Clermont Zoning Board of Appeals
1395 Route 9 Clermont
Germantown, New York 12526
August 26, 2015
Members attending: Hank, Don, Luke and Tami
Hank opens the meeting at 7:30 PM with a salute to the flag.
Public Hearing: Ralph Arlyck. Don makes a motion to open the public hearing. Luke seconds and the hearing is opened at 7:31 pm. Ralph Arlyck is asking for 30 foot variance for the array for the solar panels he wishes to install on Old Road. He has letters from two surrounding families that they support the installation of the solar panels. His desire is to blend the panels into the hillside. Hank states that from the edge of the property line on Old Road this would equal a 45 foot variance or 70 percent. Ralph asks what the concerns would be from the board. Don, from 9 G you will see the side of the panels. Hank tells Ralph that the board will not make a decision tonight. The board has 60 days to make a decision from the close of the public hearing. There will be screening on the west side (the Old Road side) it will be a stipulation of the permit. Hank asks if there are any other questions. Don is concerned with the placement of the panels. He is in favor of the panels, but questions the placement of the panels. If it is screened the right way, they are fine. Don feels it is too close to the road. Ralph wants it to blend into the landscape. Bob Desmond asks where it is in regard to his property. Hank states that there is no change to the footage from the North side. There are no other questions. Hank asks for a motion to close the public hearing. Don makes the motion, Luke second the motion. All are in favor and the hearing is closed at 7:45 PM. We do not have the green postal receipts from the public notification of surrounding land owners. Ralph will get them from Jason and get them to Hank right away.
SEQR short form: Hank reads them and the board reviews the responses. This is for Ralph Arlyck’s application on Old Road. A decision will be discussed and decided at our next regular meeting.
The regular meeting is opened at 7:59 pm. Hank asks for a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as presented. Don makes the motion, Luke seconds it. All are in favor and the minutes are accepted.
Ray Tousey has an application to present to the board. He is discussing the tin barn next to his property. He wants to put a lean to shed on the west side, attached. He does not have a ten foot setback. It would be 10x20 ft intended for storage. The tin barn is on the property line. Ray has an application. Hank has reviewed the application. Ray reviews the map with Don. The application is complete. He will require a variance (special permit) for the shed. He needs to provide the ZBA with a check for the application. The check is provided in the amount of $100.. September 23rd is our next regular meeting. Hank makes a motion to accept the application. Don seconds it. All are in favor and the application is accepted. Luke makes a motion to hold a public hearing on September 23rd at 7:30 pm. Ray will need to notify the surrounding land owners for a special permit. Don makes the motion, Luke seconds it. The hearing will be held on Sept. 23rd at 7:30 pm. Tami will request a letter of recommendation from the Town Planning Board.
Jessica representing Verizon Wireless is in attendance. The updated application has been re-bound and provided to the board. The newest documents are revised plans on tab three of the application. Visual analysis is also included. Tectonic provided a letter in response to George’s comments and how the plans were put together. This is a new tower to be built on Mountain Road. Cedar Hill Farms is the owner of the parcel. 120 foot mono pole tower is what is planned to install. It is more slender than many other towers. It has a four foot lightening rod on the top. The maps and most recent plans are August 7th. The board reviews the updated maps with Jessica. If at some point in time, if Verizon wanted to make the tower higher, would what would the required process be to address this? If other carriers want to put an antenna on the tower, they have a process that they need to go through as well. Jessica needs to hear from the ZBA that the ZBA has a motion to formally approve that September 9th will be a joint public hearing at 7:30 pm with the planning board. Don makes the motion, Luke seconds it. All are in favor and the motion is carried.
Don brought up a found violation that someone gave to him regarding a rental house in Clermont on the corner of Route 9 G and Cemetery Road. This would be an approved use; however, if this property is being used as a wedding venue, it needs to with a permit. The information is left for John Fieser to look into. Ralph Arlyck does not have a fence around his in ground pool. This can be brought up to John Fieser to address.
Hank asks if there are any further questions. There are none. Hank asks for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:03 pm. Don makes the motion and Luke seconds it. All are in favor and the meeting is adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamera Connolly, secretary