FAMILY SWEETS - Route 9/Route 6 JOHN MORAN - Clermont Inn
NOVEMBER 12, 2008
The Clermont Planning Board held its regular meeting on Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those present were Laurence Saulpaugh, Robert Queirolo, Nancy Sperry, Garret O'Connor, Tom Jantzen, Aldo Dusman and Clayton Andrus. Others present were John Moran, Robert Desmond, Lisa Platti, Billy Cole, Ernest Martin, Engineer for Mr. Moran; Andy Howard, Attorney; Dan Wheeler, Engineer and Joyce and Jim Shaw.
Minutes: A motion to accept the October minutes was made by Clayton Andrus, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Nancy Sperry and seconded by Clayton Andrus to close the regular meeting and open the public hearing. All in favor. So carried.
FAMILY SWEETS: A retail store on the corner of Route 9 and Route 6. Certified receipts were presented for those letters of notification that were returned. The Chairman asked which of the trees were to be removed from behind the building for parking. The tree closest to the garage will be removed. Clayton asked what kind of surface for a parking lot. The Shaw's responded that the County said crushed stone would be acceptable. Clayton Andrus thinks that there needs to be something so that it looks like a parking lot. Clayton Andrus asked if we give them the approval tonight, when will the tree be taken down. The Shaws will have to contact Ross Fenn and it will get done. Robert Desmond asked what will be done to ensure that patrons do not back out onto Route 6. Clayton Andrus said there is something that can be done by limiting the space, so that they cannot back out. He proposed a series of post that they have to pull in and out between and that will ensure that they do not back onto Route 6. The posts can be set far enough back so they should not be hit by snowplows. Jim Shaw asked what is going to prevent them from backing out between them. Joyce Shaw asked why this wasn't mentioned before; they have been here for four months. Clayton Andrus has been considering this to try to correct the problem.
Tom Jantzen said he thinks the county approved the entrance and did not have an opinion on the parking situation. Joyce Shaw said the county did not ask them to do anything except go back forty feet. Joyce and Jim said that the county and state accepted responsibility for the front of the store and back of the store. Robert Quierolo said we are trying to make this as safe as possible for the public.
Andy Howard said that the board is legally entitled to considering all of these things until they have the final vote. If the parking lot is extended there would be room to back around without entering County Route 6. The County does not approve parking. The board has a responsibility for ingress and egress and could require fencing and curb cuts.
The Shaw's think that this board does not want their business in the town. Mr. Shaw thinks that posts, sticking up out of the ground, detract from the area. Please consider that when anyone comes to this board and they are backing out onto County Route 6.
Clayton Andrus said that when we are considering subdivisions, we make sure that they cannot back out onto the road. This is a new use and a commercial use.
Joyce asked about handicapped parking, it is wider than other parking spaces are the posts going to be in the way. The board did not think it would be, there is room. Robert Desmond said that a grassy area and shrubs might be better than posts. Tom said that the County and State have no say about the interior of the property, the Planning Board is responsible for these choices. Joyce said that if a car were to hit a split rail fence, it could cause it to be a projectile.
The Shaws agree that if the board wants posts they will do it every four feet with a fifteen foot opening, and what color would the board like? Anyone with a large vehicle will have to make a wide turn into the parking space or leaving the parking lot. Dan Wheeler thinks that fifteen feet would be wide enough but you could go to 17 or 19 feet. He thinks that fifteen feet would be enough. Mr. Shaw asked if they should reduce the depth for turning because they don't need it now. Mr. Shaw now does not want to go back 40 feet, Robert Queirolo thinks that they should put up a wooden fence if they don't want to put up posts. The Shaw's were not receptive to any suggestions made by the Board and left the hearing. The hearing was adjourned until next month on a motion made by Tom Jantzen, seconded by Aldo Dusman.
A motion was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Clayton Andrus to open the regular meeting.
CLERMONT INN: John Moran was present, as was Ernest Martin the engineer who described the changes to the site plan. There will be four apartments (5 bedrooms) and a tavern. The storage building in the back is no longer part of the application. The drainage report has been reviewed by Dan Wheeler's office. Site lighting and lighting on the building is shown. Chairman Saulpaugh asked about ingress and egress to the tenant parking. If coming off Route 8 you access from the back, from Route 9 on the south end only. Aldo Dusman asked about the septic. The fields are partially under blacktop and grass area. The field area will be about one foot higher than it is. It will not be exaggerated and you won't notice the difference. It will drain to the south and to catch basin. They have met with the Health Department and they are pleased with the test holes. It will all be graded for proper drainage. The curbing will be done in the spring.
Dan has not seen the final copy but he has been talking to Mr. Martin about these changes. He will have to review the drawings. Tom Jantzen asked about the tenant entrance. There is a separate entrance for tenants; it does not go through the tavern. Clayton asked about sidewalk lighting. There is only the coach lighting on the front of the building, but something could be incorporated. The applicant asked if the board could make an approval contingent on Dan reviewing the plans and satisfying the engineer. Approvals for the septic and approval from the State and County has been received.
SEQRA REVIEW: Andy Howard went through the application on the Clermont Inn.
Based upon the fact they have received permits from DOT and Health Dept and based upon Dan Wheeler's involvement with the project there is nothing of an environmental issue, a motion to declare a negative declaration was made by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Tom Jantzen. All in favor. So carried.
A motion to approve the application of John Moran, contingent on our engineer's approval of the plans, was made by Tom Jantzen and seconded by Aldo Dusman. All in favor. So carried.
WILLIAM COLE: Route 9G - Mr. Cole is proposing a lot line change to add 2.723 acres to a 3.032 acre parcel for storage buildings. He has had DOT at the site and they asked that test holes be dug to locate the end of the debris field. Once located, they asked that he keep 600 feet in each direction of the original dumpsite. He has received a driveway permit. Andy Howard advised the board that he was involved in a transaction between Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Cole and wants them to know this.
A motion was made to accept Mr. Cole's sketch plan by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Garret O'Connor.
A motion was made to adjourn by Nancy Sperry, seconded by Clayton Andrus.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon