x a year for $200.00. After further discussion, Commissioner R. Rifenburgh made a motion to service the compressor once a year and air test 2x per year and for Chief Gooderham to contact Haight to see if they will do it, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried. Commissioner R. Rifenburgh feels very comfortable about doing the air test twice a year and service on compressor once a year, the air is coming from outside.
- Treasurer Fiore has received the financial statements for 2014 and the Annual Financial Report from our accountant. She also received some questions from our auditor regarding policies.
Procurement Policy: Yes
Travel Policy: No
Code of Ethics: Yes
Chief’s Vehicle use policy: Do not have a chiefs vehicle
Cell Phone Use Policy: Do not have cell phones.
Policy Booklet maintained: Standard Operating Procedures
Fixed Assets records maintained: Yes
Inventories prepared and periodically checked: They have been prepared.
Insurance maintained: Yes
Commissioner R. Rifenburgh will work on a travel policy for next month.
There were four calls for January as follows:
Alarm Activation – Sharon Drive
Alarm Activation - Woods Road
Possible AAPI – Route 9 (Car/Deer)
Structure Fire – County Route 6
Monthly Drill: Ice Rescue – Commons Road
The OSHA training was rescheduled due to inclement weather for March 30th at 7:00 P.M at Station #2. The 2nd part of OSHA was rescheduled for April 15th at 7:00 P.M. at Station #2.
NEW NOZZLES: The new have been received and will be tried at the next drill.
TRUCK #601: Booster line pressure has been repaired. Commissioner R. Rifenburgh suggested trying the nozzles for the booster line out at a drill. He thinks that there are more inexpensive nozzles that they can be happy with.
HELMETS: The new helmets have come in.
MINITOR MONITORS: Commissioner R. Rifenburgh asked if the new monitors have come in. The Chief said they have.
OSHA TRAINING: Commissioner R. Rifenburgh asked the Chief if James Potts, Jr. is going to take OSHA this year to be an active member. If not, give the equipment to one of the new members. The Chief or Captain Kukon will speak to him.
BALE OUT ROPES: Commissioner R. Rifenburgh would like a policy for who is trained on the system. There are three that are certified. Commissioner Bauer asked if there is a test on the ropes after they are used. The Chief said that if used in an actual fire, the rope is no longer any good.
BACKGROUND CHECKS: Paperwork for new members should be filed with the Sheriffs department as soon as possible, so that it is back from them for the Commissioners to be able to vote in new members.
BLOOD BOURNE PATHOGENS: There were sixteen members who took the class and five members who did not take the course.
FUEL USAGE: Commissioner R. Rifenburgh said that there were 30 gallons of fuel used last month.
A motion was made by Commissioner Saulpaugh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to pay the bills. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Saulpaugh, seconded by Commissioner Bauer at 9:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary