DECEMBER 1, 2008
The Clermont Town Board held its regular meeting on Monday, December 1, 2008 at 7:00 P.M.
Those present were Supervisor Raymond Staats, Councilwoman Dianne O'Neal, Councilman Richard Jones, Councilwoman Carol Lent and Councilman Chris Nolan.
There were seventeen residents present.
The meeting opened with the salute to the flag. The Supervisor set the date for the year-end meeting for Monday December 29, 2008 at 6:30 P.M. at the Town Hall.
MINUTES: Supervisor Staats noted a change on page 2, 2nd paragraph to add that ‘it is the opinion' of Councilwoman Lent that there are inaccuracies and questions about the finances, which did not get answered. Councilwoman Lent had no objection. A motion was made to approve the November minutes with correction by Councilwoman O'Neal, seconded by Councilman Jones. All in favor. So carried.
- Town Clerks Report: The Town Clerk presented checks for General Fund in the amount of $696.66 and Trust and Agency for $399.00. The Town Clerks report was approved on a motion made by Councilman Nolan, seconded by Councilman Jones. All in favor. So carried.
- The Clerk has had a request for use of the first floor of the Community House for January 3, 2009 by a town resident for a baby shower. There is no conflict and will be approved.
- Website Committee: Bram Moreinis reported that Stephen Hammer could not be here at tonight's meeting. It was suggested that the Supervisor have his own blog on the website to let people know what is upcoming in the town, etc.
- Resolution #61-08 to balance accounts for 2008. There was discussion about the balances in various accounts. After review of the November budget and revenue report, the resolution will be have to be changed because of a discrepancy in the Supervisors 1220.1 account. It is necessary to amend the resolution to decrease the Contingency 1990.4 by $3000.00 rather than the Supervisors 1220.1 account to balance the Buildings 1620.4.
- Councilman Nolan asked if the Local Laws recently adopted have been filed. He also suggested a column on the budget report for budget transfers made during the year.
A motion was made by Councilwoman O'Neal and seconded by Councilman Jones to approve resolution #61-08 as amended. All in favor. So carried.
- COMMUNITY HOUSE: Councilwoman O'Neal thanked Dennis and Diane Palazzo for the tiles for the bathrooms. Hot water has been added and the sink and toilet were replaced. Other work on the Community House is progressing.
- The Town Holiday Party is on Friday, December 5, 2008 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM at St. Luke's and the Community House.
- GARAGE: Councilman Jones is preparing a plan with no expense except for drafting.
- HISTORICAL SIGN: Councilman Jones suggested putting up a sign underneath the sign in front of the Town Hall with the meeting date. He will work with Councilwoman Lent.
- RADIOS: Councilwoman Lent asked if the town hall is the command center in the event of an emergency, and do we want to purchase a base radio with the grant money received. It was not specified that it had to be a base radio in the original grant so it was suggested to purchase portable radios. She will work with the Fire Chief.
- ZONING REVIEW COMMITTEE: Councilwoman Lent reported that the zoning board would be meeting on December 19th at 7:30 P.M. Jay Trapp is working on definitions and applications.
- NYSERDA: Councilman Nolan has spoken with Patrice Courtney Strong and they are scheduling the consultant for the energy audit, hopefully for this month. The charge would be $100.00 per building, totaling $300.00 and was approved earlier this year. Once you have the audit, you become eligible for grant money.
- QUADRICENTTENIAL: Appointment of Angela Goetz as Chair of Committee.
- TOWN ACCOUNTANT: Supervisor Staats read letters from the following: Austerlitz Supervisor Jahn, Stuyvesant Supervisor Bertram, Copake Supervisor Crowley, Taghkanic Supervisor Young, Ancram Supervisor Diaz, Hillsdale Supervisor Baer in regards to Brian Fitzgerald as their accountant and verbally spoke to Germantown and Livingston Supervisors. They reported that the reports from Mr. Fitzgerald are accurate. Councilwoman Lent would still like answers to her questions.
- ACKERMAN SUBDIVISION: Andy Howard is not able to be here for tonight's meeting. He has met with Mr. Ackerman, his attorney and Ray Jurkowski, our engineer for the project. He is working on a signed agreement with Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman so that the Town can take over the road and any further work to be completed can be done by our Highway Superintendent. There was further discussion, and Councilwoman Lent recommended that only a letter of credit be acceptable from an applicant in the future. A motion was made to approve the Supervisor signing the agreement with the stipulation that there are no other judgements on the property by Councilwoman O'Neal, seconded by Councilman Jones. All in favor. So carried.
- SURVEY: Robert Ihlenburg, surveyor. It is necessary to complete an ALTA survey of the entire former Hettling site with metes and bounds descriptions. Robert Ihlenburg's estimate of ALTA survey is $3400 to $3800. This must be done before anything can be done on the parcel. Councilman Jones suggested an estimate from Robert Zimmerman and Phil Massaro. Carol will check about reimbursement from State on survey. A copy of the resolution indicating that town will enter into ERP needs to be sent to C. T. Male. It was thought that this was done previously.
- INSURANCE: Supervisor Staats has advised Jean Valk of Fingar Insurance that we are seeking quotes for insurance.
- ENGINEERING: The Board will conduct interviews for a Town engineer to represent the Town on Planning Board and other matters that may arise. Ray Jurkowski of Morris Associates has left a resume. They will ask Ray Jurkowski and Dan Wheeler to attend on December 29th at 5:30 P.M. to be interviewed.
- LEGAL FEES: Dick would like to see the hours cut back on the attorney attending the town board meeting. The attorney will only attend as the Supervisor feels it is necessary.
- ACCOUNTANT: Councilwoman Lent suggested, in order to save money, the possibility of hiring a bookkeeper to keep the books and a CPA for the annual report. Supervisor will check into this.
Seeking volunteers for this committee. Councilman Jones volunteered to be on Committee. Councilman Nolan attended a meeting at the State Park and they are very supportive of the plan.
- Mortgage Tax check received for 4th quarter for $33,509.17. Total received for year is approximately $58,000.00.
- Reimbursement by DEC of 90% for C. T. Male invoices in the amount of $10,558.71
- Court Justices Fines and Fees check for $l705.00
- Supervisor Staats has been checking into reinvestment of funds. He has found that some local banks do not deal with municipalities. The CD rate is 1.15%; we are getting more in Money Market account. Supervisor will check with the Kinderhook Bank and Bank of America.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Thanked the Highway crew for putting up the decorations on the Town Hall and St. Luke's.
HUMAN SERVICES: Many applications have been received for HEAP by OFA and DSS.
COUNTY WIDE ASSESSING: The County is sending a survey to the towns and the assessor for input.
COUNTY COURTHOUSE: Designer has been picked for the redesign of the Courthouse.
OCKAWAMICK BUILDING: The County is working on which departments will be transferred.
REAL PROPERTY TOUR: Viewing properties, which will be foreclosed for taxes.
Councilman Nolan made a motion to approve General abstract #12, vouchers #351-389 with Voucher #377 voided, in the amount of $16,314.78. Seconded by Councilwoman O'Neal. All in favor. So carried.
Councilman Nolan made a motion to approve Trust and Agency abstract #12, vouchers #65-69 in the amount of $1728.75. Seconded by Councilwoman Lent. All in favor. So carried.
Councilman Nolan made a motion to approve Highway Abstract #12, vouchers #130-148 in the amount of $13,772.17. Seconded by Councilman Jones. All in favor. So carried.
Robert Desmond - Commended the Board for looking to other towns about the accountant. He asks that the Board remain vigilant in checking on the accountant.
He also noted that performance bonds with an expiration date are the problem, if you do use them there should be no expiration date, as was noted by Andy Howard.
On the engineer, Ray Jurkowski seemed to be very competent, as is Dan Wheeler.
On Countywide assessment, it should be considered that there may be no local interaction with the Town Assessor or the Board of Review, that residents may have to go to the county with a question or a grievance on their assessments, and this could be inconvenient.
Judy Neary asked if the Town has been registered for the quadricentennial. Councilwoman O'Neal responded that we have been. She also asked if the Supervisor has checked with the County to see if they would consider tax payments twice a year. He will check. She asked if the windows are going to be covered in plastic if we can't get storm windows this year. Councilwoman O'Neal reported that the historical and building committee recommended spending money on insulation in attic to conserve heat. Judy suggested plastic on the windows if the storms cannot be done this year. Supervisor Staats will look into this also.
Keep Farming - Raymond talked to Virginia Kasinki and she would like to meet with Germantown, Livingston and Clermont to discuss how to get back our half of money.
Ms. Kasinki also requested getting Judy involved.
Residents of Trout Creek Road raised questions about the tax increase of 66%. Supervisor Staats explained that this is a $.24 per thousand of assessed value increase on the Town tax portion. The increase is on the $.37 per thousand of assessed value so the total will be $.61 per thousand of assessed value. There was further discussion about assessments.
Elizabeth Mahar questioned why the school districts are basing the taxes on market value and not the assessed value. Some residents feel that the town should do the reevaluation because putting it off isn't going to help. Supervisor Staats reiterated that the reassessment would be done if there is money to do it. It was suggested to have the school and town meet to discuss this. Some residents expressed their support towards the movement to change from property taxes to either income or sales tax.
Councilwoman Lent raised questions about the agricultural exemptions in the Assessors Report attached to the budget. It appears that there are people on the list, which should no longer have the agricultural exemption, and this has an effect on our taxes. She will follow up with the assessor.
Payment was made to Admidon Builders, per the contract in three payments totaling $18,000.00 for the work done on the windows of the Community House. There was discussion about prevailing wage and reporting.
A motion was made to adjourn by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilwoman O'Neal at 9:40 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Helen Shannon, RMC
Town Clerk