The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, February 10,2016 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Chairman LaurenceSaulpaugh, Clayton Andrus, Mary Howard, Ronald Miller and Nathan Hempel andTom Jantzen. Others present were George Schmitt, Engineer for the Town, BrianHenchy, Attorney for the Town, Robert Desmond, Ken Krapf, Kurt Andernach,Nick Demos, Anthony Arcoleo, Chad Dickason and Nancy Myers.Chairman
Saulpaugh opened the meeting.
MINUTES: After review of the January 2016 minutes, a motion was made byMary Howard, seconded by Tom Jantzen, to approve the minutes. All in favor. Socarried.
Kurt Andernach and Ken Krapf presented the revised application , Site Plan anddrawings for the septic system. Larry Saulpaugh raised the question of fencingbetween the venue and fuel tanks belonging to the neighboring business. KenKrapf said it can be added. Events will be on the north side with parking to theeast, offering a larger buffer from the neighboring property.Per the County, the existing entry needs to be closed, with two new entrancesadded to reduce the traffic for this area of County Route 6.Mary Howard raised the question of parking for Staff and Guests of the event.Larry Saulpaugh and Tom Jantzen suggested the handicap parking be moved closerto the venue. Mary Howard also questioned the need for downward lighting andthe dark sky compliant fixtures. Kurt Andernach will research options fordownward lighting.Mary Howard noted the hours listed on the site plan need to be compliant, with themonths of operation as May-October, events starting at noon, live music ends at10:30PM and the event ends at 11:30PM.Points in George Schmidt’s letter were read and reviewed by Kurt Andernach.Changes to be made onto Site Plan is the location of the handicap parking, and toremove the existing entry. Verification will be made with the County HighwayDepartment if the existing entry may be blocked or has to be removed.ClaytonAndrus requested the parking area and walkway to the “textured” on the Site Plan.Motion for the Planning Board to be the lead agency was made by Clayton Andruswith a 2nd motion by Mary Howard. All in favor. So carried.
Anthony Arcoleo
207 Pleasant Vale Road ID#102.-2-3 ~ Anthony Arceleo came before the boardalong with Nick Demos, Engineer with HRV Engineers, Inc. Mr. Arceleo wishesto build a single family home in the front of the property and may want tosubdivide in the future for a second house in the back of the property. Mr. Demospresented future plans regarding a proposed home in the front of the property. Theproposed septic system would be either at the front of the property, which mayrequire fill in the wetland area or a pump for a septic system in the back of theproperty. A filed easement would be needed for a subdivision.George Schmidt stated the Columbia County Health Department takes the lead onseptic systems as well as a 50’ set back for the house. Motion was made by MaryHoward for a letter to be sent to the Health Department proposing a single familyhouse with septic in the front near the house. A sand filter is preferable to theextended pump system in the back. There would be no further subdivision of theparcel and the owner agreed. The motion to 2nd by Nathan Hempel. All in favor.So carried.
Larry Saulpaugh & Nancy Myers ~ Application was submitted for subdivisionof 63.2 acres located at 1960 Route 9, Clermont. ID# 181.00-01-10.1. LarrySaulpaugh recused himself. Motion was made by Tom Jantzen for a PublicHearing to be held March 9, 2016. 2nd by Nathan Hempel.Motion to adjourn was made at 9:30PM by Mary Howard. 2ND by ClaytonAndrus. All in favor. So carried.
Respectively Submitted,
Desiree Webber