Clermont Zoning Board of Appeals
1795 Route 9 Clermont
Germantown, New York 12526
January 28, 2015
Members attending: John, Luke, Tami, Pete, Don, Hank
Meeting opens at 7:30 pm with a salute to the flag.
Public hearing: Motion to open the John makes the motion; Luke seconds it all in favor. The hearing is
The details of the application are reviewed for the public. They are asking for a height area variance to
add a third story to the house. They will be a few weeks over the ordinance of the height limit in
Clermont Zoning. Also they are asking for special permit for a two car garage with a small accessory
apartment over top of it. Maps are shown by Marc Bailey and reviewed and the proposed plan is
outlined. The garage will be approximately 600 from the road. Plan drawings of the garage and
accessory apartment are explained. Is the accessory apartment over the garage is asked and yes it is. It
will be built on the slope. This will lend it to appear lower than it will be. It is a square footage of about
882 sq. ft. The drawing of the third floor to be added to the main building is reviewed. Marc Bailey
answers the property questions that are asked by Angela and Ginny. There is objection to the height of
the building by the public and requests that there be a stipulation that large trees cannot be removed.
Pete is suggesting a site visit would be a good idea to consider. Bob states that he does not think that
the planning board has done a site review. The ZBA and the Planning Board could have a joint site
review. Bob Desmond suggests leaving the Public Hearing open until the site visit is done. Hank asks for
a motion. Pete makes a motion to leave the public hearing open, have the site view with the Planning
board. John seconds. Roll vote. Luke, no. Pete, yes, Don, yes, John, yes and Hank, yes. The motion is
approved and the Public Hearing will be left open. The adjoining property will be visited by request of
the home owner to see the view of the property from her home. The return receipts were turned in
form neighbor notification. The board will need a check for $150 for escrow in case there are
unforeseen expenses.
Hank asks if there are any other questions from the public and if there is anything further to present.
There is none. The hearing is left open.
Regular meeting: opens at 8:20 PM.
Motion is made to open the regular meeting; John makes the motion, second by Pete. Hank asks for a
motion to accept the minutes as presented. Pete makes a motion and John seconds the motion to
accept the minutes as presented. All are in favor and the minutes are accepted.
Old Business: There is no other old business
New Business: Pete has been appointed as deputy chairman, Hank is re-appointed as chairman. We are
waiting on Don to be approved. Hank asks if there is any other business.
Hank asks for a motion to close. Don makes the motion and Pete seconds it. All are in favor and the
meeting is closed at 8:27 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamera Connolly