JUNE 10, 2015
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Thomas Jantzen, Mary Howard, Jennifer Phillips and Ronald Miller. Nathan Hempel was absent. Others present were Kenneth Dow, Attorney for Ripley Hathaway, Ripley Hathaway, Phil Massaro, Surveyor for Harold Rockefeller, Harold Rockefeller, Robert Ihlenburg, Surveyor for Patricia Daley, Patricia Daley, Anthony and Alyssa Daley, Colin Fazio, Site Specialist Pyramid Network Services for Verizon, Jessica Vigars, Attorney of Young, Sommer LLC for Verizon, Alfred Jantzen, Hart Perry, Dana Perry, Patty Hinkein, Doug Gilbert, Desiree Webber, Anthony Arpoleo and Robert Desmond. Also present was George Schmitt, Engineer for the Town and Matthew Griesemer, Attorney for the Town.
Chairman Saulpaugh opened the meeting. A motion was made to accept the minutes of the May meeting by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Mary Howard. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to close the meeting and open the scheduled public hearings by Tom Jantzen, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
HAROLD ROCKEFELLER: 441 County Route 6, Tax Map ID#190.00-01-15.11
Mr. Rockefeller is seeking a subdivision of 32.50 acres approximate into three parcels. The parcels are Lot 1-20.371 acres, Lot 2 – 2.50 acres and Lot 3 – 8.800 acres. It was determined that this parcel on the north side of County Route 6 is naturally subdivided by County Route 6 from the remaining deeded parcel on the south side. Because his intent was to subdivide a 2.50-acre parcel from the 32.50, its location created two other parcels on either side. The survey maps have been marked with existing wells and septics on the property. The County has issued two driveway permits for Lot 1 and Lot 2. Lot 3 has an existing driveway. There was no one present for or against. There is health department approval on Lot 1 and Lot 2. Deed descriptions were submitted and certified receipts for mailing.
A motion was made by Tom Jantzen, seconded by Clayton Andrus to close the public hearing. All in favor. So carried.
SEQRA: After review by the Chairman, a motion was made to declare a negative declaration by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Jennifer Phillips to accept the proposal as presented, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Tom Jantzen to close the meeting and open the scheduled public hearing, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
PATRICIA AND ROBIN DALEY: 101 Mill Road, Tax Map ID#180.00-2-62
The Daley’s are seeking a subdivision of 2 acres from a 10-acre parcel.
The location of the well was moved slightly to accommodate the driveway. The return receipt cards were received. The health department issued a septic design after testing and the Town issued a driveway permit. There was no one present for or against. The board did request a deed description before the maps can be filed.
A motion was made by Mary Howard to close the public hearing and open the meeting, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
SEQRA: After review by the Chairman, a motion was made to declare a negative declaration by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to approve the subdivision contingent on receiving the deed description by Mary Howard, seconded by Jennifer Phillips. All in favor. So carried. (Note: The deed description was received before the end of the meeting)
RAY TOUSEY: 1783 Route 9, Tax Map ID#181.3-1-6.110
Doug Gilbert, neighbor of Ray Tousey came in to talk to the board regarding the screening fence that Mr. Tousey put up on the property line between his proposed event barn and the neighbors. Mr. Gilbert thought that he and Mr. Tousey were to come to an agreement on what kind of fence would separate their properties, but he feels that Mr. Tousey intended all along to put up the screening fence separating their properties Mr. Gilbert expressed that he wanted a split rail fence. He thinks that someone on the planning board told him to put up a split rail fence with wire. Currently the split rail that Mr. Gilbert put in runs from the road to his barn. The board has no issue with Mr. Gilbert putting up a fence on his property but there should be something in writing that if the fence were to come down or the property sold, then Mr. Tousey would be able to put up a screening fence.
VERIZON WIRELESS/ALFRED JANTZEN: 137 Pleasantvale Road, Tax Map # 192-1-29.1 and 201-1-01
Representatives for Verizon Wireless were present. Jessica Vigars, Attorney from Young, Sommer and Colin Fazio
The proposal is for a 120-foot monopole cell tower located at 137 Pleasantvale Road. The lease area is 125 x 80 feet; the tower coverage is 70 x 80 feet.
The plan has been updated with the following:
- Safety compliance
- Letter from Verizon wireless that it meets standards.
- Revised EAF identifying items in initial review.
Our engineer would like a storm water plan. Ms. Vigars believes that this is in the works but she does not have a time frame.
It was pointed out that the proposed gates need to be lowered, as they would not keep the farm animals contained. It is also requested that there be fencing on the west side of the proposed driveway, 48 inches high from gate post to gate post, then the gates would be adequate. The fence posts should be pressure treated and 12 feet apart. This will ensure that the animals do not get out if someone were to leave a gate open.
Chairman Saulpaugh asked if they are proposing a balloon test. Mary Howard said that there is a new ruling, which calls for 10% higher than the proposed tower. Ms. Vigars said that typically they use three balloons, at 120’, 140’ and 160’. Generally the balloons will fly for 6 to 8 hrs. ; two dates will be scheduled, and the weather will determine which day they fly. It was agreed by the board to hold the balloon test and provide pictures from significant areas. They will advise the secretary about the wording for the notice.
The total easement area is 2,210 feet. The tower will be dark green from the tree line down and then galvanized as per the town regulations. There was a question from a neighbor that this may be closer to his property than it should be, however the side yard dimension is misleading because the closest properties to the tower are about 400 to 500 feet. George Schmitt and Matt Griesemer think the distance is shown correctly because it is their front yard. The board is agreeable with the road as submitted for a private entrance, as this is a low use road. The Town has issued a driveway permit.
The ZBA chairman is in agreement with holding a joint public hearing with the Planning Board.
A motion was made by Mary Howard to hold the public hearing jointly with the ZBA contingent on the Chairman’s agreement, seconded by Jennifer Phillips. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to declare the Planning Board lead agency by Jennifer Phillips, seconded by Ron Miller.
A motion was made to increase the escrow to $5,000 by Mary Howard, seconded by Clayton Andrus. All in favor. So carried.
HATHAWAY: 930 Woods Road, Tax Map ID#168-1-1
Ms. Hathaway is seeking site plan approval to operate special events on the property. Kenneth Dow, Attorney for Ms.Hathaway was present and presented an EAF narrative. The board requested that the building inspector inspect the barn, which is used for events. The site plan should show the location of buildings, vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow, number of handicap parking spaces and note on map the minimum number of spaces. The County has looked at the driveway entrance and had recommendations. Also discussed and requested to be shown on the map were:
The maximum number of people who might be attending.
The months of operation.
The hours of operation.
Staff parking and number of parking spaces.
Specifications for lighting.
Sanitary disposal is addressed in the EAF narrative.
This information should be shown on the map so that if the property is ever sold it is clearly stated on the map that these are the limits.
It is suggested that the applicant follow what was on the review letter from our engineer, George Schmitt.
HART PERRY: 726 Woods Road, Tax Map ID#179-1-33
Mr. Perry is seeking site plan approval to operate special events on the property.
Mr. Perry received a second review letter from our engineer at this meeting based on further information submitted by Mr. Perry. The site plan does not show any lighting, parking spaces, handicap parking or where the tent would be and event staff parking. It was suggested that he have an engineer prepare his map. Mr. Perry was asked if his rentals have anything to do with these events, and he said they do not. Mr. Perry submitted a long form EAF because he is in the historical district.
A motion was made by Tom Jantzen to declare the Planning Board lead agency, seconded by Mary Howard. All in favor. So carried.
ESTATE OF BARBARA MOORE: 718 Church Avenue, Tax Map ID#180-1-9.1
Patty Hinkein, Real Estate Broker, appeared for Eric Helsley, son of the late Barbara Moore to see if they could subdivide a one-acre parcel with residence from approximately 19 acres for a family member. This is in a two-acre zone and it is not likely that they could get a variance because they would not be able to show a hardship. They could change the layout of the proposal to get the two acres required, and not affect the area used for agriculture.
RAY TOUSEY: George Schmitt will speak to Ray Tousey about adding a lean-to against his barn because this addition would change his site plan and it would be necessary to start the process over.
ZACHARY AARONS: 45 Hill N Dale, Tax Map ID#19-1-6.210
The applicant submitted a letter from the Fire Chief, Erosion and Soil plans and septic approval that was requested by the Planning Board. Their plan had contingent approval based on getting these items. A motion was made by Mary Howard to give final approval of the site plan application based on these submissions, seconded by Jennifer Phillips. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn by Jennifer Phillips to adjourn at 10:15 P.M., seconded by Mary Howard.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon