SEPTEMBER 26, 2016
The Clermont Town Board met on Monday, September 26, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall to conclude work on the 2017 Budget. Those present were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilman Robert Desmond, Councilwoman Dawn Brownson, Councilman Evan Hempel and Councilman Kris Gildersleeve. There was no else present.
General Fund Estimated Revenues:
A-1090 Interest & Penalties on Real Property Taxes – Reduced from $5,000.00 to $4,000.00 due to a decrease in 2016 of same.
A-1120 Non Property Tax Distribution (Sales Tax) – Increased from $155,000.00 to $160,000.00 due to continued increase of sales tax revenue countywide.
A-1170 Cable Franchise Fee – Decreased from $1500.00 to $1450.00.
A-1255 Town Clerk Fees – Increased from $1,000.00 to $1,200.00 – Anticipated increases based on 2016 revenues.
A-2115 Planning Fees – increased from $800.00 to $900.00 – anticipated increases based on 2016 revenues.
A-2401 Interest and Earnings – decreased from $1,000.00 to $900.00
A-2544 Dog Licenses – increased from $300.00 to $350.00 – anticipated increases based on 2016 revenues.
A-2555 Building Permits – increase from $2,500.00 to $4,500.00 based on 2016 revenues.
A-3005 Mortgage Tax – increased from $35,000.00 to $40,000 – Receipts for mortgage tax have been steady.
Total Estimated Revenues: $241,700.00
Appropriated Reserves:
Park Reserve – Subdivision Recreation Fees – amount contributed from subdivision fees from past years. The Clerk will check current amounts that have been paid.
Con Ed Reserve – Reduced from $75,000.00 to $20,000.00. Refer to Tentative Budget – reduced further to zero prior to meeting.
Total Appropriated Reserves: $25,000.00
Highway Fund Estimated Revenues:
DA1120 Non Property Tax (Sales Tax) – Increase from $155,000 to $160,000.00 due to increase in sales tax received.
DA2401 Interest and Earnings – Reduced from $600.00 to $500.00.
DA3501 Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) – Reduced from $46,490.00 to $46,486.00.
DA3505 Multi Modal (PAVE NY) - $10,611.00 additional revenues received for paving roads.
Total Estimated Revenues: $217,597.00
Appropriated Reserves
Highway Reserve – Increased from zero to $25,000.
Total Appropriated Reserves $25,000.00
Unexpended Fund Balance: $26,021.00
Highway Fund Appropriations:
DA9060.8 Hospital & Medical Insurance: Increased from $31,500 to $35,200.00 due to increase in insurance costs.
There was discussion as to whether to increase the Capital Reserve A-9950.9 in the Highway Appropriations for purchase of Highway trucks. The Supervisor reported that over the next six years the Highway Superintendent will need to purchase replacement trucks for several trucks that are aging out. Once they start being more expensive to repair it is time to start replacing them. There is a schedule for this replacement. The suggestion for 2017 is to increase the budget from $30,000.00 to $35,000.00. Councilman Hempel is in favor of reducing the roadwork to be done in 2017 by reducing Highway Improvements by $4000.00. The majority of the board is in favor of keeping the scheduled roadwork intact. At year’s end a compromise could be reached if the sales tax comes in higher.
The Tentative Budget for 2017 will be presented on October 3, 2016 at the regular meeting. The summary of the budget will be as follows:
Totals: Appropriations $662,170
Less Estimated Revenues $464,297
Less Appropriated Reserves $ 30,000
Less Appropriated Fund Balance $ 63,293
Amount to be raised by Taxes $104,580
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk