MAY 13, 2015
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Thomas Jantzen, Mary Howard, Jennifer Phillips, Nathan Hempel and Ronald Miller. Others present were Kenneth Dow, Attorney for Ripley Hathaway, Ripley Hathaway, Phil Massaro, Harold Rockefeller, Robert Ihlenburg, Patricia Daley, Alfred Jantzen, Dawn Brownson, Robert Desmond, John Coffey, Josephine Vella and Donald VanWagner. Also present was George Schmitt, Engineer for the Town and Matthew Griesemer, Attorney for the Town.
Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting. A motion was made to accept the minutes of the April meeting by Tom Jantzen, seconded by Mary Howard. All in favor. So carried.
RIPLEY HATHAWAY: 930 Woods Road – Tax Map ID#168-1-1 Site Plan for Convention Center/Special Event. Ms. Hathaway submitted a Site Plan application and SEQRA with narrative. She has had the public hearing with the ZBA for the special permit use but it was continued. The map submitted shows the part of the parcel, which is use for special events, not the entire parcel. There is parking on one acre for 75 cars, three rows of 25. Chairman Saulpaugh asked if there is handicap parking, if so it should be shown on the map. She replied there are three handicapped spaces and room for more. Asked if the catering staff has parking, she replied it is on the side of the barn. The lighting is addressed on the application. There is lighting along the path and on the parking lot, but should be shown on the map. Ken Dow asked about the relevancy to SEQR because this is a large parcel. There is a safety issue with lighting. The hours of operation are fixed and close at 10:30 P.M. and off the property at 11:00. Ms. Hathaway said that she has had public water supply testing and the results were negative for coliform and E.coli. The Columbia County Board of Health should be involved and the board will need a copy of their report.
Ken Dow asked if there were any thoughts or concerns, which might be addressed for the next meeting. George Schmitt would suggest a response back to him about his review. Matt Griesemer asked for copies of certificates of occupancy on residences or pre-date letter. A public hearing can be scheduled for June if the applicant can get the new information in by May 23rd.
PATRICIA AND ROBIN DALEY: 101 Mill Road – Tax Map ID#180.00-2-62 – Patricia Daley and Robert Ihlenburg, surveyor, were present. Mrs. Daley would like to subdivide a two-acre parcel from ten acres for a family member on the east side of Mill Road. There is adequate road frontage. Jennifer Phillips asked about closeness of proposed well to property line. Mr. Ihlenburg said that it is thirty-five feet from the neighboring property line. They have a driveway permit from the Town and a letter from the Department of Health on design for a three-bedroom house. The proposed driveway should be shown on the map. A public hearing will be schedule for June if the maps are ready with additional information.
HAROLD ROCKEFELLER: 441 County Route 6 – Tax Map ID#190-1-15.11- Harold Rockefeller and Phil Massaro, surveyor, were present. The parcel as it exists is 32.50 acres more or less and Mr. Rockefeller is seeking to subdivide 2.50 acres from this parcel. This will leave a 23-acre parcel on the west and 7 acres on the east of the new parcel. The board had asked for a survey of the entire 32.50-acre parcel. Mr. Massaro questioned why the entire parcel has to be surveyed and that the road does not naturally subdivide the parcel. Our regulations do say that a road does naturally subdivide a parcel, even if the deed has it as one parcel. The board asked for the entire parcel on the north side of County Route 6 is shown on the map. They also requested the existing wells and septics are shown on the map. The 2.50-acre parcel has been tested by the BOH. It will not be necessary to have BOH approval on the 23-acre or 7-acre parcels but it should be noted on the map that they have not been approved. There needs to be County highway approval for a driveway on the 2.50-acre parcel, the 7-acre parcel has an existing driveway, but there should also be approval on the twenty three-acre parcel. The board requested deed descriptions on these three parcels.
Mr. Rockefeller thought that the public hearing was scheduled for tonight and did send out notices. There were three people present for the hearing and the purchasers of the 2.50-acre property. Chairman Saulpaugh asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against this proposal. There were two present that were notified but they had no concerns about the proposal. It was decided that the public hearing should be noticed in the paper for June, if the surveyor has the completed maps to the secretary in time. It would not be necessary for him to notify the adjoining landowners again.
The Secretary received three sets of maps from Barlis Architects for the Zachary Aarons site plan review on Hill N Dale Road: Erosion and Control, Sewage Disposal and copies of the septic approval from Columbia County Dept. of Health. Copies were given to our engineer and attorney for review.
Verizon Wireless Application for Alfred Jantzen: The representatives for Verizon Wireless were not present but our attorney suggested that the escrow amount be increased because it is likely that there will be reviews by his office and the engineer on this application. It was also discussed that the board can request a balloon test for determining where this tower will be seen.
A motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Jennifer Phillips that the Planning Board should be lead agency on the full environmental assessment for the site plan application by Ripley Hathaway for a convention center/special event venue. All in favor. So carried. Our attorney and engineer will prepare the notifications for the secretary to send out.
Our attorney will send a letter to Hart Perry, Southwood Properties regarding his proposal for a convention center/special event venue because he did not attend tonight’s meeting and there are unresolved issues with his application.
A motion was made by Mary Howard, seconded by Jennifer Phillips to adjourn at 9:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon