OCTOBER 28, 2015
The Clermont Zoning Board of Appeals held their regular meeting on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 7:30 P.M. Those in attendance were Chairman Hank Himelright, John Rusconi, Don Vanwagner, Luke Kumburis, Peter Cichetti and Phyllis Heiko. Others present were Robert Desmond and James Bates, representing Adrian DelValle, Jr. and Carolanne Gardner.
MINUTES: A motion was made to approve the September minutes by Luke Kumburis, seconded by Don Vanwagner. All in favor. So carried.
RAY TOUSEY: Mr. Tousey applied for an area variance and special permit for a setback for a 10’ x 20’ shed addition to his barn, which he will be using for special events. The public hearing was held in September but there had been no vote taken. A letter was received from the Planning Board recommending for approval of the action.
A motion was made to approve the special permit and area variance by Don Vanwagner, seconded by Luke Kumburis. A roll call vote was held: Voting aye were Luke Kumburis, Don Vanwagner, John Rusconi, Phyllis Heiko and Hank Himelright. Peter Cichetti abstained from voting.
A letter will be sent to John Fieser regarding the approval for Ray Tousey’s area variance and special permit.
ADRIAN DELVALLE, JR./CAROLANNE GARDNER: 606 Church Avenue, James Bates, representing the applicants submitted an application for a use variance. They would like to add an overhang of 6’ 6 ¾" x 5"4". The porch is 5 foot 4 inches long. The purpose is to keep the snow from blocking their front door in the winter. The Chairman pointed out that this should be submitted as an area variance because it is non-conforming, according to section 4.15 – page 71. The Chairman asked for Mr.Bates to have the applicants re-submit the application for an area variance. There will be no meetings in November or December because of the holidays, so they must return in January. They should also submit a copy of their deed and the application fee of $100.00. If all is in order a public hearing can be scheduled for February.
CHRIS GILBERT: Route 9 -Mr. Gilbert will be coming in to request an area variance. He would like to add the carriage house with the home but needs an area variance for the setback. He will then be subdividing the house and carriage house from the remaining property. This property is in the Hamlet zone. Chairman Himelright has looked at the property and he believes that there is someone living in one of the silos. He would like to check this with John Fieser and the Planning Board files.
Phyllis Heiko asked about a property at the intersection of County Route 6 and 9G and how it came to be a house in where there was a garage. There were always living quarters when it was an operating store and gas station and then a garage.
For those who have not completed their training for the year, there are online courses that can be taken. This was discussed.
The next application night is November 12th with John Rusconi, December 10th with Luke Kumburis.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:10 P.M. by Don Vanwagner, seconded by John Rusconi.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
For Tami Connolly, Secretary