The Clermont Town Board held a special meeting on Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 9:00 A. M. to discuss the remediation on the twenty-acre parcel that the town acquired from Kathy Hettling. Those in attendance were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilwoman Dawn Brownson, Councilman Robert Desmond and Councilman Evan Hempel. Others present were George Schmitt, Town Engineer of Morris Associates, Michael Mason, P.E. Division of Environmental Remediation, DEC, Eric Lanzarotta, Staff Civil Engineer of Arcadis and David Hiss, P.E., Senior Engineer, Arcadis.
The entrance from Route 9 to the property was discussed. Councilman Desmond wants the approved access to come from Route 9. Mr. Mason suggested access from Route 6 because of the traffic volume. Supervisor Staats does not see a problem because we have good site distance from either direction. Councilman Desmond said that if we do not put this in the plan now, we would have to disturb the remediated site at a later date. Mr. Mason explained that he is dealing with remediation, entrance is secondary to remediation and does not want to be waiting for the Dept. of Transportation. DOT will have to inspect during the process and does not want DOT holding DEC hostage by a six-month review. We would like George Schmitt to contact DOT and request an expedited review. They may require curbing but it is not a requirement, but is recommended.
Mr. Mason went over the plan concepts regarding the remediation. They will be taking the fill from the western portion of the site. The plan shows two temporary accesses to the site from Route 6 for the staging area and decomp area. Councilwoman Brownson asked how much truck traffic will be going in and out of this temporary entrance. It would only be used for a short term. Supervisor Staats would rather there be only one entrance and that can remain after this is done. We do not want a road that goes all the way through the property. Councilman Desmond reminded them that it must stay ten feet off a property line.
Supervisor Staats asked if clay could be put down (6 inches) instead of amended soil. Councilwoman Brownson suggested applying for grants that might cover the cost of the clay needed.
Changes to the plan concept are as follows:
Reconfigure to one entrance from County Route 6.
Parking lot will be moved closer to the Cemetery.
Access from Route 9 should be 30 feet from property line on the north.
Entrance should go from asphalt to gravel.
Use clay for infield (Town) Supervisor to verify with Little League.
Athletic seed mix for cover.
The ballfield should be 100 feet off boundary line.
Mr. Mason expects to start the first week of October.
George Schmitt will work on approval for the location of entrance from Route 9. He feels the issue will be with curbing.
The meeting was ended at 10:30 A.M. Supervisor Staats, Councilman Desmond, Mr. Mason, Mr. Hiss and Mr. Lanzarotta walked the area.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk