Clermont Zoning Board of Appeals
1395 Route 9 Clermont
Germantown, New York 12526
May 27, 2015
Members attending: Hank, Luke, Tami, Phyllis as alternate, Pete, Don and John
Open public hearing. There is no information from the planning board. The application is incomplete. The attorney and Morse associates stated that since it was incomplete the hearing will remain open until next month. Hank asks if there is any new information and has anything been submitted to the planning board. Ripley Hathaway states that she has. Hank asks for copies to be presented to this board. The ZBA requires complete information and recommendations. Ken Dow, attorney for Ripley Hathaway states that there are different scopes between the two boards. He states that he feels that Ripley Hathaway provided responses to everything asked in the application. He feels that the eleven provisions have been met. He asks what further elaboration the board needs from them so that they can provide that information. Hank states that county planning and town planning recommendations will be needed by this board. Pete would like to discuss the eleven criteria of the application. Hank was advised to keep the hearing open. If the hearing is requested to be closed, the board is still entitled to 60 days to respond with a decision. He would prefer to have all data in place before making a decision. The existing deficiency is that the full SEQR is still missing. Ripley provided it to the planning board. The planning board is the lead agency for this. Mr. Dow asks if the eleven categories are complete to the ZBA’s need for full information. Hank mentions that the planning board is something that needs to be satisfied with the planning board. There is discussion about the quantity of vehicles that can be parked.
Bob Desmond said that # 7, 8 & 11 still have data that will be needed to be provided. Ken Dow states that they can provide those approvals. Bob states this will need to be addressed with the planning board. Ken Dow states he wants to ask if there is any data that is needed that they may not be aware about.
Hank states that the boards want to work with her to get everything in compliance as she has events planned and is still not in compliance
Hank asks if anyone else on the board has anything that they would like to add. Pete and Don were down there today. He stated that the facilities had adequate parking and it seemed to be compliant to the handicapped. Hank asks for a motion to continue to leave the public hearing open. John makes the motion and Pete seconds it. All are in favor and the public hearing is left open. Roll call vote: Don-yes, John- yes, Luke- yes, Pete- yes, Hank – yes. All are in favor.
Hank opens the meeting at 7:30 pm. The Board stands for a salute to the flag. Hank asks for an amendment to last month’s minutes. The needs to be the addition that Ralph Arlyck’s application was granted and that was not captured in the minutes and they state that Luke made the motion to keep the hearing open and that he also second it. This is not correct; it was second by John. Don made a motion to accept the minutes with the correction and John second the motion. All are in favor and the minutes are accepted.
Old Business: Collin Brown is here with a request for an interpretation for building a pole barn on 73-10 Trout Creek Road. He wants to have a home occupation and will use the barn to store the dump truck, pick-up truck, tractor, bucket truck, and employees work site. Hank states that they look over the application but would need to do more research before scheduling a public hearing. Part of this property is on the RJ Corridor. Hank asks if the application is complete. John asks if any neighbors have voiced concern with traffic. Pete makes a motion to accept the application. John seconds it. All are in favor and the application is complete and accepted. Roll call: Don- Yes, Luke- yes, John-yes, Pete- yes, Hank-yes. All are in favor and the application is accepted.
Hank asks if there is any other business. There is none. Pete makes a motion to adjourn the meeting and John seconds it. All are in favor and the meeting is closed at 8:41 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamera Connolly, secretary