OCTOBER 3, 2016
The Clermont Town Board held a public hearing on Local Law #2 of 2016 ‘Amending the Town Zoning Law Relative to Solar Energy’ on October 3, 2016 at 6:45 P.M. at the Clermont Town Hall. Those in attendance were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilwoman Dawn Brownson and Councilman Kris Gildersleeve. Councilman Evan Hempel was absent. Others present were Jeff Irish of Hudson Solar, Andy Howard, Town Attorney, Sara Takacs, Mary Howard, Jennifer Phillips and Ray Tousey.
The Clerk read the published public notice. Supervisor Staats asked if there were any comments from the Town Board members. Councilman Desmond would like to add to sections C2 and D5 that applicants will be responsible for maintaining all screening while solar equipment is in place.
Mr. Irish, of Hudson Solar, has one suggestion to add to the definitions of Section 5 - Solar Farm that ‘solar energy structural equipment’. The Supervisor thanked Mr. Irish for his input through this process. At his suggestion a height restriction of 20 feet was added to the amendments. The Board also thanked him for his input.
Once this Local Law is filed with the Secretary of State, the moratorium will be lifted.
With no other comments from anyone present, Supervisor Staats closed the public hearing at 6:55 P.M.
The regular meeting was opened by Supervisor Staats with the salute to the flag.
Our attorney read back the proposed amendments to Local Law #2 of 2016 as brought up during the public hearing: To amend the definition of Solar Farm by adding ‘solar energy structural equipment’ and in Section C2 and D5 add that ‘the applicant shall be responsible for maintaining all screening while the solar equipment is in place’.
A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to declare a negative declaration on SEQRA, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried. A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to adopt Local Law #2 of 2016 ‘Amending the Town Zoning Law Relative to Solar Energy’, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. A roll call vote followed: Councilman Desmond, aye; Councilwoman Brownson, aye; Councilman Gildersleeve, aye; Supervisor Staats, aye. Motion passed.
Supervisor Staats asked if there were any other questions for the attorney before he leaves. Mary Howard asked if now the applicant for a solar farm could move forward with the Planning and Zoning Boards. Mr. Howard replied that they could, as the filing with the Secretary of State will be done in the morning.
A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to accept the minutes of 9/6/16, seconded by Councilwoman Brownson. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Desmond to accept the minutes of the 9/13/16 special meeting, seconded by Councilman Gildersleeve. All in favor. So carried.
TOWN CLERK’S REPORT: The Clerk presented a check for the General Fund in the amount of $931.33 and a check for Trust and Agency in the amount of $725.00. A motion was made to accept the Clerk’s report for September by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
The Clerk has no written correspondence for the Board.
Web site: Several residents mentioned that the calendar on the website is not being updated with meetings. Supervisor Staats will speak with Councilman Hempel about this. At this time, we are looking for a new website format so this can be looked into.
- DEC: Councilman Desmond reported that DEC says the volatile compounds are low, material that they wanted tested which they thought was ash from brush burning, was done by highway superintendent. The contractor has stripped off the topsoil and will bring the topsoil material back in, and smooth the area out. The plan had been to bring in topsoil but it looks like they will use this instead. The Supervisor has not had a meeting with them but hopes that next week they will start getting updates. Councilman Desmond has not seen any evidence of digging for the entrance.
- Councilman Desmond talked to our Highway Superintendent about the Paver, which was purchased in 2008 and shared by Clermont, Livingston and Germantown. They are talking about renting a paver for a month to use and offering the old one for sale. Colarusso also does some of the paving because they can lay it down and it is cheaper. Supervisor Staats explained that it is an old machine and there is quite a bit of maintenance for a paver so it does make sense to rent.
- The heat in the Community House was not working but it may be the thermostat.
- Councilwoman Brownson has been talking with Hudson River Bank & Trust about a grant for the future park. They do fund recreational projects and they were pleased with our plans. Councilwoman Brownson will contact the Softball League/Little League, as they are probably a 501C3 not for profit and can act as our fiscal agent.
- The Village Green Election Day Dinner is Tuesday, November 8, 2016 from 5 PM to 7PM. Tickets are $12.00 for adults, $5.00 for children for a Roast beef dinner.
- The deadline to register to vote in the November 8th election is October 14, 2016 in person at the Board of Elections in Hudson or by mail with a clear postmark by October 14th. If you check their website there are additional times when you can go to the Board of Elections in person.
- DEC UPDATE: Supervisor Staats said that until we have a meeting with the contractor and DEC there is no more information. They seem to be on track according to the schedule that was given to the board. He will keep the public up-to-date and post on website when we have information.
Supervisor Staats covered some of the items in the 2017 Budget.
- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: $25,000 for a used mowing tractor for mowing roadsides.
- There are some salaries increases, which are proposed as follows:
Town Justices – increased from $5,300 to $5,450.
Court Clerk – increased by $205 to $4,400.
Highway Superintendent – 1 ½% increase to $48,090.00
Town Clerk – increased from $6,695 to $6,900.
- BROWNFIELDS: Increased budgeted amount of $75,000 by $20,000 to cover additional expenses. The entire project is from fund balance, not the taxpayers.
- ZONING: The Zoning Board Appeals salaries and Building Inspector's salary came out of the same budget line. Next year we are breaking these salaries to separate lines.
Previously, the building inspector was paid a salary and the fees for the inspections that he did. We are changing it to just the salary of $7,500.
- SALES TAX REVENUE: Increased the revenues for sales tax distribution in General and Highway by additional $10,000. The total is $320,000.00
- MORTGAGE TAX REVENUE: We are due to exceed the 2016 budget, so we have increased the 2017 budget from $35,000 to $40,000.
- CHIPS: An additional allocation $10,000 was received from the State to help with road paving. We are told we will get this for the next several years.
- Snow and Ice and Fuel was $1,000 because of the decrease in costs.
- TRANSFER TO CAPITAL RESERVE: We have $100,000 in this account for purchases of Equipment. We have increased to $35,000 for 2017. In the coming years we will need to purchase a 1 ton Dump Truck, pick up truck, tractor, and a 6 wheel dump truck which is a 6-7 years away.
The total Appropriations for General Fund and Highway Fund is $662,170.00.
The total estimated Revenues is $464,297.
The Appropriated Reserves is $30,000
The Appropriated fund balance is $63,293.00
The amount to be raised by taxes is 104,580.00
2016 tax rate per thousand was 49.88% and for 2017 it is 49.77%.
Councilman Gildersleeve asked about the appropriated reserves in the General fund. Supervisor Staats said that $5,000 is for expenditures for the park and $25,000 in Highway for the mower.
Supervisor Staats said we are on track to not use anything from the fund balance this year.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Brownson to accept the Tentative Budget for 2017, seconded by Councilman Desmond. The Supervisor advised that we would hold the Public Hearing on the Preliminary budget on Monday, November 7th at 6:45 P.M.
- ELECTION DAY DINNER: As was mentioned earlier the Election Day Dinner will be held on Tuesday, November 8th from 5 PM to 7PM. He is hoping all will come out to vote and have dinner.
- The County is still holding budget meetings. The County is doing the long-term purchases as we are for the highway. In 2008, there were 10 trucks purchased with a grant and it will be difficult to replace those at once. They are going to increase the funds allocated for replacements.
There are 29 large trucks on the road everytime it snows. Jennifer Phillips asked what the trucks are used for besides plowing. Supervisor Staats said that besides plowing in the winter, they are used for roadwork and hauling sand and gravel.
Councilman Gildersleeve asked if the County received additional funds for road paving? They did receive additional funds but are looking at taking money from the CHIPS funds to use for other things.
A motion was made to pay Highway abstract #10, vouchers 114-129 in the amount of $12,742.79 by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
A motion was made to pay General Abstract #10, vouchers #264 –284 in the amount of $5,205.36 by Councilwoman Brownson, seconded by Councilman Desmond. All in favor. So carried.
- Jennifer Phillips property borders half of the remediation site. She had talked to the construction crew because her concern was the disturbing of the area behind the apple trees. They say that they have to take down the oaks, but she did say they saved one of the trees on the northwest corner. They have some of the apple trees and some native trees that for now have remained. She is hoping that there will be some vegetative screening in the area where you can see her house and barn. She also said that she has had two incidences over the last month or so with people walking on the property with dogs. For the safety of her sheep, she is requesting a fence around her property, even though we are expecting people and people walking their dogs, they are the most threat to her sheep. She would like this to be paid by the town. Supervisor Staats asked her to let someone know if she sees something that doesn’t look right. Councilman Desmond said that because there was a lot of shale they did not remove the apple trees yet.
- Sarah Takacs: Her property is along the remediation area, dogs run on the property as well. She would like the Town to think about the fencing and screening. She has started to put in trees but hopes the town will as well.
- Supervisor Staats said that all the counties around Columbia County are allowing fireworks to be sold two times a year, July 4th and New Years. This will be coming up for a vote in the County soon and there are many other Town Supervisors who are in favor of this because of the sales tax coming in from the sales.
With no other business, a motion was made to adjourn at 7:55 P.M. by Councilman Gildersleeve, seconded by Councilman Desmond
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk