OCTOBER 21, 2008
The Clermont Fire Commissioners held their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Chairman Ronald Rifenburgh, Commissioner Charles Larsen, Commissioner Raymond Bauer and Commissioner Harry Harned. Also present were Chief Laurence Saulpaugh, Assistant Chief Ronald Seymour, Treasurer Denise Fiore, Robert Desmond and David Rogers of RBC Wealth Management, Inc.
Chairman Rifenburgh opened the meeting with the salute to the flag. There will be a public hearing on the 2009 Preliminary Fire District budget prior to the meeting.
The Chairman opened the public hearing on the 2009 Preliminary Budget. Chairman Rivenburgh went through the budget item by item explaining what the various amounts were attributed to and whether they were increased or decreased.
Bob Desmond asked how much is in the Capital Reserve Account? As of 9/30/08 there is $50,323.41. Is the $2700 interest on bonds the amount to pay off the truck? Yes, it is. Where does the interest of $1500 come from? The interest comes from our money market fund. The treasurer watches the interest rates closely and transfers out to the checking account just what she needs to make the payments. One of the largest expenses is the LOSAP program, which in 2008 costs $45,476.22. We are budgeting $50,000 this year as advised for the program and $3500 for administrative fees.
Our equipment budget is $16,000, which remains unchanged. Our fuel oil comes from state bid. We are only putting $8000 into reserve for next year. Whatever the payment is for the new truck, the balance goes into reserve. The next truck to be replaced will be the 1974 International. When you compare the fire budget in Clermont to Livingston it is not that high. Commissioner Larsen said that if there is any surplus money at the end of the year it would be used for radios and pagers. Within three to five years all radios and pagers will have to be replaced to go to high band. A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Harned to close the public hearing on the 2009 preliminary budget. All in favor. So carried.
Dave Rogers of RBC Wealth Management of Albany came to speak to the Commissioners. He asked that the Board consider a resolution for an investment policy.
Mr. Rogers reviewed our investments with the Board. The last three months we have gone down 8%. He is watching the market very closely and working with Penflex. We are conservatively invested. He is suggesting not making any changes. He is investing in bonds and other lower interest funds.
Investment Policy Statement - This is a guideline for how the Clermont Fire District wants there investments to run. He asked that this be formalized by passing a resolution to approve these guidelines.
Mr. Rogers also proposed adopting a Portfolio Focus which is a fee based structure for investing. It is based on the assets of the account, there is an annual fee, billed quarterly at ¾%. He explained that exchange traded funds can be purchased but a fee would have to paid, but with a fee based account there is no fee to purchase. ETF's can be purchased at lower expense ratios.
Chairman Rifenburgh asked for next years budget purposes, what would the increase be? According to Mr. Rogers conversations with Penflex they are looking at a 10% increase. Last year we paid $45,476.00 and we are budgeting $53,500.00 for 2009. Chairman Rifenburgh asked when this is fully funded in 10 years what will it cost.
Mr. Rogers doesn't think that Penflex or QBC would ever say that it would be paid off in a certain time, however, it starts to go down in year 2013. The Commissioners thanked Mr. Rogers for coming down to talk to us. The Board also has paperwork to sign for Penflex to change from Town of Clermont to Clermont Fire District.
MINUTES: The minutes of the September meeting were reviewed and a motion was made by Commissioner Larsen to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
Amount of September invoices paid $54,623.30
Proposed October invoices $ 1,919.38
Paid October invoices $ 4,478.03
Total $ 6,397.41
Money Market Checking balance $87,965.39
Checking Balance to date $ 939.63
Total $88,905.02
Capital Reserve Fund $50,323.41
A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen to accept the Treasurers report, seconded by Commissioner Harned. All in favor. So carried.
- Received a letter or resignation from Brandon Seymour
- Received a letter from Richard Jaeger that he is leaving the area for schooling.
- Received Physicals for Bruce Potts and James Potts, Sr.
- Penflex, Inc.- Notification that Bruce Unson was eligible for a monthly service award in March. A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen to approve payment retroactively for Bruce Unson, seconded by Commissioner Harned. All in favor. So carried.
BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Commissioner Larsen
Shed at Station #1 - Commissioner Bauer will put down screen fill that he brought in so that the new building can be set up. He will also take the old structure away.
INSURANCE: Commissioners Larsen and Bauer
No report
FIRE EQUIPMENT: Commissioner Bauer
Assistant Chief Seymour reported that the transfer valve on #601 was replaced.
LOSAP: Commissioners Harned and Rifenburgh
To be discussed under new business
LAWS AND POLICIES: All Commissioners
Officer requirements will be discussed at another meeting.
- Commissioner Larsen has been looking at what is covered by Livingston fire district. He will check back in 1970 minutes of Fire District to see what exactly transpired at a meeting. There are 103 parcels in the area, which is covered by Livingston and in the Town of Clermont. Those taxpayers are paying the tax rate for Livingston fire district. Our interest is to see what the agreement was between Livingston and Clermont.
- Copy machine was purchased for Station #1
- Purchase orders are on order
- Deck gun has not been returned.
- Lost air bag - not found
MOTION: A motion was made to accept the budget by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Larsen. All in favor. So carried. The budget will be forwarded to the Town Board.
Fuel Oil for Station #2 from Main Care Energy - This will be billed to Clermont Fire District, and we can deduct from lease or pay outright and be reimbursed.
MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to allow the Fire Company to buy from state bid and deduct from Lease. Commissioner Harned abstained because he is Company president. So carried.
ELECTIONS: With the resignation of Brandon Seymour there will be two seats open for appointment. The unexpired term of Commissioner Seymour for one year, and the five- year term of Commissioner Larsen. Letters of intent must be submitted to the Secretary by November 19th. Commissioner Larsen has submitted his letter of intent.
MOTION: Commissioner Larsen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Harned to appoint Judy Neary and Mary Helen Shannon election inspectors for Tuesday, December 9, 6-9 P.M. All in favor. So carried.
Received notification from Penflex that Teddy Blank and Wesley Werner are inactive and have not been vested. They will be removed from the list. Chairman Rifenburgh will talk to Penflex on audit procedures.
MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to sign transfer papers to change from Town of Clermont to Clermont Fire District. All in favor. So carried.
MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Harned, seconded by Commissioner Bauer to approve Resolution #12-08 which approves an Investment Policy Statement with RBC Wealth Management, Inc. All in favor. So carried.
MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Harned to approve Portfolio focus, a fee based structure for investing, allowing a ¾% fee deducted quarterly from our account for RBC Wealth Management. All in favor. So carried.
Brandon Seymour has requested a letter of recommendation from the Commissioners because he is applying for membership to Claverack Fire Company. The Chairman will write a letter.
MOTION: Commissioner Bauer made a motion to accept the letter of resignation from Brandon Seymour and that a letter of thanks for years of service to the district is written. Seconded by Commissioner Harned. All in favor. So carried.
No Report
Defibrillator Training - Chairman Rifenburgh talked to P.J. Keeler, EMS Coordinator about training. He was going to get information for him but hasn't gotten back to the Chairman yet.
Linlithgo Fire Company, when they disbanded, gave Clermont Fire Company a donation of $21,000 and they would like to see training or equipment purchased with it. Suggested the Fire Company buy the defibrillators or put aside for an infrared camera.
Commissioner Larsen made a motion to pay invoices, seconded by Commissioner Bauer. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Larsen, seconded by Commissioner Bauer at 9:05 P.M. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
Fire District Secretary