AUGUST 24, 2016
The Clermont Zoning Board held it regular meeting on Wednesday, August 24, 2016 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Those in attendance were Deputy Chairman Peter Cichetti, Luke Kumburis and Donald VanWagner. Members absent were Hank Himelright and John Rusconi. Others present were Robert Desmond and Evan Hempel. Alternate Phyllis Heiko was absent.
PUBLIC HEARING: A motion was made to open the public hearing by Luke Kumburis, seconded by Don VanWagner on the application of William Cole for an accessory use of the property for storage use located at 3541 Route 9G, Tax Map ID#190-1-4. Mr. Cole did not appear for the hearing, so a motion was made to adjourn by Luke Kumburis, seconded by Don VanWagner. All in favor. So carried. Mr. Cole will be contacted.
Deputy Chairman Cichetti opened the meeting with a salute to the flag.
COUNTY ROUTE 6, TAX MAP ID#191.1-1-32 Applicants came into speak about a proposal on County Route 6 for a Dog dock jumping/diving facility They had appeared on application night to discuss their proposal but have not completed their application. Steve Bimbo, President and Shaun Uldrikis, Treasurer are members of Hudson River Air Dogs a 501-2 (C) not for profit organization. Ken Migliorelli, owner of the property, has offered the use of his 5.63 acre property on County Route 6. They are requesting a Special Permit with site plan review. They have also gone to the Planning Board and shown a sketch of their proposal. They will be getting someone to draw up their map. Their plan calls for a splash pool, 20’ x 40’, 4 foot high. There is no betting, no kenneling of dogs. The pool and deck for jumping are movable. Other than a storage shed, there would be no permanent structures. They would not be on-site full time. There is a pond on-site, which they will be getting the water sampled in the event that dogs drink from it. Usually, the dog owners do bring their own bottled water for their dogs. The events are held from May to September from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM on weekends. Once a month they hold a two-day event and once a month a one-day event for tryouts. Practices are held during the week for members only. They will have designated and overflow parking as well as handicap spaces. The pool is maintained by the members. They do have a barbecue/pot luck dinner but there is no charge for this. They are insured for the equipment, spectators and volunteers. The dogs are required to be leashed.
The Board will need a map showing utilities, wells, septic and existing buildings and parking. Also, they are to bring a copy of the deed, insurance and copies of their by-laws and rules when they return. They do have Mr. Migliorelli’s authorization to speak on his behalf.
They should see John Fieser about the regulations for an above ground pool.
Solar Farms – Robert Desmond explained that the Town Board did pass a 3-month moratorium on August 1, 2016 on Solar Energy Facilities and or Solar Farms. They also held a workshop to discuss changes to the zoning ordinance. The Town’s attorney is currently working on these changes.
Our attorney is working on changes to the zoning. One of the new definitions would be solar facilities larger than a ¼ acre and used off-site. Also, modifying existing definitions to pertain to residential use. Setbacks and screening for solar farms would be more stringent.
Peter wonders if the power company is going to accept the power. Thinks that Town should go to the power company and get a base plan of what their criteria is for solar farm. Evan Hempel explained that the power companies are very strict so the solar company goes to the local boards seek approval first then go to the power company.
Peter suggested that the applicants should have to put the screening in before the panels are put in because the applicants may not put in, as the board required.
The proposed changes call for there to be 100 foot setback front yard, 50-foot side yard, screening all sides, all seasons.
Luke is not for the automatic setbacks because in some cases this could make them more visible, but he does like the screening.
A motion was made by Don VanWagner to adjourn at 9:30 P.M., seconded by Luke Kumburis. All in favor. So carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon
For Tami Connolly, Secretary