OCTOBER 14, 2015
The Clermont Planning Board held their regular meeting on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman Laurence Saulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Thomas Jantzen, Jennifer Phillips, Nathan Hempel, Mary Howard and Ronald Miller. Also present were Chris Nolan, Chris Gilbert, Matthew Griesemer, Town Attorney, George Schmitt, Town Engineer and Bob Desmond.
MINUTES: A motion was made to accept the minutes of the September meeting by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Jennifer Phillips. All in favor. So carried.
CHRIS GILBERT: Route 9, Nevis Tax Map ID#191.4-2-36 - Mr. Gilbert will be seeking an area variance from the Zoning Board on a 1.02 acre parcel that he owns on Route 9, Nevis. There is a residence on the property and he would like to adjoin a carriage house to that property but an area variance would be needed because it will not meet the 10-foot setback. He will then be coming in to the planning board for a lot adjustment to separate the house from the remaining property.
CHRIS NOLAN: Commons Road Tax Map ID#192-1-7.120 Mr. Nolan owns a parcel that is in one deed with two parcel descriptions on Commons Road. They are on both sides of the road. He is asking if he has to subdivide or is it considered two parcels. He would like to file them as two separate parcels before there are any other subdivision to the parcels. It was recommended that he get deed descriptions of each parcel and County Real Property will assign tax map numbers once they are filed.
RANDY BLOOM: Langridge Road Tax Map ID#201-1-26.111 Ms. Bloom has previously received conditional approval of a two-lot subdivision on Langridge Road. The conditional approval was pending Health Department approval and approval from the Fire Chief for the driveway. The applicant has made changes to the septic system design and her engineer is seeking a 180-day extension on the subdivision in order for the Health Department to review. A motion was made to approve the 180-day extension by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
RALPH ARLYCK: Old Lane Tax Map ID#190-1-36 Mr. Arlyck was seeking approval for a ground mounted solar system on property on Old Road. On site plan review the Planning Board asked if it could be moved back to 75 feet from the road. Mr. Arlyck applied for an area variance and received approval from the ZBA for a 35-foot setback at the last ZBA meeting.
RAY TOUSEY: Route 9 Tax Map ID#181.3-1-6110 Mr. Tousey had a public hearing with the ZBA for a special permit to attach a shed to the tin barn. No decision was made, as the ZBA said that they had not received the recommendation from the Planning Board. The secretary did give the letter from the Planning Board to the ZBA Chairman.
A motion was made by Jennifer Phillips to adjourn at 8:15 P.M., seconded by Mary Howard.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon